属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-光电池 利用染料进行能量转化
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-光电池 室内太阳能
1 | 我想知道去拉斯维加斯火车的情况。 | I’d like to find out about trains to Las Vegas. | |
2 | 西班牙文介词用法的分析研究 | Estudio Analitico DE Usos DE Las Preposiciones EN Espanol | |
3 | 稀土掺杂对LAS系统微晶玻璃粘度的影响 | Viscosity of LAS Glass-ceramics Doped with Rare Earth | |
4 | 稀土酞菁锰对表面活性剂(LAS)的催化氧化性能研究 | Study on Catalytic Oxidation Function of KCeO2MnPcX on Surfactant (LAS ) | |
5 | 星期天你们什么飞往拉维格斯的班机 | When do you have flights for Las Vegas on Sunday? | |
6 | 星期天你们什么时候有飞往拉斯维加斯的班机 | When do you have flight for Las Vega on Sunday? | |
7 | 阳离子表面活性剂与LAS的复配性能研究 | Study on Properties of Built Surfactant Based on Cationic Surfactant and Anionic Surfactant LAS | |
8 | 一部展示俄罗斯当代社会图景的杰作-评拉斯普京的新作《伊万的女儿,伊万的母亲》 | A Masterpiece Presenting the Contemporary Social Panorama of Russia-Comment on Las Putin’s New Book Yiwan’s Daughter, Yiwan’s Mother | |
9 | 一块皱巴巴的硬纸板上一排潦草的字:身无分文--需要狗食。那绝望的年轻人在拉斯维加斯市中心繁忙的街角走来走去,一手举着纸板,一手牵着狗链子。 | The hastily scrawled sign on the crumpled cardboard read: BROKE--NEEDDOG FOOD. The desperate young man held the sign in one hand and a leash in the other as he paced back and forth on the busy corner in downtown Las Vegas. | |
10 | 阴离子表面活性剂(LAS)在人工快滤系统中的去除 | Removal of Anionic Surfactant (LAS )in Artificial Rapid Infiltration Land Treatment System | |
11 | 语言接触所引起的现象:-语言转换,语言借用,双语和双用语 | Fenómenos Originados Por Las Lenguas En Contacto: Cambio De Código, Préstamo Lingüístico, Bilingüismo Y Diglossia | |
12 | 直链烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)降解菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性 | Isolation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS )-Degrading Bacterium and Its Degrading Characters | |
13 | ||1:“谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”。||2:每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的打斗也成为俗套。||3:而科学试图不落窠臼。今年,在拉斯维加斯召开的古脊椎生物学会会议上,一些发言人问到中生代顶级掠食者是否全是恐龙,结论是“否”。||4:直到最近还被忽视的一类爬虫,同样是重要的食肉动物,正是仍然存活于今的一个族群:鳄鱼。 | ||1: ONE answer to the question, “What ate dinosaurs?” is, obviously, “Other dinosaurs”. ||2: The ropod predators like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus loom large in the imagination of every lover of prehistoric monsters, and their animatronic fights with the likes of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus are the stuff of cliché. ||3: Science, though, tries to look beyond the obvious, and at this year’s meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology, held in Las Vegas, some of the speakers asked whether the top predators of the Mesozoic era really were all dinosaurs. Their conclusion was “no”. ||4: Another group of reptiles, until recently neglected, were also important carnivores. And it is a group that is still around today: the crocodiles. | |
