1 | 描述动作延续一段时间时,多用规则的过去式 | The regular past tense is more often used when it describes an action that lasts some time | |
2 | 某事持续的期间;持续一段时间 | The time during which something lasts ; duration. | |
3 | 能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天 | Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day | |
4 | 奇闻只存在九天。 | A wonder lasts but nine days. | |
5 | 如不可抗力事件总共持续达壹佰捌拾(180)天,双方当事人应就进一步履行及修改合同的事宜进行商讨并取得统一意见。 | If force majeure lasts a total of one hundred and eighty (180)days, the Parties shall meet to consult and agree upon an arrangement necessary for further implementation and amendment of the Contract. | |
6 | 如果不可抗力事件持续120天以上,任何一方有权终止合同。 | If the event of Force Majeure lasts over 120 days, both parties shall have the right to terminate the contract. | |
7 | 如果不可抗力事件持续超过四个星期,买方有权解除合同。 | In case the accident lasts for more than 4 weeks, the buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract. | |
8 | 如果放入冰箱的话,这种农产品可以保存更长的时间。我需要一辆经久耐用的汽车 | Produce lasts longer if it is refrigerated. I wanted a car that would last. | |
9 | 如果一部作品是在一份雇佣协议的基础上创作的,则著作权保护期是最初出版后的95年,或者创作后的120年,以先终止者为准。 | If the material was created under a work for hire agreement, the copyright lasts 95 years from first publication, or 120 years from creation, whichever expires first. | |
10 | 如果这种严寒天气继续下去,港内的船只将被冰封住。 | If this frost lasts , the ships in the harbour will be frozen in | |
11 | 如果这种严寒天气继续下去,那么港内的船只将被冰封住。 | If this frost lasts the ships in the harbor will be frozen in | |
12 | 上述邮品于7月14日起在所有邮政局发售,售完即止。销售详情请参阅下述之特别销售安排或张贴在各邮政局的通告。 | The above products have been put on sale at all post offices commencing from 14 July 2001 until stock lasts . For sales arrangement information, please refer to the special sales arrangement below or the notices at all post offices. | |
13 | 什么新奇的事,也新不了几天 | A wonder lasts but nine days. | |
14 | 实际上这种碳具有巨大的内表面积,大约每克超过1000平方米,所以它是够用一阵子的。 | Actually, the carbon has a huge internal surface area, probably more than 1000m2 per g, so it lasts for a while. | |
15 | 是这样。获得文科硕士或者理科硕士的人可以有资格攻读博士学位。读博士通常需要3年时间。 | Yes. a person holding a M. a. or M.S. is eligible for working for a doctor’ s degree. Usually this period lasts for three years. | |
16 | 松克兰是泰国的佛教新年。它于4月15日开始,持续三天,也被称作水节,因为在这些日子泰国人花很多时间互相泼水。 | Songkran is the Buddhist New Year in Thailand. It begins on April 15 and lasts three days. This celebration is also called the water festival because Thais spend a lot of the time throwing water on each other during these days. | |
17 | 他看起来好像海量,让我们看看他能撑到几时 | He looks like he can hold his liquor. Let ’s see how long he lasts . | |
18 | 泰拳比赛通常有5个回合,每回合3分钟,各回合之间有2分钟的休息时间。 | A Thai boxing match lasts only five rounds of three minutes each,with a twominute rest between rounds. | |
19 | 天王星上的一年相当于我们地球的八十四年,但是这个行星的一天大约与土星或木星的一天相当。 | A year on Uranus lasts 84 of our years, but the planet’s day is about as long as Saturn’s or Jupiter’s. | |
20 | 通常持续数十秒钟至数分钟,继之出现头痛、精神混乱、感觉虚弱。 | It lasts from under a minute to several minutes and may be followed by headache, confusion, and a weak feeling. | |
21 | 同样,男人们也穿着自己所能买得起的最时新的服装招摇过市。在这里,裁缝可以得到裁剪服装的启发,鞋匠可以了解流行的款式和颜色,帽匠可以知道帽子的行情。 | Equally the men paraded with the very latest they could afford. A tailor might have secured hints on suit measurements, a shoemaker on proper lasts and colours, a hatter on hats. | |
22 | 万物作焉而不辞/弗始,生而弗有,为而弗恃,功成而弗居,夫唯弗居,是以不去 | Things arise and she lets them come;things disappear and she lets them go.she has but doesn’t expect.When her work is done, she forgets it.That is why it lasts forever. | |
23 | 为了年老和急须,要及时积蓄,因为早晨的太阳,不会整天照耀 | For age and want save while you may; no morning sun lasts a whole day | |
24 | 为了年老和急须,要及时积蓄,因为早晨的太阳,不会整天照耀。 | For age and want save while you may; no morning sun lasts a whole day. | |
25 | 我们初步拟定了从明天起到你们搭上飞机飞往三藩市为期5天的日程安排。 | We’ve drawn up a tentative program for the following five days, which lasts from tomorrow till the day you board the plane to San Francisco. | |
26 | 我们的假期有10天。 | Our holiday lasts 10 days. | |
27 | 我宁愿买贵而质料好的衣服,因为它既好又耐穿。 | I’d much rather buy expensive but good quality clothing, because it is not only nice but lasts a long time. | |
28 | 我希望这样的好天气能持续下去. | I hope this fine weather lasts . | |
29 | 希望我的婚姻能和你们的一样持久。 | I hope that my marriage lasts as long as yours has. | |
30 | 戏很短--一小时就演完。 | The play is very short--it only lasts one hour. |