1 | 将免费向许可方提供不超过__件的随机抽样样品 | Licensee shall furnish without cost to Licensor not more than___additional random samples of each article being manufactured and sold by Licensee hereunder | |
2 | 接受方负责为自己和/或许可方就其非经授权使用合同产品商标、专利、工艺、设计思想、方法引起的索赔、诉讼或损失 | Licensee hereby undertakes to defend Licensee and/or Licensor against and hold Licensor harmless from any claims,suit,loss and damage arising out of any allegedly unauthorized use of any trademark, patent, process, idea, method or device by Licensee | |
3 | 接受方同意,在没有得到许可方的事先书面批准的情况下,不在电台或电视台作使用本合同商标的合同产品的宣传或广告。 | Licensee agrees not to offer for sale or advertise or publicize any of the Contract Products licensed hereunder on radio or television without the prior written approval of Licensor . | |
4 | 接受方同意从许可方取得,许可方同意向接受方授予单独使用附件一所指的注册商标的许可权利,且只在制造和出售、分销合同产品时使用。 | Licensee agree to obtain from Licensor , and Licensor agree to grant Licensee the right to utilize the Registered Trademark solely and only upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products. | |
5 | 接受方同意从许可方取得,许可方同意向接受方授予合同产品的设计、制造和销售的权利。合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术参数详见合同附件二。 | Licensee agrees to obtain from Licensor , and Licensor agrees to grant Licensee the right to design, manufacture specification and technical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Appendix 2 to the Contract. | |
6 | 接受方同意向许可方提供必要的帮助来保护许可方就该商标拥有的权利。 | Agrees to assist Licensor to the extent necessary in the procurement of any protection or to protect any of Licensor’s rights to the Registered Trademark | |
7 | 接受方应向许可方出具一份报告以说明手中的和正在加工中的合同产品的数量和种类。 | A statement showing number and description of Contract Products covered by this Contract on hand or in process shall be furnished by Licensee to Licensor . | |
8 | 接受方应在出售合同产品之前,免费寄给许可方一定数量的产品样品,和其包装纸箱及包装材料,以取得许可方的书面同意。 | Licensee shall, before selling or distribution any of the Contract Products, furnish to Licensor free of cost, for its written approval,a reasonable number of samples of each Contract Product,its cartons, containers and packing and wrapping material. | |
9 | 接受方在可知的范围内应书面告知许可方就合同产品的商标的侵权和仿制行为。 | Licensee shall notify Licensor in writing of any infringement or imitations by others in the Registered Trademark on articles the same as or similar to those covered by this Contract which may come to Licensee’s attention. | |
10 | 接受方在收到许可方出具的下列单据后三十天内,经审核无误,即支付提成费给许可方 | The royalty shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within 30 (thirty)days after Licensee has received the following documents which are provided by Licensor and found them in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract | |
11 | 考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务 | In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by Licensor | |
12 | 考虑到许可方全面且适当履行其合同义务,被许可方同意向许可方支付合同总价为________(币种)_________(大写:_________) | In consideration of full and proper performance of its contractual obligations by Licensor , Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the total contract price amounting to___(say___only)in___(currency) | |
13 | 卖方只同意提供技术。 | The licensor simply agrees to provide technology | |
14 | 其他许可方要求的标志。 | Any other marks desired by Licensor . | |
15 | 且被许可方收到许可方提交的下列单据并审核无误后____天内 | And within__(__)days after Licensee has received the following documents submitted by Licensor and found them in order. | |
16 | 如发现报告或支付中有不一致或错误,许可方应在收到该报告_____日内提出质疑,接受方应及时改正。 | If Licensor find any mistakes or inconsistencies in the report, Licensor should notify Licensee within 10 days from the date receiving the report. Such mistakes or inconsistencies should be rectified immediately by Licensee. | |
17 | 如果接受方生产的合同产品的质量、试样不符合许可方的要求而导致合同终止,接受方不得再生产、出售、处理任何合同产品。 | Licensee shall not manufacture, sell or dispose of any Contract Products covered by this Contract after its expiration or its termination based on departure by Licensee from the quality and style approved by Licensor . | |
18 | 如果接受方需要许可方提供技术服务或一部分生产所需的零部件或原材料时,许可方有义务以最优惠的价格向接受方提供 | Licensor is under an obligation, upon the request of Licensee, to provide Licensee at the best favorable price with the technical services or some components, spare parts and raw materials which are necessary for manufacturing the Contract Products. | |
19 | 如果许可方要求使用或将其许可给他方使用,许可方应支付有关费用。届时双方可另行协商签订合同。 | If Licensor requires or authorizes the other party to utilize the artwork and design, it should pay reasonable fees to Licensee. When the time comes, both parties will sign the new contract through friendly consultation. | |
20 | 如果由于许可方的原因导致专利提前失效时,许可方应将专利失效后接受方支付的费用偿还给接受方,并按____的年利率加计利息,与本金一起偿付给接受方。 | If because of Licensor the Patent advancedly ceases to be in force, Licensor shall repay expenses which have been paid by Licensee after the Patent has ceased to be in force, and plus the interest at the rate of ___ (say ___percent)per annum. | |
21 | 如乙方同时又是技术转让方,则应负责合资公司在规定期限内按设计能力稳定地生产合格产品;负责办理合资公司委托的其它事宜。 | In case Party B is the licensor , it shall be responsible for the stable production of qualified products of the joint venture company in the light of design capacity within the specified period; Responsible for other matters entrusted by the joint venture company. | |
22 | 双方可以各自以自己的名义或以双方的名义针对这样的行为提起诉讼或索赔。 | Both parties have the right to determine to prosecute any claims or suits in its own name or in the name of Licensee and Licensor join together against such behavior. | |
23 | 所有在被许可方银行发生的费用均由被许可方承担,所有在被许可方银行外发生的银行费用由许可方承担 | All the banking charges incurred in Licensee’s bank shall be borne by Licensee while those incurred outside Licensee’s bank shall be borne by Licensor . | |
24 | 提成期是指自商业性生产开始至本合同到期或终止的期间,提成期内,被许可方应向许可方支付提成费。 | Royalty Period refers to the period starting from commencement of Commercial Production to the expiration or termination of Contract, during which Licensee shall pay royalty to Licensor | |
25 | 向许可方提交的每份产品得到其书面同意前不能视作通过。 | Any item submitted to Licensor shall not be deemed approved unless and until the samples are approved by Licensor in writing. | |
26 | 许可方保证本合同中涉及的专利在合同执行期间是有效的和合法的。 | Licensor guarantees that the Patent covered in the Contract shall be lawful and valid in the course of implementation of the Contract. | |
27 | 许可方保证是本合同一切专利技术和专利资料的合法持有者 | Licensor guarantees that Licensor is the legitimate owner of all the Patented Technology and Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with the Contract | |
28 | 许可方保证是本合同注册商标的合法持有者 | Licensor guarantees that Licensor is the legitimate owner of the Registered____Trademark under the Contract | |
29 | 许可方不得禁止被许可方在合同期满后继续使用专有技术和改进技术。 | Licensor shall not prohibit Licensee from using Know-how and Improvement after the expiration of Contract. | |
30 | 许可方对到期支付的提成费的确认传真 | Licensor ’s fax confirming that the royalty is due |