属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟:苹果7竟然败给了三星 HTC 理由很简单
1 | 光部:图片上最光的部份。在半色调图片内,光部是0%到30%网点的部份。在原稿上,密度在0到0.5的范围是光部。 | Highlights: The lightest portion of a picture. In a half-tone, it is those areas having tonal values of 0%-30%.In an original, it is those areas having density of 0-0.5 . | |
2 | 即使只是轻触加速踏板也能够让发动机产生巨大的动力。 | Even the lightest touch on the accelerator is enough for the engine to show its colossal power. | |
3 | 渐淡半色调:一半色调圆片,逐渐把它的背景变淡,直至光部或最外边缘和印刷纸张的颜色融合一起。亦称晕映圆。 | Fade-out half-tone: A half-tone illustration in which the background gradually shades off until the lightest tones or extreme edges appear to merge with the paper on which it is printed. Also called Vignette. | |
4 | 锂:化学元素,为比重最轻的碱金属,化学符号Li,原子序数3。锂柔软,色白并具光泽,化学性质活泼,所形成的化合物中原子价为1。 | Lithium: Chemical element, lightest alkali metal, chemical symbol Li, atomic number 3. It is soft, white, lustrous, and very reactive, forming compounds in which it has valence 1. | |
5 | 铍:碱土金属中最轻的化学元素,化学符号Be,原子序数为4。 | Beryllium: Chemical element, lightest of the alkaline earth metals, chemical symbol be, atomic number 4. | |
6 | 气态氦极不活泼,无色,无嗅,无腐蚀性,不可燃。氦是最轻的稀有气体。它是单原子惰性气体。一般情况下不同其它元素或化合物反应。 | Gaseous helium is inert, colorless, odorless, non corrosive, and nonflammable. Helium is the lightest rare gas. Helium is a monatomic chemically inert gas. It will not react with other elements or compounds under ordinary conditions. | |
7 | 氢:一种轻的化学元素,化学符号H,原子序数1。 | Hydrogen: Lightest chemical element, chemical symbol H, atomic number 1. | |
8 | 氢是无色、无嗅、无味、极易燃的气体。它还是最轻的气体。 | Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, highly flammable gas. It is also the lightest -weight gas. | |
9 | 氢是最轻的元素,原子量为1.008 | Hydrogen is the lightest element with an atomic weight of 1.008 | |
10 | 氢是最轻的元素。 | Hydrogen is the lightest element. | |
11 | 他认为最策略的办法是摆出一副若无其事的样子。 | He felt it was most politic to treat as of the lightest importance | |
12 | 一种稀有气体,无色、无臭、无味,完全不起化学反应,而且无毒。1868年从观察太阳周围的大气光谱中被人首度发现。氦是宇宙中仅次于氢的第二大丰度、第二个最轻的元素。在地球大气层中只占一小部分,但在天然气中就占有7%之多。 | A noble gas, it is colourless, odourless, tasteless, completely unreactive, and nontoxic. First found by spectroscopy of the Sun’s atmosphere in 1868, it is the second most abundant and second-lightest element in the universe (after hydrogen). Helium makes up a tiny proportion of the atmosphere but as much as 7% of natural gas. | |
13 | 最轻的不到50千克。 | The lightest weighs less than 50 kilograms. | |
14 | 最轻的元素是氢。 | The lightest element is hydrogen . | |
15 | 最轻载航行水线 | waterline in the lightest seagoing condition | |
16 | ||1:苹果手机的电池容量表明了苹果公司的侧重点。||2:他们想要开发出最薄最轻最有特色的手机,如果这意味着更换更小的电池,那么他们就会这么做。||3:苹果公司很清楚竞争对手的意图,想要加大电池容量跃居首位也很简单,但是薄和轻对他们来说更重要,所以他们决定把轻薄放在首位。 | ||1:The size of the battery demonstrates the priorities within Apple.||2:They want the thinnest and lightest fully-featured phone they can create, and if that means shipping a smaller battery then that’s what they will do.||3:Apple knows what its competitors are doing and could very easily increase the size of the battery to top the charts, but thin and light is more important to them so they make decisions with that being the priority. | |
17 | 讽刺的是,现在最时髦的电池材料,锂,是周期表中第三轻的元素—如果用相对论效应是料不到它可以用来做电池。 | Ironically, today’s most fashionable battery material, lithium, is the third-lightest element in that table—and therefore one for which no such relativistic effects can be expected. | |
18 | “我们希望建立一个最紧密的层面,从而使得用户在自己选择的网站上进行预订。”Birge说。 | "We wanted to create the thinnest, lightest layer that enables you to buy something on the site of your choice, " Birge says. | |
19 | Hendrix几乎说对了:氦气是人类所知的第二轻气体,排名仅在氢气之后。 | Hendrix is almost right: helium is the second lightest gas known to man, behind hydrogen. | |
20 | 贝莱德旗下各欧洲基金在美国和英国主权固定收益市场的配置为两年来最低水平。 | BlackRock’s European funds have one of its lightest allocations to the US and UK sovereign fixed income markets for two years. | |
21 | 当然,离子的飞行速度还必须达到逃逸速度才行,而只有氢和氦两种最轻的气体离子才有可能达到这种飞行速度。 | To be sure, the ions must still overcome gravity, and only the lightest ions such as hydrogen and helium make it. | |
22 | 第一组油迹是3公里宽,由原油中最轻的碳氢化合物所组成的,顺风飘起的悬浮物。 | The first oil trail was a three-kilometer wide downwind plume made up of the crude’s lightest hydrocarbons. | |
23 | 高光点颜色应用于三维元素的颜色最亮的部分。 | The highlight color is applied to the parts of a 3-D element that are the lightest color. | |
24 | 活动窗口标题栏的颜色渐变中最亮色的系统定义颜色。 | The system-defined color of the lightest color in the color gradient of an active window’s title bar. | |
25 | 锂是元素周期表第三“轻”的元素,这使得锂具备更高的能量密度。 | Lithium is the third-lightest element on the periodic table, which allows for far greater energy density. | |
26 | 你拿这个包,它最轻。 | Carry this bag─it’s the lightest . | |
27 | 氢是最轻的元素,原子核中只有一个质子,而铀这种自然形成的最重元素的原子核中有92个质子。 | Hydrogen, the lightest element, has a single proton whereas uranium, the heaviest naturally occurring one, has 92. | |
28 | 上周四,也即美国独立纪念日假期前一天,纽约证交所成交量创2009年来最低。 | Last Thursday, a day before the U. S. Independence Day holiday, saw the New York Stock Exchange’s lightest volume of 2009. | |
29 | 设想你的发色浮动范围从1到12,带有最深的黑色水平值1到最亮的金色12。 | Imagine hair color range to be from 1 to 12, with 1 being the darkest level of black and 12 the lightest blonde. | |
30 | 设想一下将你的iPad或Android平板电脑设备当作世界上最小最轻最便携的无线电视机。 | Imagine using your iPad or Android tablet as the world’s thinnest, lightest , most portable wireless TV. |