属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-世界银行 正确起因 错误斗争
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 一篇400余字的文章,用了21个“也”字,全文一唱三叹,颇为抑郁。 | In this short essay of some 400 characters, he used the classical Chinese particle ye 21 times, which lends a strong tonal quality to the cohesion of the piece and betrays subtly his own melancholy mood | |
2 | 用于BMW 6系双门汽车的喷漆颜色。整个色调系统中包含2个非金属色调,8个金属色调,从大西洋蓝到泰坦银到兰宝石黑,每一种色调都付与了BMW 6系双门汽车一种独特的性格。 | The palette comprises two non-metallic and eight metallic finishes and runs from Atlantic blue to titanium silver to sapphire black (all metallic finishes), each of which lends the car its own unique character. | |
3 | 在经理室,已有别的女孩比她先来了。她们也是找工作的,但是身上有一股自信和独立的神气,这是因为她们已有城市生活的经验。 | There she found other girls ahead of her, applicants like herself, but with more of that self-satisfied and independent air which experience of the city lends | |
4 | 这顶帽子戴在此女孩头上,为之增添不少姿色。 | The hat lends charm to the girl. | |
5 | 这个故事适合改编拍电影。 | This story lends itself to film adaptation. | |
6 | 这个恬静的花园适于冥想。 | This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation. | |
7 | 这些土地都是一大片一大片的,适合机器耕作。 | Lying in broad stretches,this land lends itself to mechanized farming. | |
8 | 这一消息印证了先前有关停火的报道 | This news lends some support to earlier reports of a ceasefire | |
9 | 整个色调系统中包含2个非金属色调,8个金属色调,从Atlantic蓝色到泰坦银到Sapphire Black,每一种色调都付与了BMW 6系敞篷汽车一种独特的性格。 | The palette comprises two non-metallic and eight metallic finishes and runs from Atlantic blue to titanium silver to sapphire black (all metallic finishes), each of which lends the BMW 6 Series Convertible its own unique character. | |
10 | ||1:该书的闲谈式风格(它以作者与一位法国记者尼古拉斯·特罗翁的谈话为基础)会让人误以为:书中的思想都很简单。||2:先得摒弃掉这些观点,之后,明显可以看到,巴迪欧与许多法国哲学家一样,追求的不是清晰明确,而是语言上的表现力与闪光点。||3:不过,对于从柏拉图到克尔凯郭尔再到拉康关于爱的哲学思想,他的概述可谓鞭辟入里。 | ||1:The book’s chatty style (it is based on a conversation with Nicolas Truong, a French journalist) lends a deceptive simplicity to the ideas within.||2:Get to work unpicking these concepts and it soon becomes plain that, like many French philosophers, Mr Badiou sacrifices clarity for linguistic zip and sparkle.||3:Nonetheless, he leaves the reader with an incisive overview of philosophical thinking on love, from Plato to Kierkegaard to Lacan. | |
11 | ||1:即便没有审查制度,斯大林的统治之下,艺术也会走向超现实主义。||2:不然还有什么方式,可以表达其统治的反复无常,以及其人不可理解的残酷程度和日益增强的偏执呢?伦敦最近的两部新剧,恰好以超现实的幻想曲,让斯大林和小说家米哈?布尔加科夫走到了一起。||3:两者中任一方面都值得玩味,如果你能,也可以兼顾双方。 | ||1:Even without the constraints of censorship, Stalin’s reign lends itself to surrealism.||2:How else to convey its mad caprices, the incomprehensible scale of his cruelty and the spiralling paranoia? Two new London productions that, coincidentally, involve Stalin and the novelist Mikhail Bulgakov, make apt use of surreal fantasia.||3:Catch either, or ideally both, if you can. | |
12 | ||1:强调同性恋权利本身看来就很武断。||2:在多种形式的世行可以选择对抗的偏见中,并不清楚反同性恋法对穷人造成的伤害就是最大的。||3:世行为很多在伊斯兰法律下歧视女性的地域提供贷款,它也为存在歧视少数民族法律的国家贷款。||4:这些形式的偏见造成的经济危害更大。||5:然而Kim现实试图通过扣贷款的方式来解决一切制度歧视,他很快就会发现他的客户都所剩无几了。 | ||1: Second, the stress on gay rights itself seems arbitrary. ||2: Of the many forms of bigotry the bank could battle, it is not clear that anti-gay laws are the most harmful to the poor. ||3: The bank lends to plenty of places that discriminate against women under Islamic law. It also lends to countries with laws that discriminate against minorities. ||4: The economic impact of these forms of bigotry is far bigger. ||5: But if Mr Kim tries to tackle all institutionalised discrimination by withholding lending, he will soon have no customers left. | |
