属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学人 优秀文章:强生公司走出困境了吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-经济学人 优秀文章:强生公司走出困境了吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-强生公司 走出困境了吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-强生公司 走出困境了吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- The World This Week Busine
1 | 本规则的焦点集中在很多国家中普遍存在的支付回扣的做法,这把我们带回到案例里的困境 | This chapter’ s focus on the practice of paying kickbacks , prevalent in many countries, brings us back to the dilemma of our case study | |
2 | 存在一些问题,房租太高,谈合同争吵不休,各种税收名目繁多,劳动力太贵,贪污、受贿,还存在着官僚主义。 | There are exorbitant rents for offices, too much bickering about contracts, too many special taxes, labour that is too expensive, plus corruption, kickbacks , and the Chinese bureaucrats. | |
3 | 大家都以为我们的议员肯定会再次当选的,但是他现在可碰到麻烦事了,他的对手指责他在对某项提案进行投票方面接受贿赂,而且他们好像还有证据。 | We thought our congressman was a sure bet to be re-elected. But he’s in real trouble--his opponent charges him with getting kickbacks for voting a certain way and seems to have some evidence to prove it. | |
4 | 腐败的标准定义是滥用公众权力为个人谋利,包括政府官员受贿、政府采购中接受回扣和挪用公款。 | The standard definition of corruption is the misuse of public power for private benefit, which includes the bribing of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the embezzlement of public funds. | |
5 | 根据国家媒体公布,成克杰和他的情人李平仅从一家公司受贿和接受回扣就达2900万元(合350多万美元)。 | Mr. Cheng, together with his mistress, Li Ping, had received more than RMB 29 million (USD 3.5 million)in bribes and kickbacks from only one company, according to the state media. | |
6 | 何况,我拿回扣公司仍然赚钱。 | Moreover, the company will still make money if I take kickbacks . | |
7 | 回扣金额没有记录在会计账簿上。 | With kickbacks , the commission is not in the accounting records. | |
8 | 或者在经济往来中,违反国家规定,给予各种名义的回扣、手续费的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役 | Or in economic activities gives kickbacks or service charges in violation of state provisions, is to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or to criminal detention | |
9 | 加大对收受回扣、“红包”和乱收费等问题的治理力度 | Redouble efforts to prevent kickbacks , “red envelop” bribes and other improper charges | |
10 | 利用职权收受贿赂、回扣或其它不法利益者。 | Using job titles to accept bribes, kickbacks or illegal benefits. | |
11 | 论单位受贿罪“账外暗中”的若干问题 | Discuss Some Problems about Give Kickbacks in Secret out of Account in the Crime of Bribe Taking by a Unit | |
12 | 面对激烈的竞争,为了生存,ABC公司采取了提供优惠价格的普遍做法,给顾客回扣。 | To survive fierce competition, it adopted the common practice of offering special prices. 1t gave kickbacks to customers. | |
13 | 认为回扣是一种文化本身所固有的现象,是一种肤浅的理解,它忽视了一小部分人可以从这些交易中最终获利的事实。 | This superficial understanding of kickbacks as inherent in a culture overlooks the fact that a limited number of people ultimately profit from such deals. | |
14 | 市政府里的每个人都收回扣,在那里只有送红包,事情才办得成。 | Everyone at City Hall is receiving kickbacks . It’s the only way to get anything done there. | |
15 | 这家公司的进退两难,说明为了吸引更多顾客而支付回扣或者行贿的做法在中国盛行。 | The dilemma of this company reflects the widespread practice in China of paying kickbacks or bribes in order to attract more customers. | |
