1 | (一)出租人根据租赁合同的约定完全是利用自己的技能和判断为承租人选择供货人或租赁物的 | (1)According to the lease contract, the leasor has selected the supplier or leased property completely based on its own knowledge and judgement for the lessee | |
2 | (一)供货合同或租赁合同中未约定转让索赔权的,对供货人的索赔应由出租人享有和行使,承租人应提供有关证据 | (1)For the supply contract or lease contract where the transfer of claim is stipulated, the leasor shall enjoy and exercise the claim right, and the lessee shall provide necessary evidences | |
3 | (租借地临近美国最大的河口与沼泽地。 | (The lease area was adjacent to the greatest estuary and marsh area in the United States | |
4 | “出版”是将一部作品的复制品或唱片以销售、其他转移所有权的方式,或者租赁的方式投放市场。 | "Publication" is the distribution of copies or phonorecords of a work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease , or lending. | |
5 | “萨福克县诉内政部长”[1977年《联邦判例汇编》第2集第562卷第1368页(第二巡回法庭)]一案,提审被驳回[1987年《美国最高法院判例汇编》第434卷第1064页],此案是关于中大西洋地区拟设外大陆架租赁,是个环境影响报告书的适合性问题。 | In County of Suffolk v. Secretary of the Interior, 562 F.2d 1368 (2d Cir. 1977), cert. denied 434 U.S. 1064 (1978), the issue was the adequacy of an EIS for a proposed OCS lease sale in the mid-atlantic area | |
6 | 《出版物经营许可证》应在经营场所明显处张挂,不得涂改、复制,不得以任何形式出卖、出借、出租、转让。 | It/he shall put up the “Permit for Running Publications” at an obvious position in the business place, and shall not alter, reproduce, sell, lend, lease or transfer it in any form. | |
7 | 《租借法案》一通过,咱们马上就给他们运送大量货物。 | The minute Lend-Lease passes, we’ll be sending out a vast shipment of stuff | |
8 | 1976年粉碎四人帮后,中国电影获得了新生。大批各种类型的影片很快出现在银幕上。 | With the smashing of the gang of Four in 1976, film making was given a new lease of life. Great and immediate changes took place in the types and number of films available to Chinese audience. | |
9 | 2.本协定适用于通过任何契约方式进行的采购,包括通过购买、租赁、租购等方法,无论有无购买选择权,包括产品和服务的任何组合。 | This Agreement applies to procurement by any contractual means, including through such methods as purchase or as lease , rental or hire purchase, with or without an option to buy, including any combination of products and services | |
10 | 本规定所称出租,是指以收取租金的形式向读者提供出版物。 | “Lease ” mentioned in the present Provisions means provisions of publications to readers by means of charging rent. | |
11 | 本规定所称发行,包括总发行、批发、零售以及出租、展销等活动。 | “Distribution” mentioned in the present Provisions includes the activities of general distribution, wholesale, retail, lease , and sales exhibitions, etc. | |
12 | 本文简介:赋于计算机以色彩这一简单的营销策略,连同引入的诸多技术革新,给麦全托什苹果机带来新生。 | IN THIS ARTICLE: The simple marketing strategy of making the computer coloured, as well as introducing many technical innovations, has given the macintosh computer a new lease of life | |
13 | 本业务租用期间至少为一年。 | The minimum lease term of CHT WS-FRS is one(1)year. | |
14 | 比较低的租金出赁 | Lease at a lower rental/房屋出赁 | |
15 | 比英国更早,强租中国领土澳门的,是葡萄牙。 | And before Britain, Portugal had compelled China to lease its territory of Macao. | |
16 | 不过要是罗斯福有意向英国免费赠送军人,他为什么不干脆站出来直说,何必拿这个《租借法案》来哄骗我们? | But if Roosevelt wants to send English arms free of charge, why the devil doesn’t he come out and say so, instead of giving us all this Lend-Lease baloney? | |
17 | 持用采取转让、买卖、租借以及其他非法方式获得他人的海员出境入境证件;持已经超过有效期限的海员出境入境证件。 | Holding an exit or entry certificate of sailors that is obtained from others through transfer, trade, lease , or other illegal ways; orHolding an expired exit or entry certificate of sailors. | |
18 | 第123号租赁合同将于1992年12月31日到期。 | The term of lease under Lease No.123will expire on December31,1992. | |
19 | 第一批《租借法案》的护船队未遇到任何麻烦,笔直向东破浪前进。 | unmolested, the first Lend-Lease convoy steamed straight eastward | |
20 | 订定地契或租契 | to execute a deed or lease | |
21 | 法院认为,国会在立法时的意图是,租约赋予的权利不能因其后颁布的条例而作废。 | The court held that Congress had intended vested rights under the lease to be invulnerable to defeasance by subsequently issued regulations | |
22 | 分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。 | A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt. | |
23 | 该法也适用于其他方面事务的办理,诸如,契约的终止,公司业主控制股权的转让,破产程序的启动,以及取消抵押品赎回权资格的过户。 | It also applies to other transactions such as the termination of a lease , transfer of a controlling interest in a corporate owner, initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, and transfer of title through foreclosure | |
24 | 各项租费应自设备装妥可供使用之次日起计算至用户停租之日为止,停租日之各项费用按一日计算。 | The chargeable lease period shall begin from the following day of the day when all the facilities required are set up for the customer’s use and end on the termination date. | |
25 | 给那辆旧自行车上点儿油和漆,就能多骑些日子。 | A bit of oil and some paint could give that old bike a new lease of life. | |
26 | 根据租约规定,你无权转租物业。 | Under the term of the lease you have no right to sublet the property. | |
27 | 国家质检总局对从事进口用于销售、租赁或维修等用途的旧机电产品的进口商实行登记管理。 | SIQSAQ applies a registration system to the importers engaging in the import of used mechanical and electric products that are intended for sales, lease or repairs. | |
28 | 还有一年有效期的租借 | A lease with one year to run. | |
29 | 甲、乙双方任何一方在未征得对方谅解的情况下,不履行本合同规定条款,导致本合同中途终止,则视为该方违约,双方同意违约金为××元整。 | During the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this Contract without the other party’s understanding will be deemed to breach the Contract. Both parties agree that the default fine will be××. | |
30 | 驾驶执照、租约、信用卡、合同、协议等的期满 | The expiry of a driving licence,lease , credit card,contract,agreement,etc |