属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人造肉 人造汉堡的诞生
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寒武纪大爆发 动物王国出现
1 | 他们尽力使人们摆脱迷信的束缚。 | They tried their best to liberate people from superstitions | |
2 | 他们尽最大的力量去解放奴隶。 | They did their best to liberate slaves | |
3 | 他们是这样才进行干涉的:不是为支配和奴役别人,而是为了开化、教育和解放他们。 | Thus, they intervened, not to control and enslave others but to enlighten, instruct, and liberate | |
4 | 他们说他们会派兵解放被占领的国家。 | They said they would send troops to liberate the occupied country. | |
5 | 他们住在解放区。 | They live in the liberate area. | |
6 | 他相信他们的目标可以通过和平革命来达到,而不是通过战争和杀戮来达到。在他的一生中,他迫使政府解放美国黑人,给他们平等的权利。 | He believed that they could achieve their goal by peaceful revolution, not by fighting and killing. In his lifetime, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and give them equal rights. | |
7 | 他致力革命凡四十年。他的目的是从清朝手里解放中国。他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。那是不需说的。结果,他终于达到目的。 | He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. He had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all. As a result, he accomplished his end in the long run. | |
8 | 为冷酷无情的贪婪所冻结和牵制的人性已开始被社会主义的温暖所释放。 | Frozen and hemmed in by a cold, callous greed, the warming influence of Socialism is beginning to liberate them | |
9 | 我们必须尽力把人们从贫穷中解救出来。 | We must try our best to liberate our people from poverty. | |
10 | 我们党的十三大和全国人大七届一次会议,精神都是进一步解放思想,进一步解放生产力。 | The central theme of both the Thirteenth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and the First Plenary Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress was that we must further emancipate our minds and liberate the productive forces. | |
11 | 我们的国家正在进行的斗争会带来团结而不是分裂;会带来尊严,而不是屈辱;会带来解放,而不是统治。 | The battle which our country is waging tends to unite and not to divide, to honor and not to debase, to liberate and not to dominate | |
12 | 我们的任务之一是把人民从贫困中解放出来。 | One of our tasks is to liberate people from poverty. | |
13 | 这将解除他经济上的忧愁。 | This will liberate him from economic worry. | |
14 | 这将解除他经济上的忧虑。 | This will liberate him from economic worry. | |
15 | 这些改革措施把村民们从贫困中解救了出来。 | These reform liberate the villagers from poverty. | |
16 | 只有解放“他者”,才能最后解放自己-对农民题材创作倾向的一种分析 | Only by Liberating "the Other" Can One Liberate Oneself: An Analysis of the Tendency of Writing about the Peasants | |
17 | ||1:那些营养物质可以从普通农作物中获取,但Post博士计划使用藻类,因为它们比那些维管植物长的要快,以此提供所需的氨基酸、糖类和脂肪。||2:这样最终结果将是世界再也不必饲养那么多动物,不仅可以解放土地,还可以减少温室气体的排放(牛是臭名昭著的甲烷释放源,且甲烷是比二氧化碳更严重的温室气体)。||3:此外,你也不必再为获得干细胞而杀掉一头牛——活体切片法便可做到。这意味着素食主义者也可以享用肉类了。 | ||1: The nutrients themselves could come from conventional crops, but Dr Post also has plans to use algae, which grow faster than vascular plants, to provide the necessary amino acids, sugars and fats. ||2: The upshot would be a world with fewer stock animals. Not only would that liberate land, it would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions (cattle are notorious sources of methane, which is a much more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide). ||3: Moreover, you do not even have to kill a cow to obtain stem cells from it. A biopsy will do. That might mean that vegetarians would be able to enjoy meat, too. | |
18 | 不仅可以解放土地,还可以减少温室气体的排放。 | Not only would that liberate land, it would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. | |
19 | 利用热--以蒸汽的形式--来释放埋在地下的油腻的稠油已经被人们熟知。 | Using heat-in the form of steam-to liberate disobligingly thick and gunky oil which would otherwise stay in the ground is nothing new. | |
20 | 他们推测这些增长标志当时海水中的氧含量在增长,因为更多的氧气意味着更多的埋藏的有机物的氧化。他们在变成化石的过程中就将释放12C。 | They suggest these increases mark moments when the amount of oxygen in seawater went up, because more oxygen would mean more oxidisation of buried organic matter. That would liberate its 12C, for incorporation into rocks. | |
21 | 运用热能---以蒸汽的形式---来释放(放出)不方便使用的浓厚而黏稠状的石油,否则这些石油会留在地下,这没什么新鲜的。 | Using heat—in the form of steam—to liberate disobligingly thick and gunky oil which would otherwise stay in the ground is nothing new. | |
22 | 别怕,接下来的几分钟,我会帮你解除魔咒,助你摆脱这种不体面的境地。 | Do not fear: in a few minutes’ reading I can break the spell and liberate you from this unseemly condition. | |
23 | 布什曾着手去解放的这个国家转变成有更多炸弹的《公路勇士》。 | The country Bush had set out to liberate was turning into The Road Warrior, with more bombs. | |
24 | 但不管怎么说,假设揭露过去一直是秘密的一切就能解放我们,那就错了。 | However, it is a mistake to assume that revealing the entirety of what has been secret will liberate us. | |
25 | 但是,坤沙却扬言他要掸邦人民脱离缅甸政府,是在为自由而战,并且坤沙告诉全世界,他领导人民种植鸦片只是为了换取衣食住行。 | But he claimed to be fighting a war to liberate them from the Burmese, and told the world they grew opium only to pay for clothes and rice. | |
26 | 建国初期,中共试图以武力解放台湾,即通过战争方式谋求中国的统一。 | At the beginning of New China, Communist Party tried to liberate Taiwan by force, namely, to seek reunification of the country through war. | |
27 | 解放思想,勇于创新,加快高等医学教育教学改革 | Liberate Thinking, be Brave to Bring New Ideas, Step-up the Innovation of Higher Medical Education Teaching | |
28 | 解放思想开创广西水利事业的新局面 | Liberate thinking and create the new phase of Guangxi water resources cause | |
29 | 进行曲「我们一定要解放台湾」 | marching tune We Must Liberate Taiwan | |
30 | 理解生命经受的痛苦有助释放同情的能量。 | Understanding the suffering that living beings undergo helps liberate the energy of compassion. |