属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美欧贸易摩擦加剧 瑞信爆监视高管丑闻 富国银
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 普京连任俄罗斯总统 沙特与加拿大"翻
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商用飞机 庞巴迪公司点燃了导火线
1 | 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年),它被明朝取代 | A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368)established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing.It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. | |
2 | 在成吉思汗之前他们就开始歌唱了,在原子弹时代之后,它们还会继续歌唱。那引起想法使我高兴,所以我又低诵这两行诗,因为我心中充满了感激之情。 | They sang before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb. Those thoughts make me glad and I murmur the words again, because I am also grateful. | |
3 | 征服与被征服-从忽必烈“治天下”的制度措施看军事征服与经济文化征服的关系 | To Conquer and Being Conquered-Relationship between Military and Economic-cultural Conquest as Seen in Kublai Khan ’s Policy of "Governing a Country" | |
4 | 中毒和去毒:论柯立芝的忽必烈 | Intoxication and Detoxication: Coleridge as a Modernist and Modernity in "Kubla Khan " | |
5 | 中国进一步加强了与南亚国家的关系,2003年3月,巴基斯坦总理贾迈利对中国进行正式访问5月,胡锦涛主席在圣彼得堡会见了印度总理瓦杰帕伊。 | China further strengthened the relations with South Asian nations. In March 2003, Pakistan Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali paid a formal visit to China; | |
6 | 中统指元代中统年号(1271-1386),当时元代皇帝是忽不烈.汗。元宝是指该纸币以金银为本位.而交钞则指钱。 | Zhong Tong was the reign title of the Mongol Yuan dynasty(1271-1386)Emperor Kublai Khan . The words Yuan Bao referred to a kind of gold and silver coin upon which the paper currency was based, and Jiao Chao meant money.. | |
7 | "欧盟应该有两种战斗机来互相牵制",一位来自法国兴业银行的国防工业分析师Zafar Khan说,"下一代的欧洲战机应该能更加协调的朝一个方向努力"。 | "Europe should not have two jets fighting each other," says Zafar Khan , a defence-industry analyst at Societe Generale, a French bank. The next generation of European fighter jets, he says, should be a more co-ordinated effort. | |
8 | ||1:大多数登山者爬到山顶的时候,身上都少不了各种绳带的勒痕。||2:罗杰·佩恩(Roger Payne)却非如此。||3:虽然他在30年的登山生涯中初次登过中国的格罗夫纳山,哈萨克斯坦的汗腾格里峰和托木尔峰——但他登山时优先考虑的是轻装上阵,不留踪迹。||4:他心目中的英雄大都是20世纪初期的登山家,有乔治·马洛里(George Mallory)、汤姆·隆斯塔夫(Tom Longstaff)、弗雷迪·查普曼(Freddie Chapman)等人,他们都是仅靠一身花呢上装和一双皮靴就征服了众多世界高峰的人。||5:和他们一样,罗杰·佩恩也是以小队形式登山,而且常常是他与妻子(朱利安·克里玛(Julie-Ann Clyma),也是一名登山者)只身二人出征。||6:他不带氧气装置,也不用固定绳,而且还会把登山路上看到的垃圾和废弃的登山用具从山上带下来:除了自己的废弃物,他还会捡拾别人扔掉的破帐篷和被遗弃的空箱子盒子什么的。||7:在他1993年攀登乔戈里峰(K2)的时候,他还发现并带回了美国登山者阿特·吉尔凯(Art Gilkey)(于1953年,死于雪崩)的遗物,包括几块较轻且干净的尸骨和一些破旧的衣物。 | ||1:MOST climbers simply chafe to reach the tops of mountains.||2:Roger Payne was different.||3:Although he had several first ascents to his name—Mount Grosvenor in China, Khan Tengri and Pobeda in Kazakhstan, in a career spanning 30 years—his priority was to go lightly, and leave no trace.||4:His heroes were the alpinists of the early 20th century, George Mallory, Tom Longstaff, Freddie Chapman and the rest, who had climbed the world’s greatest peaks in tweed jackets and leather boots.||5:Like them, he went in a tiny team, often only with his wife, Julie-Ann Clyma, who was also a mountaineer.||6:He took no oxygen, and avoided using fixed ropes.||7:Every piece of rubbish or equipment was brought down off the mountain: not only his own, but also the tattered tents and empty cartons discarded by other people. | |
9 | ||1:瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)董事长表示,该行对前高管伊克巴尔·汗(Iqbal Khan)进行监视是错误的,因为担心他会挖走员工和客户。||2:该行的首席运营官(他承认是私自下令实施了此次行动)以及安全部门负责人辞职。||3:瑞士第二大银行召集的一家律师事务所进行的审查表明,首席执行官迪德简·蒂亚姆(Tidjane Thiam)没有参与此事。||4:蒂亚姆与伊克巴尔·汗的关系紧张;据报道,这对冤家曾在一月份的鸡尾酒会上大吵一架。 | ||1:The chairman of Credit Suisse said the bank had been wrong to conduct surveillance on Iqbal Khan , a former executive, over fears he would lure away staff and clients.||2:The bank’s chief operating officer, who admitted to acting alone in ordering the operation, and the head of security, resigned.||3:A review by a law firm called in by Switzerland’s second-biggest bank cleared Tidjane Thiam, the chief executive, of any involvement.||4:Mr Thiam had an acrimonious relationship with Mr Khan ; the pair reportedly had a blazing row at a cocktail party in January. | |
