属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-波特兰枪击案嫌犯在逮捕过程中被击毙
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
1 | 许多老人,有脸庞乌黑发亮梳着辫子的老妇人,有因劳瘁而致双手粗糙的老头儿,都过来跪在我们周围祈祷。 | A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands | |
2 | 一位年轻的女乘务员无所畏惧地径直沿着过道来到罗思这边,跪坐着,眼冒怒火。 | A young stewardess advanced defiantly down the aisle and knelt at Roth’s side, her eyes blazing with anger | |
3 | 伊斯顿大吃一惊。他在妻子身边跪下,抱住她,向她道歉。 | Easton started up in surprise. He knelt down by her, embracing her and apologizing. | |
4 | 医生丝毫没有思想准备,不由得感到手足无措,不好意思,于是也跪下了。 | The doctor, taken by surprise, awkward and sheepish, knelt too | |
5 | 尤金跪在地上跳棋盘边,手心里握着最后的半元钱,不理会旁边辛格的冷言冷语。 | Eugene knelt beside the checkers, with his last half-dollar in his palm, heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt | |
6 | 这里,只剩下我一人孤零零地在忏悔席上。婶婶过来跪在我面前哭喊了起来,小小教堂里的祈祷声和歌声在我周围响起。 | Then I was left all alone on the mourners’bench, My aunt came and knelt at my knees and cried, while prayers and songs swirled all around me in the little church. | |
7 | 这里有许多老人,有脸庞黝黑发亮扎着辫子的老妇人,有因干活而导致双手关节差成节状的老头儿,都过来跪在我们四周祈祷。 | A great many old people came and knelt around us and prayed, old women with jet-black faces and braided hair, old men with work-gnarled hands. | |
8 | 猪崽子跪在他身边,一手按着大海螺,听他讲,并向其余的人作出解释。 | piggy knelt by him, one hand on the great shell, listening and interpreting to the assembly | |
9 | 自从警察杀死了乔治·弗洛伊德以来,波特兰每天都有抗议活动,其中包括“黑人的命也是命”支持者的示威。今年5月,一名警察跪在了弗洛伊德的脖子上近9分钟,之后这名明尼苏达州男子丢了性命。 | Protests, including demonstrations by Black Lives Matter supporters, have taken place daily in Portland since the police killing of George Floyd. The Minnesota man died in May after a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. | |
10 | ||1:这使塞萨尔·查韦斯,这个孩提时代便遭遇一家人流离失所的天才进入了美国主流社会。||2:比起政界人士,作为一名受天主教社会教义以及莫罕达斯·甘地非暴力主义鼓舞的素食主义者,他更认同宗教界人士。||3:他打算发起一场运动,而非工会。这场运动是1966年由他领导的穿过加州中部山谷到达州府萨克拉门托的朝圣之旅。||4:当被警察拦下时,他的追随者跪在圣母像前做起了祷告。 | ||1: It took the genius of César Chávez, whose family was dispossessed of its land during his boyhood, to bring them into the American mainstream. ||2: As a vegan inspired by Catholic social teaching and the non-violent methods of Mohandas Gandhi, Chávez was more comfortable with religious people than political ones. ||3: He set out to create a movement rather than a union, leading a “pilgrimage” across the Central Valley of California to the state capital, Sacramento, in 1966. ||4: When his followers were blocked by the police they knelt in prayer behind a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe. | |
11 | “那我们扯平了,”她说着在他旁边蹲下帮着收捡。 | "Then we’re quits, " she said. She knelt down beside him and helped to pick up the trash. | |
12 | 博伊尔跪下身把男孩搂在怀里安慰着他,直到警察和消防人员赶到。 | Boyle knelt down and wrapped the young man in his arms, comforting him until the police and fire department arrived. | |
13 | 但那个麻风病人看见他来了便急忙跑上前去,哭着跪求他:“给我钱吧,不然我就要饿死了。” | But the leper saw him coming, and ran to meet him, and knelt down and cried, ’Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger. ’ | |
14 | 当被警察拦下时,他的追随者跪在圣母像前做起了祷告。 | When his followers were blocked by the police they knelt in prayer behind a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe. | |
15 | 当营救的支奴干最后到达的时候,一个军医走出来跪在尸体面前。 | When the rescue Chinook eventually arrived a medic stepped out and knelt over the corpse. | |
16 | 到了外边,军曹副官跪在我的身边,“贵姓?”他轻轻地问。 | Outside the sergeant-adjutant knelt down beside me where I lay, "Name? " he asked softly. | |
17 | 冬天单膝跪下。“我有什么能为您效劳吗?首领。”她很快便学会了这里的礼仪。 | Winter knelt down on one knee. "What may I do for you, master? " She learned quickly. | |
18 | 葛罗瑞亚把照片放在我们的斗篷上然后跪在我旁边。“和我一起祈祷吧”她握着我的手说。 | Gloria placed the photo on our mantle and knelt down beside me. "Just pray with me, " she said, holding my hand. | |
19 | 过了一会儿,我的老师把我拉到一边,她蹲下告诉我,我也可以加入我的同学。 | It wasn’t long before my teacher pulled me aside. She knelt down and told me I should join the rest of the class. | |
20 | 孩子,今夜没有其他事了,我在黑暗中来到你的床边,我羞惭地跪在这里! | Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed! | |
21 | 霍夫跪下身,捧起了一把泥土在手心,他说:“这地荒凉得像月球”。 | Hoff knelt down and poured a handful of dust into his hand. "It’s like the moon, " he said. | |
22 | 即使想起她,也是想起那个抱着刚满月的孩子,双膝跪在母亲面前,脸色苍白、两眼盈泪的小姨。 | The thought of her brought back her image as she knelt in front of Mother, her face pale and tearstained, her month-old infant in her arms. | |
23 | 结果他让我坐下来,然后扑通跪在我面前说他失业了要被赶出公寓了。 | Instead, he sat me down, knelt in front of me, and told me he was losing his job AND apartment. | |
24 | 她跪在尸体边上,心想他像父亲吗? | She knelt down by the body. Did it look like her father? | |
25 | 她跪在他的面前,紧紧地握住他的双手,一句话也说不出来。 | She had knelt in front of him and held his hands, saying nothing. | |
26 | 她在埃伦旁边跪下,在她耳边大声喊:“他想知道活到110岁有什么感觉!” | She knelt down beside Ellen and shouted in her ear: "And he wants to know what it feels like to be 110! " | |
27 | 今年他单膝跪地纪念在1940年由斯大林策划的卡廷惨案中的死难者。 | this year he knelt to commemorate victims of the Katyn massacre ordered by Stalin in 1940. | |
28 | 老罗杰·齐灵渥斯跪在他身旁,表情呆滞,似乎已经失去了生命。 | Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him, with a blank, dull countenance, out of which the life seemed to have departed. | |
29 | 另一个人跪在他旁边,往伤口上涂抹味道浓烈的中药膏。 | Another man knelt beside him and was massaging a strong-smelling Chinese balm into the still-fresh wound. | |
30 | 马克蹲下来,帮男孩拾起散落的物品。 | Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. |