属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国女议员人数有所增长多但还是为数不多
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-说客是立法过程的一部分
1 | 明尼苏达州选民选出了首位索马里裔的州议员。肯塔基州选民选出来20年来首位黑人女议员。美国各州还选举产生了四十名来自美国原住民的民主党州议员。 | Voters in Minnesota elected the first Somali-American state lawmaker. Voters in Kentucky elected its first black female legislator in 20 years. Forty Native American Democratic state legislators were also elected in states throughout the country. | |
2 | 这就给我们带来了本期词汇掌故节目要讲的单词,这是一个政治词汇:游说(lobby)。游说是指试图影响议员对法案的投票。 | And that brings us to our word for this Words and Their Stories. It’s a political word: "lobby." "Lobbying" is an attempt to influence a legislator ’s vote on a bill. | |
3 | 1980年,我因为提高汽车牌照费而失去了这个县的支持,但是当地的州议员约翰.米勒却曾经投票支持提高汽车牌照费。 | I had lost the county in 1980 over the car tags despite the fact that the local legislator , John Miller, had voted to raise them. | |
4 | 比起立法者,法院与法官甚至更不适合实现法律的当代化。 | Courts and judges are even less well suited than legislator to bring the law up to date. | |
5 | 但也是在这周,为回应公众的批评,上海市一位人大代表建议,公款消费不准喝茅台酒。 | But this is also the week when a Shanghai legislator suggested prohibiting moutai at such banquets, in response to public criticism. | |
6 | 迪克斯同时还是州立法委员,同其他自主经营的牧场主一道,多年来一直反对肉制品加工企业的合并。 | Mr Dierks is also a state legislator and with other independent ranchers has for years decried consolidation among meatpackers. | |
7 | 费尔南德斯是一位经验老到的律师和立法者。她1980年从政,1995年成为参议员。 | A veteran lawyer and legislator , Fernandez entered politics in the 1980s and became a senator in 1995. | |
8 | 即一个为执法部门工作多年在职的议员,却一直像其他议员一样,忙于提出议案和进行投票表决 | a legislator working for years as a law enforcement mole, all the while introducing bills and casting votes like any other legislator | |
9 | 今年,纽约立法委员会迈出了更新的一步:在过人行横道的时候禁止使用手机,iPods以及黑莓。 | This year, a New York legislator took the next step: proposing to ban use of cell phones, iPods, and BlackBerrys while crossing the street. | |
10 | 绿党的立法委员KerstinAndreae表示,社会民主党正在为其激烈的内耗和缺失的领导能力付出代价。 | A Green legislator , Kerstin Andreae, says the SPD is paying the price for internal strife and a lack of convincing leadership. | |
11 | 前立法会议员陆恭蕙(ChristineLoh)表示:“我们听到有人报料说,唐英年是北京中意的人选。” | "We have heard from self-appointed messengers that Henry Tang is Beijing’s choice, " said Christine Loh, a former legislator . | |
12 | 上个月,另一位州议会议员AustinBadon也因筹款困难而退出。 | Last month Austin Badon, another state legislator , dropped out because he was finding it hard to raise money. | |
13 | 深圳人大代表杨建昌(音)说,他一直试图引起政府对这个问题的重视,但收效甚微。 | Yang Jianchang, a legislator in Shenzhen, said he had been trying to get the central government’s attention, with little success. | |
14 | 新泽西州的一位立法官员形容她的州是已经“机能性破产”了。 | One legislator in New Jersey described her state as "functionally bankrupt" . | |
15 | 星期日韩国方面一个委员说,南朝鲜军方在朝鲜地区一直在散发有关埃及暴动的宣传单。 | South Korea’s military has been dropping leaflets into North Korea about democracy protests in Egypt, a legislator said on Friday. | |
16 | 性格极其争议的肯尼迪先生却是一个多产的立法者。 | Mr Kennedy, both adored and loathed as a personality, was a prolific legislator . | |
17 | 因裸睡照片外泄,马来西亚37岁的女议员黄洁冰17日辞职。 | A Malaysian legislator resigned Tuesday after photos of her sleeping in the nude were circulated among the public. | |
18 | 在威斯康星,一个州立法委员想通过对视频游戏征税来为未成年罪犯司法系统筹集资金。 | In Wisconsin, a state legislator wants to raise more money for the juvenile criminal justice system via a tax on video games. | |
19 | 这是里程碑的一步,因为曾作为立法者的赖安在1977年投票造成恢复死刑。 | It was a monumental step, all the more so because as a legislator , in 1977, Ryan had voted to reinstate the death penalty. | |
20 | 朱熹的立法思想包括三个方面:主张立法主体为法自君出,君臣共议; | Zhu Xi’s legislative ideas are of three aspects: advocating monarch as the legislator and the monarch discussing with the officials; |