属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-德州堕胎法为限制其它权利开先例
1 | (北京综合电)台湾民进党籍立法委员陈金德昨日与台湾多个渔业团体组成的考察团抵达北京访问。 | Comprehensive report, Beijing--A delegation comprising of Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)legislator Chen Chin-Teh and several associations in fishery have arrived Beijing yesterday | |
2 | SNTV选制下“立法委员连任胜选幅度模型”建立之尝试-以第四届区域立委为例 | Trying the "Legislator Reelection Magnitude Model" Under the SNTV System: A Case Study of Fourth-term Legislators | |
3 | 澳门特区筹委会通过任命何厚铧为澳门行政长官,是次会议由副总理钱其琛主持。 | Legislator Edmund Ho Hau-wah’s election was rubber-stamped by the Preparatory Committee of the Macau SAR chaired by Vice-Premier Qian Qichen. | |
4 | 保皇党议员黄宜弘在星期三晚向示威人士做粗口手势,市民的不满昨日继续升温。 | Public anger intensified yesterday over the vulgar gesture pro-government legislator Philip Wong Yu-hong made at protesters on Wednesday night. | |
5 | 程介南滥用立法会议员权利,谋取自身利益。 | Mr Cheng has taken advantage of being a legislator . | |
6 | 代表工会的立法会议员刘千石的助手 | an aide to unionist legislator Lau Chin-shek | |
7 | 当甲从乙的身上拿钱给丙时,若甲是立法者,则这个过程叫做课税 | When A takes money from B to give to C and A is a legislator , the process is called taxation. | |
8 | 当那个议员提议再次冻结工资时,他的同事们用嘲笑打断了他。 | The legislator was laughed down by his colleagues when he proposed another freeze on wages. | |
9 | 对于无争议的表决,议院可以采用口头表决,但是如果任何一名立法者要求一个登记表,则每个成员的投票将独立及公开的完成。 | For noncontroversial votes, the chamber will take a voice vote, but if any legislator asks for a roll call, then each member’s vote is made separately and publicly. | |
10 | 国会监督、立委表现与选举课责 | Congressional Evaluation, Legislator Performance and Electoral Accountability | |
11 | 好律师会成为好议员。 | A good lawyer makes a good legislator . | |
12 | 立法议员通常必须在选举前居住于选他做议员的选区至少一年。 | A legislator generally must have resided in the district which elects him for at least a year before election | |
13 | 立法者的第一项任务就是分配刑罚(沃尔特·萨维奇·兰道)。 | The first duty of a legislator is to apportion penalties(Walter Savage Landor. | |
14 | 立法者制定或颁布法律的人;立法者 | One who makes or enacts laws;a legislator . | |
15 | 立委选举之医疗保健政见分析,1969~1995 | Health Care Political Views Showed in Legislator Election Campaigns, 1969~1995 | |
16 | 如果你去他家,忘了问那是一件什么珍藏品,那位前任的立法议员就会硬把话题扯到它上面。 | If you visit the house and fail to inquire what that accumulation is, the conversation will be brought around to it by that aforetime legislator | |
17 | 随着互联网时代和国际全球化市场的到来,为什么延长著作权保护期的问题会再次受到负担过多的立法者的注意呢 | Of the online era and the international stampede toward a global marketplace--why would duration extension get a second glance from an overburdened legislator ? | |
18 | 他的家人力捧他竞选立法委员。 | His families were booming him for legislator . | |
19 | 文森,卡尔1883-1981美国立法员。1914年他从佐治亚州被选为美国众议院议员,并保持该职位达60年之久 | American legislator .He was elected as a U.S.representative from Georgia in1914,a post he held for a record60years. | |
20 | 选举制度对政党体系之影响:台湾县市长、立法委员、任务型国大选举之实例比较 | Influences of the Electoral System on the Party System: A Comparative Study of Taiwan’s County Magistrate and Mayoral Election, Legislator Election, and Missionary National Assembly Representative Election | |
21 | 选区的全体选民:由一名被选出的立法或官员作代表的全体选民. | Constituency:The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official. | |
22 | 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。 | A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year | |
23 | 一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会而引起了公愤。 | The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers’Foundation. | |
24 | 异例滋生典范转移:台湾立委选制的变迁 | Anomaly Arising and Paradigm Shift: Analyzing the Change of Legislator ’s Electoral System | |
25 | 用吃喝和游说的方式影响某位有立法权的议员. | wine,dine and lobby a legislator | |
26 | 有关竞选资金问题的争论的特征是存在两种对立的看法,愿意基本上采取自由放任的态度,让人们在这方面自己做出决定;与之相对的是认为有关公众关心的事务,政府应起到立法者的作用。 | Campaign-finance debate features two opposing visions: an essentially laissez-faire willingness to let people make their own decisions, versus a belief in the role of government as legislator on matters of public concern | |
27 | 在昨日立法会辩论中,民建联议员(黄容根)在关键时刻失踪,以致杀局条例草案获通过。 | But the legislation was saved from a narrow defeat early in yesterday’s debate only by the disappearance of a DAB legislator at a crucial moment. | |
28 | 自由党立法会议员周梁淑怡解释由于自由党和政府在二十三条问题上的立场迥异,田北俊别无选择,只有退出。 | Liberal Party legislator Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee said Mr Tien had ’’no choice’’ but to quit Mr Tung’s cabinet. This was because the Liberal Party and the Government had adopted a different stance on Article 23, she explained. | |
29 | 在伊利诺伊州,一位民主党议员提议采取类似加州正在考虑的措施来针对枪支销售商。 | In Illinois, one Democratic legislator has proposed targeting gun dealers with a measure similar to the one California is considering. | |
30 | ||1:康涅狄格州的立法者同意这一观点,包括一些共和党人。||2:本月早些时候,该州参众两院投票废除死刑。||3:州长丹侬?马洛伊承诺当法案到他的案头时,他就会签署的,也许最快就在下周了。||4:但是共和党议员阿瑟?欧尼尔希望将这个问题交予民众决定,并建议州长安排一次全民公投。 | ||1:Connecticut lawmakers agree, including some Republicans.||2:Earlier this month the state’s two legislative chambers voted to repeal capital punishment.||3:Dannel Malloy, the governor, has pledged to sign the bill when it reaches his desk, perhaps as soon as next week.||4:But Arthur O’Neill, a Republican state legislator , wants to put the matter to the people and has asked the governor to schedule a referendum. |