1 | (1)维修无内胎轮胎时,不能使用撬棒强行把轮缘从轮辋上拆卸下来。这样容易损坏轮缘上的轮辋止口,并造成空气泄漏。应该使用专门工具。 | (1)On tubeless tires, do not use tire irons to force the beads away from the rim flanges; this could damage the rim seals on the beads and cause an air leak . Instead, use a beadbreaker tool. | |
2 | “哦,就是这把我们断送啦,在颠簸了十二个钟头以后,船出了一个漏洞,进水了,佩尼隆,’船长说,‘我看我们正在往下沉,把舵给我,到下舱去看看。’ | Eh, it was that that did the business; after pitching heavily for twelve hours we sprung a leak . Penelon,’ said the captain, ’I think we are sinking, give me the helm, and go down into the hold.’ | |
3 | 1.小漏能沉大船。 | A small leak will sink a great ship. | |
4 | DISS接头成功密封的关键是密封表面的极端平滑。必须保护这些表面,以维持高度密封性。 | The key to successful sealing of the DISS connection is the extremely smooth finish of the sealing surfaces. These surfaces must be protected to maintain high leak integrity. | |
5 | 把正在泄漏的乙炔钢瓶搬到空旷的地方,贴上标签说明危险。禁止试图阻止易熔塞泄漏。立刻通知你的供应商。 | Remove leaking acetylene cylinders to an open area and tag them indicating the danger. Never attempt to stop a fuse plug leak . Notify your supplier immediately. | |
6 | 毕利比床上起来,沿着墙想找个地方走出去,因为小便憋得慌。 | Billy was out of bed, groping along a wall, trying to find a way out because he had to take a leak so badly | |
7 | 标准工业阀门排气口接头设计得可以提供一种“不冒泡”接头。这是指用肥皂水溶液或把它浸在水中来对接头检漏。 | Standard industrial valve outlet connections are designed to provide a “bubble-tight” connection, which refers to leak -checking the connection with a soap solution or by immersing it in water. | |
8 | 不可将工具(如:扳手,螺丝刀,撬棍等)插入阀盖内开帽。否则会损坏阀门并引起泄漏。 | Never insert an object (e.g. wrench, screwdriver, pry bar, etc.)into valve cap openings. Doing so may damage valve, causing a leak to occur. | |
9 | 超高完整性装置或DISS接头设计用于对于系统的泄露完整性要求非常高的应用,主要是在半导体工业中。 | Ultra-high-integrity service or DISS connections are designed for applications where the requirements for system leak integrity are very high, primarily in the semiconductor industry. | |
10 | 充分通风有助于在氢泄漏的情况下减少可燃混合物形成的机会,同时还排除了潜在的窒息的危险。 | Adequate ventilation will help reduce the possible formation of flammable mixtures in the event of a hydrogen leak and will also eliminate the potential hazard of asphyxiation. | |
11 | 但使用化学制剂是要付出代价的。这些东西会渗入地下水源,毒化饮水。要是使用方法不当,用药的农民还可能得病,甚至于死亡。 | But there is a price to pay for using chemicals. They leak into underground water supplies and poison drinking water and, if not used correctly, they can cause sickness and even death to farmers using them. | |
12 | 但是,获得更慢的泄露率可能是困难和不协调的,这是为什么发展超高完整性排气口接头的一个主要原因。 | However, achieving slower leak rates can be difficult and inconsistent, one of the primary reasons why the ultra-high-integrity outlet connections were developed. | |
13 | 但是当泄漏同腐蚀性产品有关时,由于腐蚀性材料侵蚀泄漏点,泄漏一般会恶化。 | When the leak involves a corrosive product, however, the leak will generally worsen because the corrosive material attacks the leak point. | |
14 | 电机定子保护壳是一体化的铸铁铸件,没有容易被腐蚀、磨损或泄漏的螺栓固定的外套或附加密封件。铸件完全由坚固耐用的铸铁铸成。 | Motor stator housing is one integral casting, There are no bolted-on jackets or external seals to corrode, wear or leak . Casting is of heavy cast iron throughout. | |
15 | 堵住管子的漏洞、树篱的缺口 | Stop a leak in a pipe,a gap in a hedge | |
