属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国与伊斯兰国 再担重任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥斯本将军 财政大臣诡计连连
1 | 百业凋敝。 | All business languished . | |
2 | 花因缺水而凋萎。 | The flowers languished from lack of water. | |
3 | 花因缺水而枯萎。 | The flower languished from lack of water. | |
4 | 她渴望听到温柔的话。 | She languished forsome kindwords. | |
5 | 她苦苦思念着移居澳大利亚的儿女。 | She languished for her children who had migrated to Australia. | |
6 | 没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。 | Without the founder’s drive and direction,the company gradually languished . | |
7 | 美国退到了第13位,而英国仅列第29位,是欧盟东扩之前的成员国中排名最靠后的。 | The USA languished in 13th, while Britain was 29th-the lowest of the pre-expansion EU nations. | |
8 | 那无辜的人在20年的监狱生活中变得衰弱无力。 | The innocent man languished in prison for twenty years | |
9 | 全球有许多默默无闻的小国家,就算资源丰富的西太平洋岛国瑙鲁,也面对重重困难。 | The world has many tiny states which have languished in obscurity, with even resource-rich small stakes like nauru mired in problems | |
10 | 如果“猫王”和其他同太阳唱片公司签约的音乐天才没有遇到菲利普斯的话,他们可能会终生默默无闻。 | Presley and the other great talents at Sun would have languished in obscurity if they had not crossed phillips path | |
11 | 生意冷清,她挂出了"出租房屋"的招牌。 | Business languished , and she hung out a Room to Let card | |
12 | 受热带气候影响,我们都变得倦怠乏力。 | We all languished in the tropical climate. | |
13 | 他大半辈子在贫穷中呻吟。 | He languished in poverty most of his life. | |
14 | 他的警觉从未松懈下来。 | His vigilance never languished . | |
15 | 他苦苦地思念家乡。 | He languished for home. | |
16 | 他失去了他惯有的活力,在热带气候中变得无精打采? | He lost his accustomed vigor and languished in the tropical climate | |
17 | 他因渴望被迫离开家而忧郁不快。 | He languished for the home he had been forced to leave | |
18 | 天旱使树叶枯萎。 | The leaves languished in the drought | |
19 | 我对这一问题的兴趣大大减退了。 | My interest in the subject has greatly languished | |
20 | 在独裁者的统治下,人民毫无生气。 | Under dictatorial rule, the people languished | |
21 | 在马德兰伯伯来到这里以前,地方上的各种事业都是萧条的,现在呢,大家都靠健康的劳动生活。 | Before Father Madeleine’s arrival, everything had languished in the country,now everything lived with a healthy life of toil | |
22 | 在我这种苦害相思的日子里,我的食欲锐减。 | In my love-lorn condition, my appetite languished | |
23 | 最近他对诗歌的兴趣减退了。 | His interest in the poetry has languished recently. | |
24 | ||1:鉴于美国受金融风暴和两次拖沓、艰苦的战争影响,近些年一直有质疑美国在走下坡路的论调。||2:对于一个连自己国家预算都摆不定的总统,中国这种财富新锐国家又有什么向其取经的必要呢?同时,美国似乎陷入了混乱力量的泥潭中,既不愿、也没有能力稳定这个逐渐失控的世界。||3:“伊斯兰国”的事件正说明了这一骇人趋势。||4:术语中“伊斯兰国”应属于一个非国家行为体,它就建立在一片混乱之上。||5:它不断给伊拉克政府和叙利亚政府抹上新的屈辱,由此聚敛财富、土地和兵力。 | ||1:The sense that America is locked in relative decline has been growing in recent years, as it has languished under the shadow of the financial crisis and two long, difficult wars.||2:Why should a newly rich country like China take lectures about how to run its affairs from a president who struggles even to get his own budget through? America, meanwhile, seems swamped by the forces of disorder, either unable or unwilling to steady a world that is spinning out of control.||3:IS embodies this frightening trend.||4:It is, in the jargon, a non-state actor, and it thrives on chaos.||5:With each new humiliation of the governments in Iraq and Syria, it has accumulated more wealth, territory and recruits. | |
25 | ||1:他指的计划是减少开支,增加税收和刺激商业等一揽子措施,以期2018年时公共财政能增长且有盈余。||2:这个目标其实并不像奥斯本说的那么坚决。||3:经济不景气时,计划推迟了好几次:本来明年大选之前赤字应该消除了的。||4:简而言之,这个计划不过是奥斯本自己对不断变化的经济结论的一个表达。 | ||1:He referred to a raft of spending cuts, tax increases and pro-business gestures designed with a view to restoring the public finances to surplus by 2018.||2:That target is, in fact, less fixed than Mr Osborne implies.||3:It was pushed back several times while the economy languished : the deficit was originally to have been closed before next year’s general election.||4:The plan is, in short, little more than an expression of the chancellor’s own shifting economic judgment. | |
26 | ||然而,当亚当斯先生在监狱中备受煎熬时,那些迫害他的人也陆续遭受苦果。||一名检察官被证实判案不公正并因此入狱;一名侦探因车祸杀人而服役五年;而受害人的丈夫罗纳德,则因杀害他的第二任妻子而锒铛入狱。 | ||As Mr Adams languished in prison, some of his tormentors were caught wandering off the straight and narrow.|| One prosecutor became a crooked judge and was jailed for it. One of the detectives served five years for vehicular homicide. And Ronald Ulfers, the cop whose wife was murdered, is now serving life in prison for murdering his second wife. | |
27 | 20世纪90年代日本的经济衰退始于房地产泡沫的破裂,而随着银行业日渐不景气,这种经济衰退也愈加严重。 | A BURSTING real estate bubble set off the Japanese recession of the 1990s, which deepened as ailing banks languished . | |
28 | 此后的大约30年里,凯恩斯声望渐衰。 | For about 30 years Keynes’s reputation languished . | |
29 | 但当营利性部门享受着势如破竹的进步时,公民部门萎靡不振。 | But while the for-profit sector enjoyed sweeping progress, the citizen sector languished . | |
30 | 但近几年,该问题毫无进展,而且本轮多哈贸易谈判仍然停滞不前。 | But the issue has languished over the years and the current Doha round of trade negotiations remains moribund. |