属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国军队 变化的力量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国军队 变化的力量
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴基斯坦的军事力量 失去驾驶权的司机
1 | 他是个退役中校,有点军人作风。 | He’s a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet. | |
2 | 他是首相最信任的助手。 | He was the Prime Minister’s most trusted lieutenant . | |
3 | 他说动那个副官,递上了一张简短的便条进去。 | He prevailed on the lieutenant to send in a short note | |
4 | 他现在是一个少尉了。 | He was now a lieutenant | |
5 | 他以前也在剑桥大学待过两年,现在,他是个堂堂的陆军中尉,穿上了军服,更可以目空一切了。 | He had previously spent two years at Cambridge. Now he had become a first lieutenant in a smart regiment, so he could mock at everything more becomingly in uniform. | |
6 | 尉级军官有上尉,中尉或少尉军衔的人 | One who holds the rank of lieutenant ,first lieutenant,or second lieutenant. | |
7 | 我们在直布罗陀受到总督梅森?麦克法兰中将的欢迎。 | At gibraltar we were greeted by the governor, Lieutenant General Sir F.N. Mason MacFarlane | |
8 | 我有两个哥哥。大哥是驻佛兰德的英国步兵团中校。著名的洛克哈特上校曾带领过这支部队。大哥是在敦刻尔克附近与西班牙人作战时阵亡的。 | I had two elder brothers, one of which was lieutenant colonel to an English regiment of foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Coll. Lockhart, and was killed at the battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. | |
9 | 一个身扎黄色带子的中尉骑马行在他的左侧,其后两两跟随着那些身着黄色条纹夹克衫的骑兵。他们通常缓步而前,因为他们所侍奉的主子就是这么在慢步而行。 | A lieutenant , with yellow straps, rides at his left, and following behind, two by two, come the cavalry men, in their yellow striped jackets. They are generally going at a slow trote, as that is the pace set them by the one they wait upon. | |
10 | 一位年轻的中尉被任命担任这项职务。 | A young lieutenant was named for duty | |
11 | 预备役军官军衔降级不适用于预备役少尉军官。 | The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant . | |
12 | 在这个幅员广大的国家里,英国政府实际上只能控制一部分。它在加尔各答设有全印总督,在马德拉斯、孟买和孟加拉都有地方总督,在亚格拉还有一个代理总督。 | The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger ortion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in bengal, and a lieutenant -governor at Agra | |
13 | 这时邓马尔中尉和马之间似乎心心相印。 | Communication took place between horses and Lieutenant Dunbar | |
14 | 这位奥斯本中尉不论走到哪里,总有一大批信件跟着来,在联队的餐间里,大家都为着这件事打趣他,弄得他很不好意思。 | Such a number of notes followed Lieutenant Osborne about the country, that he became almost ashamed of the jokes of his mess-room companions regarding them | |
15 | 这样“萤火虫”号的光亮便熄灭了,但它的舰长杰拉德?鲁普海军少校,身后被追赠维多利亚十字勋章,而这个事迹也将永远为人们所纪念。 | Thus the glowworm’s light was quenched, but her captain, Lieutenant -Commander Gerard Roope, was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously, and the story will long be remembered | |
16 | 正连职:预备役上尉、中尉; | Officers at the level of company commander: reserve Captain or Lieutenant ; | |
17 | 正团职:预备役上校、中校; | Officers at the level of regiment commander: reserve Colonel or Lieutenant Colonel; | |
18 | 正营职:预备役少校、中校; | Officers at the level of battalion commander: reserve Major or Lieutenant Colonel; | |
19 | 中级专业技术职务:预备役专业技术大校、上校、中校、少校、上尉; | Intermediate specialized technical officers: specialized technical reserve Senior Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major or Captain; and | |
20 | 中将([美]a lieutenant general). | a lieutenant -general | |
21 | 中将比上尉的职位高。 | A lieutenant general is above a captain. | |
