1 | (四)建立、健全职业卫生档案和劳动者健康监护档案; | 19.4 Establish/maintain occupational health archives and laborer health records; | |
2 | (四)未按照规定组织职业健康检查、建立职业健康监护档案或者未将检查结果如实告知劳动者的。 | 64.4 Fail to arrange the occupational health examination, fail to establish the occupational health record or fail to faithfully inform the laborer concerned of the examination result. | |
3 | V与M博弈的启示-“民工荒”彰显和谐社会的制度缺失 | An Enlightenment of the Game between V and M-"Laborer Shortage" Displaying the Shortage of Harmonious System | |
4 | 按照劳动者提供的劳动数量和质量给以报酬 | pay each laborer on the basis of the quantity and quality of labor he or she performs | |
5 | 产权、劳权与和谐社会建设 | Property Rights, Laborer Rights and the Construction of Harmonious Society | |
6 | 长(短)工. | a longterm (a seasonal) laborer | |
7 | 城市化进程中的农民工社会保障 | The Social Security of Peasant Laborer in the Urbanization Process | |
8 | 从廉价劳动力优势到稀缺要素优势-论“新开放观”的理论基础 | From Cheap Laborer Advantage to That of Rare Elements-On the Theoretical Foundation of the New Open Strategy | |
9 | 从流动人口到劳动力移民-农民工流动的新趋势 | From Floating Population to Laborer Immigrants-New Flow Trend of Rural Laborers | |
10 | 当他驰出那乡镇,一个在路上铺石子的路工抬起头来说 | as he emerged from the village, a laborer , who was mending the road with stones, raised his head and said to him:-- | |
11 | 第七十条 用人单位违反本法规定,已经对劳动者生命健康造成严重损害的,由卫生行政部门责令停止产生职业病危害的作业,或者提请有关人民政府按照国务院规定的权限责令关闭,并处十万元以上三十万元以下的罚款。 | Article 70 In the event that the Employer’s practice against the provisions hereunder has resulted in severe harm to the laborer ’s health, the competent public health authority may order the Employer to stop the occupational-disease-inductive operation or apply to the competent people’s government to shut up the occupational-disease-inductive operation within the authority granted by the State Council in addition to a fine between RMB 100,000 yuan to RMB 300,000 yuan. | |
12 | 第四十九条 医疗卫生机构发现疑似职业病病人时,应当告知劳动者本人并及时通知用人单位。 | Article 49 Any healthcare agency identifying the patient suffering from the occupational-disease-like diseases should promptly notify the laborer concerned and his (her)Employer. | |
13 | 第四十条 劳动者可以在用人单位所在地或者本人居住地依法承担职业病诊断的医疗卫生机构进行职业病诊断。 | Article 40 The laborer can have the occupational disease diagnosed by the occupational-disease-specific healthcare agency at the location of the Employer or at the residential place of the laborer. | |
14 | 第五十三条 劳动者被诊断患有职业病,但用人单位没有依法参加工伤社会保险的,其医疗和生活保障由最后的用人单位承担;最后的用人单位有证据证明该职业病是先前用人单位的职业病危害造成的,由先前的用人单位承担。 | Article 53 In case that the laborer has been identified as the occupational-disease victim and the Employer has not effected the policy covering work-related injuries, the current Employer should bear the victim’s medical cost and living cost. Provided that the current Employer can prove that the said occupational disease is resulted from the occupational-disease-inductive factors of the former Employer, the former Employer should bear the cost thereof. | |
15 | 对未进行离岗前职业健康检查的劳动者不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。 | Moreover, the Employer is prohibited from invalidating or terminating the labor contract of any laborer not undergoing pre-departure occupational health examination. | |
16 | 对在职业健康检查中发现有与所从事的职业相关的健康损害的劳动者,应当调离原工作岗位,并妥善安置; | In addition, the Employer should also transfer the laborer suffering the work-related disease found in the occupational health examination to other post. | |
17 | 工会在发展和谐劳动关系中的作用 | The Function of Labor Union in Developing Harmonious Relationship of Laborer | |
18 | 工作服工人穿的宽松的长工作服;粗布长袍 | A laborer ’s long,loose smock;a gaberdine. | |
19 | 河南经济发展与农村劳动力转移关系分析 | The Relationship Analysis of the Economic Development and Rural Laborer Shift in Henan | |
20 | 建设农民工自愿性迁移的经济社会条件 | Constructs the Peasant Laborer Equivalent Migration the Economic Society Condition | |
21 | 她丈夫以前是个农场雇工。 | Her husband had been a farm laborer . | |
22 | 苦力没有特殊技能的亚洲体力劳动者 | An unskilled Asian laborer . | |
23 | 劳动者不履行前款规定义务的,用人单位应当对其进行教育。 | The Employer shall rectify the laborer ’s activities running against the above provisions. | |
24 | 劳动者不是第一生产力的原因探析 | An Analysis of "The Laborer is not the First Productivity" | |
25 | 劳动者离开用人单位时,有权索取本人职业健康监护档案复印件,用人单位应当如实、无偿提供,并在所提供的复印件上签章。 | Upon leaving the Employer, the laborer is entitled to claim for the copy of his (her)own occupational health record. Upon the request, the Employer should faithfully furnish the stamped record for no charge. | |
26 | 劳动者在已订立劳动合同期间因工作岗位或者工作内容变更,从事与所订立劳动合同中未告知的存在职业病危害的作业时,用人单位应当依照前款规定,向劳动者履行如实告知的义务,并协商变更原劳动合同相关条款。 | In the event of transferring the laborer during the labor-contract term to the occupational-disease-inductive post that is not indicated in the labor contract due to the change of post or duty, the Employer should faithfully reveal to the laborer the information indicated hereinabove and consult with the laborer for modifying the related provisions of the existing labor contract. | |
27 | 临时工从一个城镇漂泊到另一个城镇. | a day laborer , drifting from town to town. | |
28 | 论解放初期党维护雇工权益的政策与实践 | On the Policy and Practice Which the Communist Party Performed in Hired Laborer ’s Rights and Interests in the Early 1950s | |
29 | 没有特殊技能的工人. | unskilled laborer | |
30 | 那商人只能零星地付给那工人工钱。 | The merchant could only pay the laborer in driblets. |