属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反攻 The fightback
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国商业航天 (1)
1 | 在挺举比赛中,运动员以肩宽的握距抓住杠铃并举至胸前齐肩的地方,然后身体下降,以有力的跳举将杠铃举过头顶。 | In the clean and jerk, the lifter takes a shoulder width grip on the Bar and pulls the weight to the front of the shoulders. The lifter then dips down, uses a powerful jumping motion to drive the Bar overhead. | |
2 | 在这种装置中,凸轮轴直接装在气门挺杆下,并且不必有推杆或摇臂。 | With this arrangement, the camshaft is directly below the valve lifter , and no push rods or rocker arms are necessary. | |
3 | 在抓举比赛中,举重运动员以宽握式握法举起杠铃并一气呵成将杠铃举过头顶。抓举最大重量的纪录是216公斤,由保加利亚的安东尼奥·克拉斯蒂创立。 | In the snatch, the lifter takes a wide grip on the Bar as it rests on the floor and pulls the Bar overhead in a single motion. The largest weight ever snatched is 216kg, by the Bulgarian Antonio Krastey. | |
4 | 抓举与提杠相似,只是运动员必须以一个连续动作将杠铃举过头。 | the snatch is similar to the clean, except that the lifter must bring the weight over the head in one continuous movement. | |
5 | 综丝提升机,纺织机械用 | heddle lifter for textile machines | |
6 | ||1:而辛格也被许多人寄望,能够在执政末期再加把力,促成预算削减和有关税制与外资的改革上。||2:“局面一定会有所改变,”一位官员预测到,“他在这些议题上已经积累了不少经验和功绩,这是他的心之所向,但他的名誉也将会经受更多考验,很有可能晚节不保。||3:目前形式仍然严峻,因此真正能够落实的项目也十分有限。但不管怎么说,这是一种士气上的鼓舞。”||4:而主导联合政府、接任亡夫之位的领袖索尼娅·甘地所领导的印度国大党及议会对做出这些艰难决定的态度不温不火。||5:但也有迹象显示,一些小型联合执政外的在野党则被这些议题吸引过来,帮助一些具有争议的法案在议会中通过。 | ||1: At the end of his career, the hope is that Mr Singh makes a stand and rams through budget cuts and vital changes on tax and foreign investment. ||2: “It could make a difference,” says an official. “He has a lot of credibility. It is an area that is close to his heart and his reputation will be much more on the line… ||3: The situation is tough so there is a limit to what can be done, but it is a mood-lifter .” ||4: His party, Congress, which leads the ruling coalition and is run by Sonia Gandhi, its hereditary chief, is lukewarm about making tough decisions. ||5: But there are signs that it may have successfully wooed one or two smaller parties outside its present coalition, which may help it push tricky changes through parliament. | |
7 | 由于零壹空间不打算将由起落架(比如SpaceX的重型猎鹰起落架)搭载的多公吨负荷吊入轨道中, | And since OneSpace is not planning to hoist into orbit the multi-tonne loads carried by, say, the Falcon Heavy lifter of SpaceX, | |
8 | 220kV直线杆塔架空地线提升器的研制与应用 | Research and Application on Lifter for Overhead Ground Line in 220 kV Straight Rod | |
9 | 安钢1#高炉主卷扬变频调速调试技术 | Frequency Change Speed Adjustment Commissioning Technology of the Main Lifter in An’gang’s No. 1 Furnace | |
10 | 本发明公开了一种抽油烟机防护板升降装置。 | The invention discloses a lifter of a range hood protective shield. | |
11 | 本发明涉及弹性支撑移动架车机。 | The invention relates to an elastic support mobile car lifter . | |
12 | 长期以来,人们都把巧克力当作心情调节剂。 | Chocolate has long been held to be a mood-lifter . | |
13 | 长箱总成包括长箱体、槽钢、升降机、凸轮机构、推拉板及支棒等。 | The long box assembly comprises a long box body, channel steel, a lifter , a cam mechanism, a pull and push plate, a supporting rod, etc. | |
14 | 出行程、行位、斜顶行程的标注。 | Ejection stroke & slide, lifter travel dimensioned | |
15 | 船用升降装置与保护罩发生碰撞的原因分析及解决方案 | Analyses of reasons for the collision of marine lifter with its protection covers and their solutions | |
16 | 电磁吊车事故预防保护方案探讨 | Proposed Preventative Measure against Failures of Electromagnetic Lifter | |
17 | 电动软轴式玻璃升降器导轨的设计及成形工艺研究 | Forming Technology Design and Study of the Motor-driven Flexible Glass Lifter System | |
18 | 电刷镀技术在处理矿井提升机轴头磨损上的应用 | Brush plating technology in handling the axle end wear of pit lifter | |
19 | 防火卷帘联动控制方式探讨 | Exploring The Linkage Controlling Way Of The Fire-Fighting Curtain Lifter | |
20 | 丰收-180拖拉机提升器壳体破碎浅析 | An Analysis of Lifter Shell Breaking Rate for Fengshou-180 Tractor | |
21 | 高坝洲升船机电力拖动与计算机监控系统设计 | Design of Electric Driving and Computer Supervisory Control System for Gaobazhou Ship Lifter | |
22 | 高层建筑施工的理想升降机 | Ideal Lifter of High-storey Building Construction | |
23 | 高稳定型稀土永磁起重吊的开发 | Development of the high stable rare-earth permanent lifter | |
24 | 高压真空换向接触器在提升机中的应用 | Application of High-pressure Vacuum Directional Contactor in Lifter | |
25 | 广州抽水蓄能电站上库进水口事故闸门及启闭机的设计 | Design of Emergency Gate and Lifter of the Upper Reservoir of GZ Pumped Storage Plant | |
26 | 后备综合保护装置在矿井提升机中的应用 | Application of Protecting Equipment in Mine Lifter | |
27 | 箕斗提升机电控改造为数控串级调速 | Change electro-control speed regulating of skip lifter into numerical-control cascade control | |
28 | 架车机可举升单节和多节不摘钩的成组车厢。 | The car lifter can lift single-link carriages and multi-link unhooked united carriages. | |
29 | 今年67岁的他说,他年轻时能举起很重的分量,卧推纪录是300磅。 | The 67-year-old says he used to be a fairly heavy lifter in his younger days, bench pressing 300 pounds with a spot. | |
30 | 矿井提升机盘形制动器与液压传动位置可靠性的探讨 | Discussion about the reliability of the mine lifter disc - brake and hydraulic transmission |