1 | 在重组过程中,中国石油集团向中国石油注入了与勘探和生产、炼制和营销、化工产品和天然气业务有关的大部分资产和负债。 | In the restructuring, CNPC injected into PetroChina most of the assets and liabilities of CNPC relating to its exploration and production, refining and marketing, chemicals and natural gas businesses. | |
2 | 这家商行因资不抵债而倒闭。 | The Business failed Because its assets were not so great as its liabilities . | |
3 | 这一公式说明,流动比率指的是流动资产是流动负债的多少倍,它意味着对短期债务的偿还保障,并反映了公司的流动性。 | This ratio means how many times the current assets are compared to the current liabilities , indicating the short-term debt-paying guarantee, and reflecting the corporation’ s liquidity. | |
4 | 资产、负债和基金本金报表 | statement of assets, liabilities and principal of the Fund | |
5 | 资产、负债和结余款项报表 | statements of assets, liabilities and fund balances | |
6 | 资产负债表能够提供关于资产、负债和权益项目变动金额的信息。 | The balance sheets can provide the information that indicates the amount of the change of every item of assets, liabilities and equities. | |
7 | 资产负债表是通过汇总在某一特定时日,通常是月末或年末的资产、负债和业主权益,来反映企业财务状况的报表。 | The balance sheet is a financial statement that shows the financial position of a business entity by summarizing the assets, liabilities , and owner’s equity at a specific date, usually at the end of a month or a year. | |
8 | 资产负债表显示了公司某一特定日期的财务状况,包括三部分:负债-公司的债务,股东权益-股东在公司中的权益… | The balance sheet shows the financial position of a corporation as of a particular date, which consists of three major sections: liabilities the debts of the corporation, and stockholder’s equity--the stockholder’s interest in the corporation…. | |
9 | 资产负债资产负债表总帐目,表明所有有形资产和无形资产,以及可直接或间接对他人财物提出所有权要求的,以偿付某人或企业的债务,如现金,原料和信誉 | The entries on a balance sheet showing all properties,tangible and intangible,and claims against others that may be applied,directly or indirectly,to cover the liabilities of a person or business,such as cash,stock,and goodwill. | |
10 | 最常见的流动负债有应付账款、短期应付票据、长期负债的当期部分、应计负债和预收收入。 | Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable, short-term notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, accrued liabilities, and unearned revenue. |