属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:纽约别名
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:纽约别名
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第119期:去哪里找独角兽
1 | 在可怕的一刹那中,她分明看见黛特?马斯顿被一个她不认识的小伙子搂在怀里。 | For one lurid moment she saw Dot Magston in the arms of a lad she didn’t know | |
2 | 在那坐着的老人身旁,立着个少年,就是那牧童。 | Near the seated man stood a young boy, the shepherd lad | |
3 | 在你们这种需要始终留神的捕鱼业中,可千万不要招收那些浅眉凹眼,爱做不合时宜的遐思的小伙子… | Beware of enlisting in your vigilant fisheries any lad with lean brow and hollow eye; given to unseasonable meditativeness… | |
4 | 这个机灵的小伙子设法取得那个标致女孩的欢心。 | The cute lad did all he could to win the pretty girl’s favour. | |
5 | 这个轻浮的小伙子,一点也听不出那别有用意的话头。 | The giddy lad never could see the bait | |
6 | 这孩子沉着稳健,又很机灵,我相信他上那儿去,结果一定圆满,会受到那儿的人的喜欢的。 | He is a steady lad , and a canny goer, and I doubt not he will come safe, and be well liked where he goes | |
7 | 这孩子独自一人,无依无靠。 | The lad was alone and friendless | |
8 | 这可怜的孩子可能会被送回意大利。 | The poor lad would be repatriated to Italy. | |
9 | 这时候,狄克突然想起了那个小伙子――他马马虎虎地向他指路的小伙子,感到一阵难受。 | Dick bethought him, with something like a pang, of the lad whom he had so imperfectly directed | |
10 | 这小伙子不拘小节。 | This lad does not bother about small matters. | |
11 | 这小伙子赌博,很快就输得精光。 | The lad gambled and was soon flat broke. | |
12 | 这小伙子渴望去上大学。 | The lad ’s itching to go to university. | |
13 | 这小伙子缺乏进取精神. | The lad lacks gumption . | |
14 | 这小伙子有股牛劲,干一件事就非干到底不可。 | The lad is strong-willed; once he starts doing something, he won’t leave off until he’s finished it | |
15 | ||1:早在19岁,巴耶斯德罗斯就在一场职业高尔夫球赛中一举成名。那是1976年皇家伯克戴尔赛,还是个笨手笨脚的毛头小伙子的他,时不时提提自己的裤子,毫无耐心让他失去领先优势。||2:1986年美国奥古斯塔大师赛,第十五洞时他用四号铁杆一个极烂的开球把球打入水障,因而痛失冠军,那时候那感觉自己的技术一日不如一日了。||3:90年代,他渐渐在各种赛事中失去优势,排名也逐渐下滑。背痛让他几乎残疾。||4:婚姻破裂后,他自己孤单一人生活在佩德尼亚的豪宅中,家里橱窗中摆满了银质奖杯,花园里是18洞的高尔夫球场。2008年他被诊断为患有脑癌,并最终因此去世。 | ||1: He had made his name on the professional golfing scene at 19, still a gawky lad continually hitching up his trousers, throwing away a lead with sublime impatience at Royal Birkdale in 1976. He left the scene early, too. ||2: At Augusta in 1986, when he lost the Masters with a clumsy 4-iron shot into water at the 15th, he felt his touch was fading. ||3: Increasingly through the 1990s he missed the cut for tournaments and slid down the rankings of players. Back pain crippled him. ||4: His marriage broke up, leaving him alone in the huge new house he had built at Pedrea with display cases full of silver cups and an 18-hole course in the garden, and in 2008 he was diagnosed with the brain cancer that killed him. | |
16 | 杰拉德写道:“The Big Apple是每个骑过纯种赛马的小伙的梦想,也是所有骑手的目标。这世上只有一个The Big Apple,那就是纽约。” | Mister Fitz Gerald wrote: "The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There’s only one Big Apple. That’s New York." | |
17 | 杰拉德写道:“The Big Apple是每个骑过纯种赛马的小伙的梦想,也是所有骑手的目标。这世上只有一个The Big Apple,那就是纽约。” | Mister Fitz Gerald wrote: "The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There’s only one Big Apple. That’s New York." | |
18 | 小伙子,首先你要去爱尔兰。爱尔兰是独角兽最后一次被看到的地方。 | You will first have to go over to Ireland, my dear lad . Ireland is where the last of the unicorns are seen. | |
19 | “啊,时间不很长,”这个老成的小伙子微笑着说,带着一副行家的好为人师的态度:“只需九分钟。” | "Oh! not so long, " smiled the precocious lad , with a superior and patronizing air, "only nine minutes. " | |
20 | “不行”他说,“小子,你休想这么便宜就脱身。这件事你得向我们讲讲清楚。” | "Nay, " he said, "you don’t get off as easy as that, my lad . We’ve got to have a full account of this business. " | |
21 | “什么时候?”高得瑞爵士抽出自己的剑。“咱见识见识。放心,我保证点到为止,年轻人。” | "How well, though? " Ser Godry drew his own blade. "Show me. I promise not to hurt you, lad . " | |
22 | “我不是在游泳,”小伙子喊道,“我是在使自己别沉下去。” | "I’m not swimming, " the lad shouted back, "I’m stopping myself from sinking! " | |
23 | LAD助剂在羊毛织物低温染色中的应用 | Application of LAD auxiliary agent in low temperature dyeing of wool | |
24 | 比如对着狙击手放抓钩,然后把这个可怜的家伙从高处拽下来,活用这一点可以节省不少宝贵的弹药。 | For example, shoot it right at a sniper and you can yank the poor lad right off his perch, saving valuable ammunition in the process. | |
25 | 不同栽培措施对旱作春小麦叶面积和光合势的影响 | Effect of Different Cultivation Measures on LAD and LAI of Spring Wheat in Dryland | |
26 | 采用LAD方式的新型氟碳整理 | New fluorocarbon generation with LAD effect | |
27 | 但是在他还是个小伙子的时候,人家都说,他想作什么,就能成什么。 | Yet as a lad people had said of him that he was one who might do anything if he tried. | |
28 | 当时他演绎出一种庄严肃穆的表情,但我很快就睡着了。 | I could see the lad was in a bit of state but I fell asleep soon after. | |
29 | 当他往上爬的时候,那个小伙子不知道是出于开玩笑还是恶作剧,拼命在下面摇梯子。 | The lad , from sport or love of mischief, shook the ladder a good deal as he ascended. | |
30 | 改革开放30年的历程就是一个思想解放的过程。 | The history of reform and opening up in the lad 30 years is a process of emancipating minds. |