16 | 而且如果漏水的话,总能听到点声音,对吗?如果不知从何处着手的话,这个办法可就帮大忙了。 | And you can often hear something when there’s a leak ,can’t you?That always helps when you don’t know where to start looking. | |
17 | 阀门的优点:用金属横膈膜代替人造橡胶衬垫在阀门和阀杆的顶部机件处给予了这种阀门出众的泄漏完整性。 | Valve Advantages: The replacement of elastomeric packings by metal diaphragms gives this valve superior leak integrity at the top works of the valve and stem. | |
18 | 房顶有漏洞,雨往里进。 | There’s a leak in the roof- the rain’s coming in. | |
19 | 封闭装置凸缘可用机械方法或焊接方法洽当接合。除非封闭装置本身是防漏的,否则必须使用垫圈或其他密封件。 | Closure flanges may be mechanically seamed or welded in place. Gaskets or other sealing elements shall be used with closures, unless the closure is inherently leak proof. | |
20 | 封隔箱室?第二部分:根据密封性和有关的检测方法分级 | Containment enclosures? Part 2: Classification according to leak tightness and associated checking methods | |
21 | 辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌 | The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm | |
22 | 高压电路的绝缘必须良好,因为绝缘不良会引起高压电泄漏,从而不能进入火花塞。 | The high-tension wiring insulation must be in good condition, since poor insulation will allow the high-voltage surge to leak to ground instead of entering the spark plugs. | |
23 | 活动盖钢桶的封闭装置的设计和安装,必须做到在正常运输条件下该装置始终是紧固的,钢桶始终是不漏的。所有活动盖都必须使用垫圈或其他密封件。 | Closure devices for removable head drums shall be so designed and applied that they will remain secure and drums will remain leak proof under normal conditions of transport. Gaskets or other sealing elements shall be used with all removable heads. | |
24 | 集装箱不完全是气密性的,它们都有不同程度的泄漏。泄漏程度受如下因素影响:建造水平、使用年限、修补和维修的情况。 | Containers are not completely gas tight; they all leak to varying degrees. The leakiness is affected by such factors as construction, age, state of repair and packing. | |
25 | 减少泄漏或者至少减少人员和设备的暴露的补救行动。 | Corrective action to minimize the leak or at least minimize exposure to people and equipment. | |
26 | 将连续几个月正常使用情况下的冲击和湍流形成的扰动浓缩成只有几秒钟的强化震动试验,普通闸阀在40秒钟后开始泄漏……而美国尼伯科关闭阀反复经受住好几轮的试验仍然没有泄漏。 | "Vibration tests condense months of vibration typical of ""in-use"" pressure surges and turbulence into seconds. Ordinary gate valves leak after one 40-second test... NIBCO Block Valves withstand repreated test cycles without leakage." | |
27 | 尽管雾云可以指示泄漏,但它们不能用来界定泄漏的区域,而且任何人不能进入雾云。 | Although fog clouds may be indicative of a release, they must never be used to define the leak area and should not be entered by any one. | |
28 | 尽管有这些防范措施,在运输、储存和使用中,泄漏还是可能发生。最大的泄漏可能点是钢瓶阀门。钢瓶阀门上有四个特殊区域可能发生泄漏 | In spite of such precautions, leaks can develop from handling in transit, during storage, and during use. The greatest leak potential is with the cylinder valve. There are four distinct areas where leaks at the cylinder valve can occur | |
29 | 禁止把物体(如扳手、螺丝起子、撬杆等)插入阀门帽的开口处。这样做可能损伤阀门,导致泄漏。 | NEVER insert an object (e.g., wrench, screwdriver, pry bar, etc.)into valve cap openings. Doing so may damage the valve causing it to leak . | |
30 | 禁止把物体(如扳手、螺丝起子、撬杆等)插入阀门帽地开口处。这样做可能损伤阀门,导致泄漏。 | NEVER insert an object (e.g., wrench, screwdriver, pry bar, etc.)into valve cap openings. Doing so may damage the valve causing it to leak . |