属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-波兰政府 继图斯克之后
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-药物 赠人玫瑰手有余香
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:美国同性恋夜店发生枪击事件 逾50人遇难
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-侮辱性广告 人身攻击
1 | 人们说,要是荆豆过了花期,那接吻也就不合时尚了。 | People say that when gorse is out of bloom,kissing is out of fashion. | |
2 | 他们并不吻你,摸触你,便是他们却把心灵向你盘托出。那是很有趣的。不过他们的心是多么冷酷啊 | It was fun. Instead of men kissing you, and touching you with their bodies, they revealed their minds to you. It was great fun! But what cold minds! | |
3 | 他们在热情地接吻。 | They were kissing passionately. | |
4 | 他又开始以民主党选民的目标,依年龄、族裔、职业等等,进行一项大规模直接通信竞选。为了给他的形象增加活力,他到处奔走。众院的工作,除了非做不可的以外,一概搁置,以便致力于亲吻孩童和与群众握手。 | He has also begun an extensive direct-mail campaign that is targeting Democratic voters by age,ethnicity and occupation,among other things.And to give life to his image,he pounds the pavement.He skips all but his most vital duties in the House to devote himself to baby kissing and pressing the flesh. | |
5 | 他坐到她身旁,伸一只手到她的背下,另一只手在她的胸前,开始一次又一次地吻她的脸,发出好象鱼那样吮吸的声音。 | The boy dropped down by her side and put one arm under her and the other over her and began methodically kissing her face, making little noises like a fish. | |
6 | 太阳刚刚染红地平线。 | The sun was just kissing the horizon. | |
7 | 停车亲热把车停在僻静处并在车里亲吻或爱抚 | Kissing or caressing in a vehicle stopped in a secluded spot | |
8 | 同...交情不错 | be on kissing term with... | |
9 | 吻痕,吮痕调情时咬、吻或吸皮肤所形成的红色痕迹 | A reddish mark on the skin caused by kissing , biting, or sucking, as in lovemaking. | |
10 | 吻一个烟民就象吻一个烟灰缸 | Kissing someone who smokes is like kissing an ashtray. | |
11 | 我看见他在吻她。 | I see him kissing her. | |
12 | 我们路过这儿上摩天岭去。 | We are passing through on our way to sky-kissing Peak. | |
13 | 我知道这一切,因为我从树上的小房子里看到了.爸爸就在楼上.与卢卡斯夫人接吻…… | I know because, from my viewpoint in the tree house, I could see that he was upstairs. Kissing Mrs Lucas. | |
14 | 我撞见他在吻我的妻子. | I discovered him kissing my wife. | |
15 | 依然逗留在发尖--爱,你看它;有多么黑!我借轻轻的一吻,吐出 | Thus, with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath | |
16 | 有所偏爱就有所照顾。 | Kissing goes by favor. | |
17 | 约瑟伏在他父亲的面上哀哭,与他亲嘴。 | and Joseph put his head down on his father’s face, weeping and kissing him. | |
18 | 岳庙甬道两旁,古树参天,与庙后的栖霞岭连成一片,整座庙宇置于肃穆的氛围之中。 | Towering over the flagged stone path on both sides are sky-kissing ancient trees which spill over the temple grounds to merge with the wooded slopes of Rosy Cloud Hill, investing the memorial edifice with an air of great majesty and solemnity | |
19 | 在投篮项目中,一对对参赛选手要一边接吻一边向篮圈内投尽可能多的球。 | In the basketball event, couples had to get as many balls through the hoops as possible while kissing . | |
20 | 在游泳池里拥吻是世界各地人们夏季里的一大欢乐--但是在一家意大利的一家水上游乐园里,它成为一项竞技体育比赛同时也蕴涵着巨大的商机。 | Kissing by the pool is one of the joys of summer the world over--but at one Italian aquapark, it’s a competitive sport and a business opportunity. | |
21 | 这次比赛包括一些传统项目,例如时间最长的接吻--荣获此项冠军的两个人接吻长达32分钟。但是比赛更多的是不寻常的项目,如水下接吻,最终获胜的一对持续了29秒。 | The games included some traditional events such as the longest kiss--won by a couple whose lips remained locked for 32 minutes--but there were more unusual contests such as underwater kissing , with the winning couple lasting 29 seconds. | |
22 | 这孩子真可爱,我不由得把他吻了一下. | The child was so lovely that I could not help kissing it. | |
