属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-该出手时就出手 Time for a bigger n
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加拿大门把手之战 非旋不可
1 | 总之,这两个层次的纳税可能占公司税前盈利的60%~70%。 | Together, these two levers of taxation may consume from 60% to 70% of a corporation’s pre-tax earnings. | |
2 | ||1:加拿大的金融监管一向广受赞誉。||2:它的银行业在这场危机中做到了独善其身。||3:根据评级机构穆迪的报告,加拿大皇家银行与汇丰银行以及摩根大通同列,跻身全球银行界的第一梯队。||4:同时,加拿大的政策制定者也是运用宏观审慎政策的老手,这一政策如今也常被其他富国的央行使用。 | ||1:Canada’s reputation for financial regulation is starry.||2:Its banks got through the crisis unscathed.||3:According to Moody’s, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canada sits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks.||4:And Canadian policymakers are old hands at pulling “macroprudential” levers of the sort now in vogue among rich-world central banks. | |
3 | ||1:那时候丹尼尔斯还从未想象过自己能够将整个宇宙纳入一块表中。但是他确实做到了。||2:在42年的制表生涯中,他一共制作了37块表,每一块都独一无二。其中之一便是“宇宙旅行者之表”。||3:表的每一部分都是由他亲手制作,没有使用任何外来的零件——螺钉、弹簧、杠杆、托盘和齿轮、指针以及简洁但是有无数刻度的钟面。||4:连用来制作这些零件的工具都是他自己做的——用来发动引擎的车床除外。||5:在丹尼尔斯之前,没有人学过如许多基本的制表技术。||6:他自学钟表制作多年,这些钟表有的是花一两个先令从旧货摊上买来的,有的是军队军官用坏了的,还有的是他为收藏者修复的精致无比的宝玑(Breguet)表和古老的英国座钟。多年后,他自问:为什么我不能自己制表呢? | ||1: He had never imagined then that he would make the universe by hand. But he did. ||2: Every component of his Space Traveller’s Watch—as of the 36 other watches he made, each unique, over his 42 working years—was produced from scratch. ||3: He made the screws, the springs and the levers , the pallets and gears, the hands and the plain, often numberless dials. ||4: He also made the tools that made them, except for the lathes and turning engines. ||5: No one else had ever learned the dozens of necessary skills. ||6: But after years of teaching himself horology from clocks bought for a bob or two at jumble sales, or comrades’ broken watches in the army, or the wonderful Breguet and old English timepieces he went on to restore for collectors, he had begun to think, why not? | |
4 | ||1:这些怨言在一份不祥的担心前未免相形见绌。||2:确实,老残人士用起门把手来要方便得多。||3:但熊也会方便。||4:人们已经知道熊会进车觅食—车上是有把手的,旋钮拥护者提出了这一点。||5:美国科罗拉多州的皮特金县因此禁止建筑物使用杠杆门。||6:一位旋钮派的报社专栏作家提到,《侏罗纪公园》里的伶盗龙就能扣动门把手开门。 | ||1:These complaints pale in comparison to a more sinister worry.||2:True, elderly and disabled people find it easier to operate doors with handles.||3:But so do bears.||4:In British Columbia, bears have been known to scavenge for food inside cars—whose doors have handles, knob advocates point out.||5:Pitkin County, Colorado, in the United States, has banned door levers on buildings for this very reason.||6:One newspaper columnist in the pro-knob camp has noted that the velociraptors in “Jurassic Park” were able to open doors by their handles. | |
5 | 国王的小儿子,手握多项大权的穆罕默德说道他很急切地想要通过促使女性离开家庭走上工作岗位来提高沙特的生产力,降低出生率。 | His young son, Muhammad, who operates most of the levers of power, says he is anxious to increase Saudi productivity, and to lower birth-rates, by getting women out of the home and into the workplace. | |
6 | 它们用鼻子作为手段将障碍物移走。 | employing their snouts as levers to lift an obstacle. | |
7 | “我将不会羞于或是害怕将国家的控制权托付于这样一个人。” | "I will not be ashamed or afraid to turn over the levers of control over the country to the hands of such a person. " | |