13 | ||1:这样的观点本来可能会指引法佐走向左翼政治。||2:而实际情况是,这种革命动力经BRAC的催化转换成了实实在在的发展。||3:妇女成为了这个机构的主要关注对象,因为她们身处最底层,且最需要帮助:BRAC办的小学里70%是女生。||4:小额贷款鼓励穷人存钱,但是和格莱珉银行不同之处在于,BRAC也把钱借给小公司。||5:小额贷款可能会改变一个人或是一个家庭的命运,但是这些钱通常都被投资在传统的农村致富项目上,比如养牛。||6:法佐改变社会的目标靠的不是增长(是指“同类项目越来越多”),而是发展(意思是“新的不同的生意”)。||7:只有生意才能创造就业就会,才能产生新形式的、生产力强的企业。 | ||1:That view might have pointed Sir Fazle towards left-wing politics.||2:Instead, the revolutionary impetus was channelled through BRAC into development.||3:Women became the institution’s focus because they are bottom of the heap and most in need of help: 70% of the children in BRAC schools are girls.||4:Microfinance encourages the poor to save but, unlike the Grameen Bank, BRAC also lends a lot to small companies.||5:Tiny loans may improve the lot of an individual or family but are usually invested in traditional village enterprises, like owning a cow.||6:Sir Fazle’s aim of social change requires not growth (in the sense of more of the same) but development (meaning new and different activities).||7:Only businesses create jobs and new forms of productive enterprise. | |
14 | 虽然航海生活充满苦楚,但同样也能充满阳刚的传奇,增添了一种强烈的人生终极感。 | A seafaring life may be full of suffering, but it is also full of a macho romance that lends a larger sense of destiny to it all. | |
15 | “一个好邻居会借你一杯糖”,刊登于上月华盛顿邮报上的一则广告词如是说。 | "A GOOD neighbour lends you a cup of sugar, " read an ad in the Washington Post last month. | |
16 | “中国不向其他任何人借钱。还把钱借给别人,像美国。” | "China doesn’t borrow money from anyone else. It lends money to others, like the US. " | |
17 | 214我们的欲望把彩虹的颜色借给那只不过是云雾的人生。 | Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere . | |
18 | ALFS也迟早会派上用场,因为它适用于从源代码进行网络范围的安装。 | ALFS comes in handy here, too, as it lends itself to network-wide installations from source. | |
19 | Linux用于嵌入式的因特网设备也是很合适的,原因是它支持多处理器系统,该特性使Linux具有了伸缩性。 | Linux is also well-suited for embedded Internet devices, because of its support of multiprocessor systems, which lends it scalability. | |
20 | Timbromania的意思是“邮票狂”,这一单词所包含的集邮者形象,当然不如“免税爱好者”那样充满魅力。 | Timbromania means "stamp madness" and it certainly lends a less attractive image to its practitioners than does "lover of tax freedom. " | |
21 | Twitter的速度适用于不同的应用,我罗列了以下6个最热门的。 | This speed lends itself to many different applications. I’ve listed six popular ones below. | |
22 | 爱尔兰的欧元问题在细节上要比王室婚礼复杂一些,但也不难做一些简化。 | The Irish euro problem is more complicated in detail than the royal wedding but also lends itself to simplification. | |
23 | 爱你孩子胜过你自己的根深蒂固想法,给亲族选择理论提供了可信性。 | The feeling that loving your children more than yourself is hard-wired lends plausibility to the theory of kin selection. | |
24 | 比起普通摩托车来,它适合更有直觉的驾驶体验。 | It lends itself to a more intuitive driving experience than the average motorcycle. | |
25 | 部署是软件创建过程中又一个适合实现自动化的方面。 | Deployment is yet another aspect of software creation that lends itself well to automation. | |
26 | 除非银行肯借我钱,不然我就交不起大学学费了。 | Unless the bank lends me money, I won’t be able to pay my college tuition. | |
27 | 穿行于这座城市之中总能让我心情激动,而它本身也是如此“上镜”。 | I’m always excited to be traveling through this city, and it lends itself so well to photography. | |
28 | 此举令人们相信,法国电信正为清理欧洲常常一团混乱的移动市场格局确立标准。 | It lends further credibility to the idea that the French group is setting the pace in tidying up Europe’s often messy mobile landscape. | |
29 | 此外,频繁提及她自己的游戏给此书的自我推销制造了一种不受欢迎的氛围。 | And the frequent mentions of her own games lends the book an unwelcome air of self-promotion. | |
30 | 此应用程序架构中并非每个部分都具有一个被良好治理的SOA所需的严密性。 | Not every part of the application architecture lends itself to the rigor required by a well-governed SOA. |