23 | 只要打开电视,总是看到人们在榭寄生树枝下拥吻,还有’为她买一颗钻石吧--她就会爱上你’之类的广告。 | Everything you see on TV has people kissing under mistletoe and ’Buy her a diamond--she’ll love you!’ | |
24 | 总统办公室提供的录像带上显示,新人面带笑容,在结婚登记处登记,并互相亲吻。 | Videotapes released by the president’s office showed the smiling couple signing a wedding register and kissing | |
25 | ||1:哈米迪的政府内肃清运动为他招来众多敌人,其中多数是商业大亨,他们称哈米迪为卡扎伊家族的傀儡、拴着链子的走狗。这让哈米迪大为光火。||2:不过,他的确曾出售给卡尔扎伊另一个兄弟穆哈穆德·卡尔扎伊10,000公顷土地,用以建造艾诺米娜住房高级住房发展中心。但是,此中心是目前阿富汗同类项目中最好的一个,未来十年内将一直会是该市最佳财源。||3:有些政治掮客他必须得同他们搞好关系。||4:他敢毫无顾忌走上街头,对孩子们咧着嘴笑,时不时还亲亲他们,对路上随地小便的男人大吼——他敢这样是因为有警察局长阿卜杜·拉扎克护驾。但是,拉扎克任由附近巴基斯坦边境出毒品进出,而且,他手下的人肯定脱不了干系。 | ||1: Mr Hamidi’s enemies, most of them businessmen offended by his cleaning-up exercises, called him a puppet of the Karzais, their dog on a leash. That infuriated him. ||2: Yes, he had sold 10,000 acres of land to Mahmoud Karzai, another brother, to build the exclusive Aino Mina estate, but that was the best such project in Afghanistan, beautiful houses that would be the city’s best source of income for a decade. ||3: Some powerbrokers he needed to befriend. ||4: He dared to walk the streets openly,grinning and kissing children and yelling at men who were relieving themselves in the road, because he also had the protection of Abdul Razak, the police chief; but Colonel Razak watched the flow of narcotics across the nearby Pakistan border, and his force was not above suspicion. | |
26 | ||1:她至少有一个短暂的优势。||2:卡钦斯基对图斯克的晋升感到措手不及,似乎不确定是要恭喜他还是贬低他的成就。||3:对于女性卡钦斯基就像古代行吻手礼的绅士,这使他在攻击女性对手时显得尤为笨拙。||4:公民纲领党最新的愿望是可以赢得11月份的地方选举。||5:明年春天总统选举因为对于公民纲领党的现任领导人布罗尼斯瓦夫·科莫洛夫斯基来说犹如探囊取物,因而毫无悬念。||6:这使科帕奇在她为前所未有的第三次大选胜利努力前只有一年多的时间来巩固她的党派。 | ||1:She also has at least one momentary advantage.||2:Mr Kaczynski was caught flat-footed by Mr Tusk’s promotion, seeming uncertain whether to congratulate him or denigrate his achievement.||3:With a hand-kissing old-world approach to women, he has tended to be clumsy in attacking female rivals.||4:Civic Platform’s new hope is that it may win November’s local elections.||5:Next spring’s presidential vote is a forgone conclusion, with the Civic Platform incumbent, Bronislaw Komorowski, likely to romp home.||6:That gives Ms Kopacz just over a year to shore up her party before she tries for an unprecedented third general election victory. | |
27 | 但这数字有可能改变:11月8号,全球健康革新科技基金宣布它的首笔用于改进疟疾、肺结核和锥虫病的治疗手手段的拨款。 | That may change. On November 8th the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund announced its first grants, to advance treatments for malaria, tuberculosis and Chagas disease, a potentially fatal and frequently debilitating ailment spread by ghastly, bloodsucking “kissing bugs”. | |
28 | 枪手的父亲回忆说,他的儿子最近在迈阿密看到两男子接吻感到很愤怒,称这可能与此次袭击有关。 | The gunman’s father recalled that his son recently got angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami and said that might be related to the attack. | |
29 | 时尚品牌Benetton,吸引了不少年轻的消费者,但却让父母们很烦心,比如他们最近有个电视广告,竟让教皇去吻埃及伊玛目艾哈迈德?al-Tayeb。 | Benetton, a fashion brand, reels in young shoppers by annoying their parents, for example with a recent ad showing the pope kissing Ahmed al-Tayeb, an Egyptian imam. | |
30 | “天使来临。”但是人们能理解么?也许我该离开图书馆,还有得克萨斯。“天使之吻。” | "A Coming of Angels. " But will people get it? Might keep me out of libraries, and Texas. "A Kissing of Angels. " |