10 | ||1:在今年其他国家的大选中,哥伦比亚在选举伊凡·杜克(Ivan Duque)为总统时转向保守派。||2:由于主要反对党候选人被禁止参选,弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)轻松连任俄罗斯总统。||3:巴基斯坦新总理伊姆兰汗(Imran Khan)上台,尽管这位前板球明星得到了军方不公正的帮助。||4:意大利组建了一个新的民粹主义联盟,但在解决该国日益严重的债务问题方面收效甚微。 | ||1:In the year’s other big elections, Colombia took a conservative turn when it elected Iván Duque as president.||2:With the main opposition candidate barred from running, Vladimir Putin was easily re-elected as Russia’s president.||3:Pakistan got a new prime minister in Imran Khan , though the former cricket star had unsporting help from the army.||4:Italy got a new populist coalition, which did little to tackle the country’s mounting debt problem. | |
11 | 正如兴业银行的扎法尔?汗说的,C系列飞机时一种新的飞机机体和新的引擎,双重的风险。 | And as Zafar Khan of Societe Generale, a bank, notes, the CSeries is a new airframe and a new engine, a double risk. | |
12 | “阿联酋和卡塔尔显然在退步”,国际劳工组织的汗先生表示。 | "The UAE and Qatar have definitely regressed, " says the ILO’s Mr. Khan . | |
13 | “莫伊不仅仅是个新奇的草坪装饰品,”莫伊的制造者、卡耐基-梅隆大学艺术系客座副教授奥斯曼·卡恩(OsmanKhan)说。 | ’This is not just a fancy lawn ornament, ’ says Moe’s creator, Osman Khan , a visiting assistant professor of art at Carnegie Mellon. | |
14 | “去看她光汽油我就要花50美元,”现年52岁的Khan住在新泽西的Teaneck,在市中心曼哈顿区经营一家加油站。 | It costs me $50 in gas to visit her, said Khan , 52, who lives in Teaneck, N. J. , and manages a gas station in midtown Manhattan. | |
15 | “他是个优秀的工程师和电路设计师。”TrevorBlyth,曾与Khan共同开发过多项专利的同事如是说。 | "He’s a good engineer and circuit designer, " said Trevor Blyth, who has been awarded a number of patents in conjunction with Mr. Khan . | |
16 | “这就好比你把威尼斯放进了堪萨斯州,”唐莱森说。他是一个新的成吉思汗展的制作人,该展现正在国内巡回展出。 | "It was as if you put Venice in Kansas, " says Don Lessem, producer of a new Genghis Khan exhibit touring the country now. | |
17 | “这是极大的伪善”,国际劳工组织(ILO)的阿兹法尔.汗认为。 | "It’s breathtaking hypocrisy, " says Azfar Khan , with the International Labor Organization (ILO). | |
18 | “这些可能更适合卖给卡迪尔的另外两个顾主,伊朗和朝鲜的。”科学和国际安全研究所称。 | "These would have been ideal for two of Khan ’s other customers, Iran and North Korea, " it said. | |
19 | 《我的名字叫可汗》就是今年新上映的宝莱坞电影之一。 | " My Name is Khan " is one of the big Bollywood releases of the year. | |
20 | 1206年,他向全世界宣告了大蒙古帝国的建立,800年后,成吉思汗再次君临天下,塑造他的是重达250吨的不锈钢。 | Eight hundred years after he declared the Great Mongolian State in 1206, Genghis Khan rides again, all 250 stainless-steel tons of him. | |
21 | 1220年,成吉思汗率领二十万人的强大军队彻底摧毁了这座城市。 | Genghis Khan , at the head of a 200, 000-strong army, completely destroyed the city in 1220. | |
22 | 2005年,Khan先生就曾为其在加州大学伯克利分校商学院的同学们举行过这样的聚会。 | In 2005, Mr. Khan threw one such party for his fellow business school graduates of the University of California, Berkeley. | |
23 | Khan先生同时通过转让数项专利所有权给SST,而获得了SST的期权。 | Mr. Khan has received credit for several patents in recent years that are now the property of SST. | |
24 | Khan先生有约30多项以自己名字申请的专利,其中大多是关于模拟与记忆芯片的。 | Mr. Khan has about 30 patents to his name, most of them tied to analog and memory chips. | |
25 | 阿富汗,Korengal谷:族长老ShamShirKhan在美国士兵向塔利班方向开火的时候塞住耳朵。 | Korengal Valley, Afghanistan: Chief elder Sham Shir Khan plugs his ear as US soldiers fire mortars at a Taliban position | |
26 | 奥马尔·罕是《卫报》记者就空袭采访的11个村民之一。 | Omar Khan was one of 11 villagers the Guardian interviewed about the airstrike. | |
27 | 巴基斯坦电台的普什图语广播并未遍及整个部落区,可汗接着说道。 | The Pashto-language broadcasts of Radio Pakistan are not transmitted throughout FATA, Khan adds. | |
28 | 宝藏属于成吉思汗和忽必烈——伟大的蒙古征服者和他的孙子; | The treasure is that of Genghis and Kublai Khan , the great Mongolian conqueror and his grandson. | |
29 | 贝琳达去斯瓦特村庄的旅程开始于五年前,她在英国踏上火车那一刻遇到了叶海亚汗。 | Belinda’s journey to the Swat Valley began some five years ago when she stepped on to a train in the UK and met Yahya Khan . | |
30 | 贝娜齐是同一个公园里受害的第二位巴基斯坦领导人,一九五一年也在此地,雅奎特·阿里·汉饮弹身亡。 | Benazir was killed in the same park where Pakistan’s second leader, Liaquat Ali Khan , was gunned down in 1951. |