14 | ||1:G24的财务总监——Steve Burt谈到可用灯泡光进行供电的有电视遥控器,烟雾检测器和电脑键盘(无灯光时其内置的电池会发挥作用)。||2:这家公司已经开始提供袋子和夹克的样品,其中被缝入了光敏夹板,按照设计理念将可为数码相机和手机充电,此外一家拉斯维加斯的酒店正在使用G24的产品来运行其电动窗帘。||3:而在另一片市场——智能建筑中构成监测网络的温度,湿度等传感器供电领域中,Burt同样看到了公司产品不错的应用前景。 | ||1:Steven Burt, G24’s chief financial officer, talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls, smoke detectors and computer keyboards.(A non-removable internal battery would store charge for use when the lights are off.||2:) The company already offers prototypes of bags and jackets with photosensitive panels woven in, designed to charge digital cameras and mobile phones, and a hotel in Las Vegas is using G24’s products to run its electric window-blinds.||3:Mr Burt also sees a market for powering the networks of sensors needed to monitor things like temperature and humidity in modern "smart" buildings. | |
15 | ||1:G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特(Steven Burt)谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。||2:(内置一个固定电池储存电能以在关灯后供电。||3:)该公司已推出内部装有光敏电池板的夹克和背包样品,用来为数码相机和手机充电。现在,拉斯维加斯的一家酒店使用了G24的产品来为其电动百叶窗供电。||4:史蒂芬?伯特还认为染料电池在为现代"智能"建筑中的传感器网络(用于监测温度、湿度等)供电方面很有市场。 | ||1:Steven Burt, G24’s chief financial officer, talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls, smoke detectors and computer keyboards.||2:(A non-removable internal battery would store charge for use when the lights are off.||3:) The company already offers prototypes of bags and jackets with photosensitive panels woven in, designed to charge digital cameras and mobile phones, and a hotel in Las Vegas is using G24’s products to run its electric window-blinds.||4:Mr Burt also sees a market for powering the networks of sensors needed to monitor things like temperature and humidity in modern "smart" buildings. | |
16 | ||1:但她的房子始终是自由王国的一个组分。||2:客厅墙上挂着一个大型图表,表上列有政治犯的名字和照片,以及他们经历的事件——这些大都是她们集体努力所达成的突破口。||3:政治犯的妻子、女儿们每月雷打不动地相聚于她们的“文学茶座”。||4:某次,她在她那缓缓转动的屋顶吊扇下召集了72名妇女,畅谈了25个不眠之夜。||5:她们来自古巴各地:比那尔德里奥省,拉斯图纳斯,曼萨尼约(在东部地区,她出生的地方),圣克拉拉,甚至塞拉利昂Maestra。菲德尔卡斯特罗曾躲藏在山上,开始他的革命。||6:她们聚集在普兰的家里,以她为中心,那里有一门电话。||7:从2003年后这个电话总不断响起,伴随的是她低声作答的声音,因为她知道电话已经被窃听了。每次呼叫结束时总相互致以“保重”、“小心”。||8:她家门前被安装了一个聚光灯和一个安全摄像头,不断有便衣在她家门口走来晃去。||9:现在她的书架上放了一尊小小的圣丽塔雕像,圣丽塔是不可能的守护神。(注:不可能守护神,引自天主教故事) | ||1: But her house was also a cell for liberty. ||2: The living-room walls were hung with lists of the names of political prisoners, their photos, and a huge chart that showed them bursting from their chains when her group notched up a success. ||3: Prisoners’ wives and daughters crowded there for her monthly Literary Teas. ||4: She once got 72 women in, under the slowly turning ceiling fan, and put up 25 overnight. ||5: They came from all over Cuba: Pinar del Rio, Santa Clara, Las Tunas, Manzanillo (in the east, where she was born), even from the Sierra Maestra, where Fidel Castro had holed up in the mountains to start his revolution. ||6: They gathered at her house because she was central, and had a telephone. ||7: After 2003 the phone kept ringing, and she would answer it in a whisper, knowing it was tapped; each call would end with “Cuidado”, “Be careful”. ||8: A security camera and floodlights appeared outside her front door, supplementing the plain-clothes men who loitered there. ||9: Her bookshelf now held a tiny statue of Santa Rita, the saint of the impossible. | |