22 | 中尉([美]a first lieutenant). | a lieutenant | |
23 | 中校([美]a lieutenant colonel). | a lieutenant -colonel | |
24 | 中校军阶高于少校。 | A lieutenant -colonel ranks above a major. | |
25 | 主席读道:‘主席阁下:我能向审查委员会提供非常确实的资料来证实马尔塞夫中将伯爵在伊皮鲁斯和马其顿的行为。’ | PRESIDENT,--I can furnish the committee of inquiry into the conduct of the Lieutenant -General the Count of Morcerf in Epirus and in macedonia with important particulars.’ | |
26 | ||1:克里斯托弗赫尔中尉是他所属兵种的最后一个人。||2:这个25岁的年轻人选择加入的部队是苏格兰皇家第四部队,因为他了解到这是英国军队最后一次为阿富汗调度的部队之一。||3:他站在六个轮子的装甲车上解释说:“我想在可以的情况下获得一次实战的经历”。 | ||1:LIEUTENANT Christopher Hill is one of the last of his kind.||2:The 25-year-old chose to join his unit, the fourth battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, because he knew it was earmarked for one of the British Army’s final deployments to Afghanistan.||3:“I wanted to get an operational tour while I can,” he explains, standing by a six-wheeled Mastiff armoured vehicle. | |
27 | ||1:身为军人,他坚信某些行为准则。||2:首先,要保守秘密,不消息泄露给报刊,对军人而言,至死也不能让秘密落到敌人手里。||3:其次,服从指挥。||4:外交政策尤其需要单一来源,让一个清晰明白的声音代表美国讲话。||5:冷战岁月中最大的危险,是向劲敌苏联暴露出软弱分裂的一面。||6:苏联会趁机崛起,不断制造麻烦,让导弹恐慌遍布全球,如同1950年中国和朝鲜迅速突破“愚蠢划分”的鸭绿江前线,抛下了冰雪中死伤的1.2万名美军,当时黑格还是年轻的陆军中尉。 | ||1:As a soldier, he believed in certain rules of behaviour.||2:First, the need to keep secrets and not go leaking to the newspapers, for soldiers died when secrets came into the enemy’s possession.||3:And second, to follow the chain of command.||4:Foreign policy in particular required a single source, one clear voice speaking for America.||5:The greatest danger in those cold-war years was to show the Soviet enemy a soft, disunited front.||6:The Soviets would surge through then, expanding their troublemaking and missile-rattling round the globe, just as the Chinese and North Koreans had driven through the “foolishly divided” front at the Yalu river in 1950, leaving 12,000 Americans dead or wounded in the ice, when he was a young lieutenant . | |
28 | ||1:下个月,中将尼克卡特爵士将以总参谋长的身份接管。||2:该部队的新上司也是其缔造者:为了节省53亿英镑,他修订了一个计划,在2018年将全职的士兵从10,200削减到82,000人。||3:但是有人也存在质疑。议会的防卫委员会今年早期的一个报告质疑该计划是否满足英国的国防需要。 | ||1:Next month Lieutenant -General Sir Nick Carter will take over as chief of the general staff.||2:The army’s new boss is also its architect: asked to find savings of 5.3 billion ($8.9 billion), he devised a plan to cut the number of full-time soldiers from 102,000 to 82,000 by 2018.||3:But some are sceptical. A report by Parliament’s defence committee earlier this year doubted whether the plan will meet Britain’s security needs. | |
29 | 据在华盛顿国防部秘书办公室人员,同时也是本项目的政府联络官员的Melinda Morgan中校称,本项目能够详细分析来自数字新闻媒体,博客,和其他网页,以及情报部门和外交部门报告的大量信息数据, | According to Lieutenant -Colonel Melinda Morgan of the office of the secretary of defence, in Washington, who is the government’s liaison officer for the project, it can crunch great quantities of data from digital news media, blogs and other websites, and also intelligence and diplomatic reports. | |
30 | 拉赫利·谢里夫不将会主宰多方位的军队,还会掌权逐渐扩张的核能军火库。 | Lieutenant General Raheel Sharif will now control not only a vast army and the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal, but a business empire ranging from cornflakes to luxury housing. |