1 | 南太平洋诸岛土人尤指19世纪和20世纪早期被带到澳大利亚做苦力的土人。常用作贬语 | A South Sea Islander,especially one brought to Australia as a laborer in the19th and early20th centuries.Often used disparagingly. | |
2 | 农村劳动力结构性转移的就业议价分析 | Study on Employment Bargaining of Rural Laborer ’s Structural Transformation | |
3 | 农民工:亦工亦农的新阶层 | The Peasant Laborer : the New Class of Peasant Also Worker | |
4 | 农民工的流动儿童生存环境与就学的相关分析 | Analysis of the Survival Environments and the Education Opportunities of the Floating Children from Peasant Laborer Family | |
5 | 农民工流动过程中子女义务教育权的缺损-以湘潭市为例 | Analysis the Flaw Problem of the Peasant Laborer Children’s Education Power Briefly-Example of Xiangtan City | |
6 | 农事劳动者生活中的繁重工作和极端劳累,使得他们的腿都变成畸形的了。 | Their legs were misshapen from their heavy work and all the back-breaking tasks that make up the life of the agricultural laborer | |
7 | 农业工人. | an agricultu-ral laborer | |
8 | 平均每个劳动力负担 | Average Number of Persons Supported by a Laborer | |
9 | 契约期满后工人只得到一只枪,一把斧头和一袋粮食,然后离开,到荒原中去建立自己的农场。 | At the end of the indenture, the laborer was given a rifle, an axe and a bag of corn, and went off to make his own farm in the wilderness | |
10 | 砌砖匠的辅助工 | A mason’s laborer | |
11 | 如何设计劳动者人身受损责任人及其再救济-对《最高人民法院关于审理人身损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第十条的精读及质疑 | On How to Design the Responsible Person and the remedy of laborer ’s personal injury-perusal and Queries of the Tenth Rules of Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court of Some Issues Concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury | |
12 | 社会资本与农民工市民化 | Social Capital and Peasant Laborer Resident | |
13 | 生产三要素-劳动力、劳动资料和劳动对象 | three elements of production--laborer , means of labor and object of labor | |
14 | 试论保护农民工的合法权益 | Protecting Peasant Laborer ’s Legitimate Rights and Interests is the Basic Request of Constructing the Harmonious Society | |
15 | 试论非公有制经济劳动者经济权益的保护与实现 | On the Protection and Realization of Laborer ’s Economic Rights and Interests in Non-public Ownership Economy | |
16 | 他当临时工,没有赚多少钱。 | He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much. | |
17 | 他的一双手象农场工人的手那样是古铜色的。 | His hands were embrowned like those of a common laborer | |
18 | 他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。 | He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer , the thoughtful visage of a philosopher | |
19 | 我是一名普通的劳动者。 | I am an ordinary laborer . | |
20 | 我爷爷有一个小农场,他在那里养牛,也种一些粮食。同时他还是一家工厂的工人和一个乡村牧师。 | My grandfather had a small farm where he raised beef and some grain for feed. He also worked diligently as a factory laborer and country pastor. | |
21 | 向一星期下来辛苦劳累的一个劳动者提供星期六下午玩一场足球或棒球的机会是无用的。 | It is no use offering the manual laborer , tired out with a hard week’s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. | |
22 | 新时期国有企业劳动关系研究:一个劳动者视角的分析 | A Study of Labor Relations of State Owned Enterprises under the New Situation: An Analysis from the Perspective of the Laborer Stratum | |
23 | 一个意大利工人进来买一只白面包。 | An Italian laborer came in and asked for a loaf of white bread | |
24 | 用人单位为劳动者个人提供的职业病防护用品必须符合防治职业病的要求;不符合要求的,不得使用。 | Any occupational-disease-prevention article provided to the laborer by the Employer should comply with the applicable regulations of occupational disease prevention. It is not allowed to use any occupational-disease-prevention article failing the applicable regulations. | |
25 | 用人单位违反前两款规定的,劳动者有权拒绝从事存在职业病危害的作业,用人单位不得因此解除或者终止与劳动者所订立的劳动合同。 | In the event that the Employer fails to comply with the provisions in the Article 30, the laborer may refuse to undertake the occupational-disease-inductive post, which shall not be used by the Employer as the excuse to invalidate or terminate the labor contract concerned. | |
26 | 用人单位应当保障劳动者行使前款所列权利。因劳动者依法行使正当权利而降低其工资、福利等待遇或者解除、终止与其订立的劳动合同的,其行为无效。 | The Employer should ensure that the laborers may exercise the above rights. Such practices as reducing remuneration package, invalidating or terminating the labor contract due to the laborer ’s exercise of legal rights are deemed invalid. | |
27 | 在修树枝的季节里,他每天可以赚十八个苏,过后他就替人家当割麦零工、小工、牧牛人、苦工。 | In pruning season he earned eighteen sous a day,then he hired out as a hay-maker, as laborer , as neat-herd on a farm, as a drudge | |
28 | 在这个发现的鼓舞之下,爱德蒙决心要帮助那个不屈不挠的劳动者。 | Encouraged by this discovery, Edmond determined to assist the indefatigable laborer | |
29 | 正如我的简历所说,一开始做杂工,然后升为木工;去年夏天我被提升为建筑经理助理,参与了价值高达一亿美元的建筑工程。 | As is shown in my resume, I worked as a general laborer , gradually moved up to a carpenter, and last summer I worked as assistant construction manager on a 100-million-dollar project. | |
30 | 职业病危害预评价报告应当对建设项目可能产生的职业病危害因素及其对工作场所和劳动者健康的影响作出评价,确定危害类别和职业病防护措施。 | The pre-assessment report of occupation-health harm shall indicate the Construction Project’s occupational-disease-inductive factor, its influence on the workplace and laborer health, and determine the type of harm and prevention measures against the occupational diseases. |