17 | ||1:科迪克先生取得重大突破是在1983年,当时他还只是一个密歇根大学的学生。||2:当时他准备前往纽约寻找潜在投资者,帮他创立一个为苹果二代电脑制作软件的公司。这时他在一个晚会上遇到了娱乐业大亨史蒂夫·永利(美国赌业大王)。||3:永利也准备奔赴纽约,于是让科迪克乘坐他的私人飞机一同前往。||4:科迪克回忆道:“在飞机上,我问他是怎么起家的。”||5:永利说在他事业早期E·巴利·托马斯帮他度过了难关。E·巴利·托马斯是拉斯维加斯的一位传奇的银行家,他帮助永利先生接管了金砖赌场。||6:永利向托马斯承诺有朝一日要向一位年轻的企业家伸出援手来作为回报。||7:永利向科迪克的新公司投资,给他开了一张30万美元的支票。||8:永利成了科迪克的良师益友,并参与了科迪克1991年接管动视公司,这是一家濒临破产的游戏发行商,由雅达利前员工成立的。 | ||1: Mr Kotick’s big break came in 1983, when he was a student at the University of Michigan. ||2: He was about to leave for New York to meet potential investors in a firm he was setting up to make software for the Apple II computer when he met Steve Wynn, a casino tycoon, at a party. ||3: Mr Wynn was also heading to New York and offered Mr Kotick a lift in his private jet. ||4: “I went with him on the plane, and asked him how he got started,” Mr Kotick recalls. ||5: Mr Wynn explained that early in his career he had been helped out by E. Parry Thomas, a legendary Las Vegas banker, who helped finance Mr Wynn’s takeover of the Golden Nugget casino. ||6: Mr Wynn had promised Mr Thomas that he would, in turn, give a helping hand to a young entrepreneur some day. ||7: He offered to invest in Mr Kotick’s new company, and ended up writing him a cheque for $300,000. ||8: Mr Wynn became his mentor, and was involved in 1991 when Mr Kotick took over Activision, a failing games publisher founded by former Atari employees. | |
18 | “博物馆必须符合环境特色,看看拉斯维加斯的Guggenheim博物馆,运营两年就关闭了。” | "Museums take their character from their environment; look at the Guggenheim in Las Vegas, closed after two years. " | |
19 | 14个令人难以置信的事实表明澳门仍力压拉斯维加斯 | 14 Incredible Facts That Show Macau Is Still Crushing Las Vegas | |
20 | 1994年的时候,拉斯维加斯警方通报了当地一宗骇人听闻的连环案件。 | In 1994, the Las Vegas police reported a disturbing series of crimes along the Vegas strip. | |
21 | 2001年,哥伦比亚广播公司CBS在拉斯维加斯开设了一个称作电视城的研究机构,其主要目的是检验浏览导航设计方案。 | In 2001, CBS opened a research facility in Las Vegas called Television City, with a primary aim of testing pilot programming. | |
22 | 2004年建设热潮期间,拉斯维加斯及其周边地区,如亨德森,每二十分钟就出现一幢新房。 | A new house went up every 20 minutes during the 2004 building boom that seized Las Vegas and its sprawling suburbs, like Henderson. | |
23 | 2009年国际消费电子展(CES)刚刚在拉斯维加斯结束其年度旗舰活动。 | The 2009 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) just finished its annual flagship event in Las Vegas. | |
24 | Fischer说Katz给她和其他舞女买了大量的礼品,经常带着她们成群结队去拉斯维加斯。 | Fischer says Katz showered her and other dancers with gifts, often taking groups of them with him to Las Vegas. | |
25 | LakeMead是该市的主要水源,拉斯维加斯85%的用水都是由它提供。 | The city’s main source is Lake Mead, which supplies 85% of the water used in the Las Vegas Valley. | |
26 | Meana博士是洛杉矶内华达大学的心理学教授,二十年来一直从事女性和性欲研究。 | Dr. Meana, a professor of psychology at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas has been studying women and sexual desire for 20 years. | |
27 | MetroPCS计划今年下半年在拉斯维加斯这样的城市启动自己的4G服务。 | MetroPCS plans to start its 4G service later this year in cities such as Las Vegas. | |
28 | TransCanada公司亦提出要铺设2200英里的高压直流电线路来输送自蒙大拿州和怀俄明州的风能到南部拉斯维加斯及更远。 | And TransCanada, Inc. , is proposing 2, 200 miles of HVDC lines to carry wind energy from Montana and Wyoming south to Las Vegas and beyond. | |
29 | 把今年在拉斯维加斯的消费电子展(CES)叫做消费平板展相当合适。 | It would’ve been more appropriate to call this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas the Consumer Tablet Show. | |
30 | 比如,拉斯维加斯与纽约在最近的福布斯最近的调查投票中,并列取得“最酷城市”称号。 | Las Vegas and New York, for instance, were tied for "coolest" cities in a recent Forbes poll. |