1 | (2)公章必须是金属印章 上面以清晰的形式刻有公司名称 | A common seal must be a metallic seal having the company′s name engraved on it in legible form. | |
2 | 本子上写的满是打倒老大哥,字写得大极了,在房间另一端也看得清清楚楚。 | DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER was written all over it, in letters almost big enough to be legible across the room | |
3 | 编制形成文件的程序控制应规定要确保文件保持清晰易于识别。 | A documented procedure shall be established to define the controls needed to ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable. | |
4 | 地址是清晰的。 | The addresses are legible . | |
5 | 第二十三条 汇票上记载付款日期、付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。 | Article 23 The date of payment, place of payment and place of issue, if specified on a bill of exchange, shall be legible and unambiguous. | |
6 | 第七十六条 本票上记载付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。 | Article 76 Particulars such as the place of payment and the place of issue specified on a promissory note shall be legible and unambiguous. | |
7 | 第三十五条单位和个人在开具发票时,必须做到按号码顺序填开,填写项目齐全,内容真实,字迹清楚,全部联次一次复写、打印,内容完全一致,并在发票联和抵扣联加盖单位财务印章或者发票专用章。 | Article 35 Unit and individual, while drawing up invoice, shall fill in and draw up invoice in accordance with the number order, the items filled in shall be complete, contents shall be real, words legible , all sheets of invoice shall be duplicated, printed in one single time, the contents shall be completely consistent, the financial seal or the special invoice seal shall be fixed in all sheets of the invoice and the withholding sheets. | |
8 | 光读字体(B):国际标准组织认可的字体。它的设计,除机器可读之外,人们阅读,亦较光读字体(A)为易。 | OCR-B: An ISO recognized machine-readable typeface that is designed to be more legible to humans than OCR-A. | |
9 | 哈尔的书法工整清晰,与他的相比,我的书法黯然失色。 | Hal’s writing is so neat and legible that it puts mine to shame. | |
10 | 环境记录应字迹清楚,标识明确,具备对相关活动、产品或服务的可追溯性。 | Environmental records shall be legible , identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved. | |
11 | 环境纪录应清楚易读、可辨识,并可追溯到相关的活动、产品或服务。 | Environmental records shall be legible , identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved. | |
12 | 或看来是以下文件的副本或摘录的文件--以能阅读形式出示的注册记录册;或(a)段所指的文件,及看来是经注册官或注册官为这目的而授权的人认证为真实副本或摘录的文件 | or a copy of or extract from the register in legible form; or a document referred to in paragraph (a), and to be certified as a true copy or extract by the Registrar or a person authorized by him in that behalf, | |
13 | 几乎没有交迭或更改的;可读的. | Having few alterations or corrections; legible . | |
14 | 记录应保持清晰、易于识别和检索。 | Records shall remain legible , readily identifiable and retrievable. | |
15 | 可追溯性质量记录必须填写完整,字迹清晰,签署规范.记录保存期限按有关规定执行。 | Traceable quality records shall be complete, legible and normative. The retention period of records refers to relevant standard. | |
16 | 另有明代嘉靖时郭波澄的《醉石诗》,字迹尚可辨识 | A more legible inscription is a poem by a Ming Dynasty scholar named Guo Bocheng that runs as follows | |
17 | 铭文仍清晰可辨. | The inscription was still legible | |
18 | 模糊的,难辨的无法读出或解释的 | Not legible or decipherable. | |
19 | 拼写一定要正确,不能用缩写,否则不算赢,等等。 | No abbreviations, correct spelling, and if what you wrote wasn’t legible , it didn’t count | |
20 | 确保文件保持清晰、易于识别;确保外来文件得到识别,并控制其分发 | To ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable,to ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled | |
21 | 任何人缴付订明的费用,即可查阅以能阅读形式出示的注册记录册 | Any person may, on payment of the prescribed fee inspect the register in legible form; | |
22 | 所有文件均须字迹清楚,注明日期(包括修订日期),标识明确,妥善保管,并在规定期间内予以留存。 | Documentation shall be legible , dated (with dates of revision)and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner and retained for a specified period. | |
23 | 所有质量纪录应易于阅读,其贮存和保管方法应便于存取,并提供适宜的环境,以减少损坏、变质及防止遗失。 | All quality records shall be legible and shall be stored and retained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage or deterioration and to prevent loss. | |
24 | 索取关于注册记录册内所记载事项而以能阅读形式出示的副本或摘录 | require to be furnished with a copy of, or extract from, any entry in the register in legible form; | |
25 | 他的面目上,满是可以看得出来的意义。 | His countenance was overlaid with legible meanings | |
26 | 他很平静,但在他那苍白和忧伤的脸上,显然可看出那一夜的焦虑。 | He was calm; but the agitation of the night was legible in his pale and careworn visage | |
27 | 他字写得好[清楚 | He has/writes a good/legible hand. | |
28 | 填表须知:此表必须用打字机填写。若用笔填写时必须用正楷字体。 | INSTRUCTIONS: This form must be filled out by typewriter, or if by hand in legible block letter. | |
29 | 文件资料应清楚阅读,标示日期(附改订日期)、容易辨识、而且妥善地整理并在一指定的期间内予以保留。 | Documentation shall be legible , dated (with dates of revision)and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner and retained for a specified period. | |
30 | 我预定的旅馆就隐藏在这缤纷杂乱的城市里的某处,而我事先潦草地勾勒的路线图,突然间变得字迹模糊,难以辨认了。 | Somewhere in this confusing city my hotel was hidden, but the directions I had scrawled suddenly weren’t legible |