16 | ||1:司法部表示,强生的不轨行为发生在1999年至2004年间,他们称,强生使用返利、补贴等回扣方式鼓励一家专供养老院的药店“Omnicare”向患者推荐他们的药品。||2:检查官说,在被告知尚不明确这些药物是否适用老年人的情况下,强生依然我行我素,继续推销他们的药品。||3:4月11日,政府律师要求法官迫使当时负责相关业务的高斯基先生出庭作证。||4:如果法官同意,强生可能会更希望庭外和解。 | ||1:The department says that J&J’s questionable antics took place between 1999 and 2004.It alleges that the company used rebates, grants and other kickbacks to encourage Omnicare, a pharmacy for nursing homes, to recommend its drugs to patients.||2:Prosecutors say that J&J continued to push sales of a drug even after warnings that it had not been properly studied in old people.||3:On April 11th the government’s lawyers asked a judge to compel Mr Gorsky, who oversaw the implicated business at the time, to testify.||4:If the judge agrees, J&J may find a settlement attractive. | |
17 | ||1:制药厂被迫缴纳数十亿美元,他们被处罚的理由是未经批准销售药物,为扩大销售支付回扣,或者二者兼而有之,有的公司对支付患者医药费用的全民医疗保险项目进行欺瞒。||2:2011年最后一季度,雅培表示,他们已为公司的营销行为准备了15亿美元的罚款。||3:安进表示为同样的目的他们也保留了7.8亿美元,葛兰素史克宣布他们们与司法部之间达成了一个金额高达30亿美元的协议。 | ||1: Billions have been wrung out of drugmakers. The firms have been charged with marketing drugs for unapproved uses, paying illegal kickbacks to raise sales, or both, cheating the public-health programmes that foot the bill. ||2: In the last quarter of 2011 Abbott said it had reserved $1.5 billion to pay penalties for its marketing practices. ||3: Amgen said it had reserved $780m for a similar purpose, and GlaxoSmithKline announced a staggering $3 billion agreement with the department. | |
18 | 他们被处罚的理由是未经批准销售药物,为扩大销售支付回扣, | The firms have been charged with marketing drugs for unapproved uses, paying illegal kickbacks to raise sales, | |
19 | 他们称,强生使用返利、补贴等回扣方式鼓励一家专供养老院的药店“Omnicare”向患者推荐他们的药品。 | It alleges that the company used rebates, grants and other kickbacks to encourage Omnicare, a pharmacy for nursing homes, to recommend its drugs to patients. | |
20 | 中国公安部指控英国药物公司葛兰索史克的不法营业手段,此公司贿赂三个城市的医生给患者开自家生产的药品,并且从会议费中扣取回扣。在过去十年中,中国已经变成葛兰索史克公司首要成长型市场。 | China’s Ministry of Public Security accused GlaxoSmithKline, a British drugs company, of bribing doctors in three cities to prescribe its medicines to patients and of receiving kickbacks through conference fees. China has been an important growth market for GSK over the past decade. | |
21 | Devine周一不承认收受回扣的指控。 | Devine on Monday pleaded not guilty to the charges of accepting kickbacks . | |
22 | 财务顾问与这些理财机构是否有个人关系、或因为介绍你的业务从理财公司拿回扣? | Do the advisers have a personal relationship with the managers or get kickbacks from referring you? | |
23 | 腐败是俄罗斯最大的祸患,基础设施投资因巨额回扣问题而寸步难行。 | Corruption is Russia’s worst scourge and the state cannot carry out infrastructure investment because of huge kickbacks . | |
24 | 傅被指控通过黄把体育场馆建设项目发包给企业,并从中收取回扣。 | Fu was charged with awarding sports construction projects to companies through Huang, and taking kickbacks . | |
25 | 韩国总统卢武铉否认2002年赢得大选后接受过三星集团公司的回扣。 | South Korea President Roh Moo-hyun denied the allegation that he received kickbacks from the Samsung Group after winning the 2002 election. | |
26 | 回扣是指为了影响公司或某人,从而或取得某些东西而给出的款项或服务。 | n n n Kickbacks are payment or offering of services with the intent to influence or gain something from a company or a person. | |
27 | 接下来《麦根周刊》又发表了一篇关于农业部相似的超额支付和回扣的报道。 | Next Veja reported on similar over payments and kickbacks at the agriculture ministry. | |
28 | 某些医生给病人开具特定的处方药而获得其生产厂家回扣的做法是一个公开的秘密。 | It is an open secret that some doctors get kickbacks from drug manufacturers for prescribing their drugs. | |
29 | 纽约检查总长起诉英特尔,起诉其利用变相回扣打击对手,保护自己的市场。 | Intel is being sued by the New York attorney general, accused of using disguised kickbacks to protect its market | |
30 | 强生还被指控通过支付回扣和其他经济手段来推广未经临床实验认可的药品和器械。 | It has been accused of paying kickbacks and using other financial incentives to promote off-label use of drugs and devices. |