1 | 多得"长毛"梁国雄,传奇人物捷古华拉的名字在香港几乎无人不晓(家喻户晓)。 | Thanks to “Long Hair“ Leung Kwok-hung, the legendary Che Guevara is almost a household name in Hong Kong. | |
2 | 夫妇俩大喜过望,觉得这个孩子与佛有缘,于是给孩子取名为“李修缘”。这个李修缘就是后世大名鼎鼎的济公和尚。 | The joyful couple named their son Li Xiuyuan. This Li Xiuyuan was the very legendary monk Jigong. | |
3 | 革命英雄传奇神话的历史终结-论莫言《红高粱家族》的文学史意义 | Historical End of the Legendary Myth about Revolutionary Hero on the Literature Historical Significance of Red Sorghum Clan by Mo Yan | |
4 | 根据最近公布的数字,主要因传奇的尼斯湖怪兽而知名的苏格兰是我们星球上不明飞行物目击率最高的地区。 | The country better known as the home of legendary Loch Ness monster has the highest concentration of UFO sightings on the planet, according to figures released recently | |
5 | 关于《泰坦尼克号》传奇爱情具有现实发生可能性的分析 | The Analysis for Legendary Love-story’s Reality and Possibility in "TITANIC" | |
6 | 海里有一条传说中的大鳌鱼。 | In the sea there’s a huge legendary turtle. | |
7 | 汉代造就了中国最伟大的史学家-司马迁(公元前145-公元前87),他的《史记》采用编年史的形式,详细地介绍了从传说中的夏帝一直到汉武帝这一段时期的历史。 | The Han period produced China’s most famous historian, Sima Qian ( 145-87 B.C.), whose Shiji ( Historical Records)provides a detailed chronicle from the time of a legendary Xia emperor to that of the Han emperor Wu Di ( 141-87 B.C.). | |
8 | 后来作为BMW发动机部门的主管,他在世界二级方程式赛车界中成为了声名显赫的风云人物。 | Later, as head of BMW engine development, he is the man behind BMW engine′s legendary successes in the world of Formula Two racing. | |
9 | 华佗首创全身麻醉开刀的探究 | Legendary Hwa Tuo’s Surgery under General Anesthesia in the Second Century China | |
10 | 黄帝不再是传说中的人物。1973年长沙马王堆汉墓出土了《黄帝四经》。该书成书于战国时代,人土于公元前168年,是第一本关于黄帝"治固之本"的书。 | The Yellow Emperor is no longer a legendary figure. a lost book was unearthed in 1973 at Mawangdui near Changsha. The book, titled Four Books of the Yellow Emperor, was written 2500 years ago. It is about the statecraft of the Emperor. | |
11 | 基德,威廉1645?-1701英国商船船长,被雇用保护英国在印度洋的船只后(1696年)变为海盗。他的残酷和未被发现的宝藏,虽然无事实根据,仍具有传奇色彩 | British sea captain who turned to piracy after being hired to protect British ships in the Indian Ocean(1696.His cruelty and undiscovered buried treasure,although unsubstantiated,remain legendary . | |
12 | 她的耐心和机智是出名的 | Her patience and tact were legendary | |
13 | 借异写实,发抒孤愤:《聊斋志异》的创作笔法与创作主旨 | Writing the Real & Giving the Feeling: Style and Purport of A Legendary Record in Self-diversion Study | |
14 | 狂暴战士,暴汉一群古斯堪的纳维亚斗士,传说他们在战斗中野蛮且异常狂暴 | One of a band of ancient Norse warriors legendary for their savagery and reckless frenzy in battle. | |
15 | 李尔,爱德华1812-1888英国艺术家和打油诗作家,作品包括在如他的第一部无聊书(1846年)等著作中 | The protagonist in Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear,based on a legendary king of Britain. | |
16 | 流贼、清人残毁明陵传闻考辨 | An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus | |
17 | 每一幅壁画,从花草树木,到神佛人物,到当时人们活动的情形,无不栩栩如生。 | The images in all the paintings, whether they are trees and flowers or religious and legendary lay figures, are lifelike, showing realistically aspects of the life of the people in different ages | |
18 | 明代中篇传奇小说格局的构成-以《钟情丽集》为考察中心 | A Review of the Narrative Pattern of the Legendary Novelettes during the Constitution | |
19 | 那个传奇般的故事至今为人津津乐道。 | People still take delight in talking about the legendary story. | |
20 | 那位传奇般的英雄只身一人攻陷了敌人的据点。 | That legendary hero captured the enemy’s stronghold unaided by anyone. | |
21 | 挪威北欧滑雪传奇人物诺德海姆也被称为滑雪之父,他于1860年首次创立跳台滑雪方法并设计了第一块有效的滑雪板,这项运动才开展起来。 | The legendary Norwegian nordic athlete and so-called "father 0f skiing", Nordheim is credited with the first officially measured ski jump in 1860 and design Of the first effective ski Bindings,which made this sport possible. | |
22 | 欧洲历史对我何尝不是如此。我为你简化一下,粗略分为4期:传说时代,(不过这个字眼未必恰当),封建时代,中华帝国和现代中国。 | So is European history to me. For your sake, let me divide it into four periods: legendary history for want of a better term, feudal China, imperial China and modern China. | |
23 | 披头士乐队在改编乐曲时开创了使用复杂电子效果的先河,他们的影响和冲击可谓家喻户晓。 | A group whose popularity and influence became legendary and who pioneered the use of sophisticated electronic effects in their arrangements. | |
24 | 其他地方的人还用树根进行雕刻,作品包括宗教人物,传说人物,山水,动物和花卉。 | People in other parts of China make treeroot carvings, which include statues of religion and legendary figures, landscape, animals and flowers. | |
25 | 然而,在过去的20年中芝加哥公牛队篮球球星迈克·乔丹把这个传奇式的罪犯头目赶下了台。 | But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal. | |
26 | 如何分配他旺盛的精力和浓厚的兴趣? | How to channel the legendary energies and appetites? | |
27 | 莎士比亚传奇剧艺术探析 | A Tentative Study of W. Shakespearian Legendary Plays | |
28 | 蛇怪神话中的一种毒蛇或恶龙,它的气息和目光能使人致命 | A legendary serpent or dragon with lethal breath and glance. | |
29 | 神话传说,"华夏文明"始于"开天辟地"的盘古、明君及圣人先贤黄帝、尧、舜等,他们教会了中国古人如何沟通,怎样解决衣、食、住等问题。 | Chinese civilization, as described in mythology, begins with Pangu, the creator of the universe, and a succession of legendary sage-emperors and culture heroes (among them are Huang Di , Yao, and Shun)who taught the ancient Chinese to communicate and to find sustenance, clothing, and shelter. | |
30 | 斯皮尔伯格也对法国传奇人物、电影导演弗朗索瓦·特吕福表示赞扬。特吕福20年前去世,他曾在斯皮尔伯格1977年导演的经典之作《第三类接触》中扮演主角。 | Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary French film director Francois Truffaut, who died 20 years ago and who had starred in Spielberg’s 1977 classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. |