1 | 一部糟糕的电影引发一场蹩脚的争论 | A horrible film is generating a lame debate | |
2 | 一部糟糕的电影引发一场蹩脚的争论 | A horrible film is generating a lame debate | |
3 | [font=Verdana]即将“黯然离去”的国会将最早于下周召开会议并通过必要的法规。 | A "lame duck" session of Congress could be convened as early as next week to pass the necessary legislation. | |
4 | 9月15日与瓦尔代俱乐部的另一午餐会上,这位温和、又有些无精打采的总统首先讲了个有关血型的冷笑话。 | At another lunch with the same group on September 15th, the suave if somewhat bloodless president first made a lame joke about blood groups. | |
5 | HHS为其一再拖延的辩护理由毫无说服力且是不负责的。 | The Department’s justification for its continued delay is lame at best and irresponsible at worst. | |
6 | HR和NP说,他们打算在下周的跛鸭会上就“梦想法案”进行表决。 | Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi say they want the lame -duck Congress to vote on the DREAM Act next week. | |
7 | ThaboMeki,南非的跛鸭总统,可以问心无愧的说津巴布韦并没在处在危机之中么? | CAN Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s lame -duck president, truly believe there is no crisis in Zimbabwe? | |
8 | 彼得·曼德尔森或许唤醒了人们对于“荒芜时代”的回忆,当时他坚持称汽车工业并不是“跛鸭子”(无望的)。 | Peter Mandelson may have evoked memories of the Heath era when he insisted that the motor industry was "not a lame duck" . | |
9 | 彼得被他的话打动了,把天堂的门开了一条窄窄的缝,让瘦小的瘸腿裁缝溜了进来。 | Saint Peter let himself be moved by pity and opened heaven’s gate just wide enough for the lame tailor to slip his lean body inside. | |
10 | 别跟我吹有个魅力十足的女人在Facebook上加你好友,想徒劳得招我嫉恨。 | No telling me when an attractive woman friends you on Facebook in a lame attempt to get me jealous. |