8 | Eichengreen指出,北京共产党当局“可以使用很多杠杆”,这一点不同于美国。 | Eichengreen notes that Beijing’s communist authorities "have lots of levers they can pull, unlike U. S. authorities. " | |
9 | 备用控制面板。它的按钮、显示灯和操作杆都更少,但同样能够进行主要的操作。 | The reserve control panel. It has fewer buttons, lights and levers , but it is still able to make the main operations. | |
10 | 表的每一部分都是由他亲手制作,没有使用任何外来的零件——螺钉、弹簧、杠杆、托盘和齿轮、指针以及简洁但是有无数刻度的钟面。 | He made the screws, the springs and the levers , the pallets and gears, the hands and the plain, often numberless dials. | |
11 | 操纵杆是是否标有明确的标签 | Are operating levers clearly labeled | |
12 | 从广泛意义来说,有三种杠杆可以让房地产市场更加安全。 | Very broadly, there are three levers that officials can pull to make property safer. | |
13 | 但登上最高级职位后,他在新办公室里没有找到任何特殊的权力工具,“只有一张桌子”而已。 | But on bagging the top job he found no special levers of power in his new office, "only a desk" . | |
14 | 但是,不容置疑的是,它们会以此为筹码对冰岛偿还款项提出更为严苛的条件。 | But there is no doubt that they have used these levers to extract stiff terms over the Icesave repayment. | |
15 | 但所有杠杆都可以朝两个方向施力-或者是好或者是坏。 | But all levers can work in two directions--for good or bad. | |
16 | 第二种理论指出这些石块是由支点端的长杠杆放置上去的。 | A second theory suggests that the blocks were placed using long levers with a short angled foot. | |
17 | 厄立特里亚预算的慷慨贡献者——西方列强们——并不缺少鼓励双方服从裁决的方法。 | Western powers, generous contributors to Ethiopia’s budget, were hardly short of levers to pull to encourage compliance. | |
18 | 而美国人对于经过了数个星期仍然没能通过外交手段将该人释放而耿耿于怀。 | The Americans remain bitter that normal diplomatic levers failed for weeks to free him. | |
19 | 飞机带有主要设备、按钮、控制杆的简介,飞行原理与哲学。 | A flight starts with briefing on main devices, buttons, levers , flight principles and philosophy. | |
20 | 该第一和第二操纵杆基本在绞链侧上设置在容器处; | the first and second levers are provided at the container essentially on the side of the hinge and; | |
21 | 杠杆式迫导向转向架动力学性能研究 | Dynamics Performance of Radial Bogie with Forced-steering Levers | |
22 | 航天大国可以动用各种手段来对付那些冥顽之辈,包括技术封锁和道义施压,迫其就范。 | The space powers can use all sorts of levers to bring such recalcitrants round, from access to technology to moral pressure. | |
23 | 宏观调控经济杠杆产业政策 | macro-economic control economic levers industrial policy financing, taxation, credit, | |
24 | 基于数据库的一个两层网管系统的设计和实现 | Design and Implementation of Database-based Network Management System that Have Two Levers | |
25 | 假如认为,中国中央决策者能坐在控制室里想出妙计改变这个局面,那么,你根本没用脑子思考。 | If you think China’s central planners can tweak levers in a control room to correct the situation, you’re not really thinking. | |
26 | 经济杠杆问题探讨 | On the Issue of Economic Levers | |
27 | 可配置性构建到服务(Switch、Dial和Lever)中,可以由应用程序的用户进行调用。 | Configurability is built into the services (the switches, dials and levers ) and can be invoked by the user of the application. | |
28 | 可是,由于RobertMugabe仍然掌握权力主要杠杆,暴力和恫吓事件层出不穷。 | Yet, with Mr Mugabe still holding the main levers of power, violence and intimidation have not abated. | |
29 | 库萨的复兴战役极大程度上依赖于西方对原油和现金的欲望,但他也有辅助手段。 | Kusa’s rehab campaign relied heavily on the West’s craving for Libya’s oil and cash, but he used other levers as well. | |
30 | 拉下一侧的拉杆可以切断对那一侧发动机的燃油供应。 | Pulling either of these levers down will cut off fuel to that engine. |