属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 各国应对疫情危机 汇丰暂停派息 美失业人数创
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国与欧元 默克尔之道
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-防止伪造 英国新推一英镑硬币(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-乌克兰危机 不是同一场电影
1 | 被告探身跟讼务律师嘀咕了几句. | The defendant leant forward and spoke to his barrister,sotto voce. | |
2 | 对...施加压力 | applied the screws to;apply the screw to;leant upon;apply the screws to;leant on;bear down upon;applied the screw to;put a squeeze on | |
3 | 吉特把头低在他的盆子上,巴巴拉把头低在她蚕豆壳上,每个人都因为被对方发现了秘密而感到局促不安。 | Kit leant over his plate, and Barbara over her pea-shells, each in extreme confusion at having been detected by the other | |
4 | 她靠在抽屉柜上,夹七夹八地嘟囔着哀告了许久,于是她心里一下子亮堂起来。 | She leant against the chest of drawers, and murmured incoherent supplications for a long while, till she suddenly started up | |
5 | 她靠在船边上。 | She leant over the side of the ship. | |
6 | 她扑到床上,抱起那孩子偎在怀里,便像一尊石像似的靠在床前的停火小桌子旁边,痴痴地对着曾家驹看。 | She picked up the child and, hugging it to her, she leant motionless as a statue against a table by the bed and stared dumbly at the intruder | |
7 | 她身子靠着一棵金凤花休息,用一张叶子当扇子扇着。 | She leant against a butter-cup to rest himself, and fanned herself with one of the leaves. | |
8 | 她向前一俯,哇的一声吐了一地。 | She leant forward and vomited copiously on the floor | |
9 | 她斜倚在门上。 | She leant against the door. | |
10 | 老人拄着一根长长的木手杖. | The old man leant on a long wooden staff. | |
11 | 蓦地他晃着脑袋,蹑起了脚后跟,把他那矮胖的身体伏在月台的栏杆上,向着下边大声说道 | Suddenly, he shook his head, stood on tiptoe, and leant his short, fat body over the balustrade | |
12 | 那些工人把铁往篱笆上一靠就吃午饭去了 | The workmen leant their shovels against the fence and went to lunch | |
13 | 树在风中倾斜 | The trees leant in the wind | |
14 | 他把身子往后靠在蜂窝上,仰着脸儿观察起天上的星星来;那些星星凄清的光芒,正在一片一片苍苍的穹窿上,闪烁搏动。 | He leant back against the hives, and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above | |
15 | 他把身子向前探,以便看得更清楚. | He leant forward/forwards to see better. | |
16 | 他把自行车斜倚在前门的门柱上,放下大袋子,用左手拢着袋口。 | He leant his bicycle against the pillar of the front door, lifted the sack down, keeping it shut with his left band. | |
17 | 他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。 | He leant aslant against the wall. | |
18 | 他往杆子上一倚,杆子就断了. | He leant against the post and it broke. | |
19 | 他斜靠在沙发的背上 | He leant on the back of the sofa | |
20 | 他斜倚栏杆。 | He leant on the railing. | |
21 | 他倚着栏杆向下面甲板上的人喊话。 | He leant over the rail, and called down to the people on the deck below. | |
22 | 我把胳臂肘靠在书桌上。 | I leant my elbows on the desk. | |
23 | 我坐在椅了里向后靠着,环视了一下房间。 | I leant back in my chair, glancing about the room | |
24 | 在爱丽丝靠在一棵毛茛上,用一片毛茛叶搧着休息时说,“要是我像正常那么大小,我真想教它玩许多把戏,啊,亲爱的, | said Alice, as she leant against a buttercup to rest herself, and fanned herself with one of the leaves: `I should have liked teaching it tricks very much, if--if I’d only been the right size to do it! Oh dear! | |
25 | ||1:汇丰(HSBC)暂停派息的决定,引发了其最大市场香港投资者的强烈反对。||2:在英国央行(Bank of England)向汇丰(hsbc)施压后,汇丰与英国其它大型银行一起暂停了股东派息,但香港的一群投资者已联合起来,试图就此事召开特别股东大会。 | ||1:The decision of HSBC to suspend its dividend payments has sparked a backlash among investors in Hong Kong, its biggest market.||2:Along with other big British banks, hsbc suspended shareholder payouts after the Bank of England leant on them to do so, but a group of investors in Hong Kong has banded together to try to force an extraordinary general meeting on the matter. | |
26 | ||1:在国内她是谨慎的,怀疑政府改革的能力,热切关心盟友以及对挑战者快速地斩草除根。||2:尽管她游说其它欧盟国家作出变革,但她不是位激进的改革者。||3:的确,她将CDU拉向左倾,部分是处于信念,但也是为了创造更多的结盟选项以及从社会民主党挖选票。||4:在这场欧元危机当中,她偏向于小且慢的步伐。||5:当她不确定时或是听到不一致的建议时,她的直觉常常是什么都不做。||6:身为一个东德人,她常常更偏向于波兰,这个在欧盟中的德国的传统伙伴,而非法国。 | ||1:At home she is cautious, sceptical of government’s ability to change things, solicitous of allies and quick to cut down challengers.||2:Despite preaching change to other EU countries, she is no radical reformer.||3:Indeed, she has pulled the CDU leftward, partly out of conviction but also to create more coalition options and steal votes from the Social Democrats.||4:In the euro crisis she has favoured small, slow steps.||5:When she is in doubt or gets conflicting advice, her instinct is often to do nothing.||6:As an easterner, she has often leant as much towards Poland as towards France, Germany’s traditional EU partner. | |
27 | 他以种极大的—有人可能会说是过度的—热情扮演这个角色:据说,他曾贿赂并依靠威廉·查洛纳的下属和情妇来确保让造假头目定罪。 | He performed the role with great—some might say excessive—enthusiasm: he is said to have bribed and leant on William Chaloner’s associates and mistresses to secure the conviction of the counterfeiting kingpin. | |
28 | 同时,2004年倚靠库奇马总统的美国对这些也失去了兴趣。 | The United States, meanwhile, which leant on Mr Kuchma in 2004, has lost interest. | |
29 | “如果轮轴销吱吱响了,如果横梁还带有边材,如果干草堆倾斜了,”那么村里每个人都会知道这是谁的手艺了。 | "If the wheel axle pin squeaked, if the beam had sapwood in it, if the haystack leant " , everyone in the village would know who had done it. | |
30 | 1996年是DOMA的时代,68%的多数派向27%的少数派倾斜。 | In 1996, the time of DOMA, the majority leant 68% to 27% the other way. |