1 | 站在悬崖的边缘上);在一个扩展的意义上它指一件突发事变的可能性或临近 | stood on the brink of the cliff;in an extended sense it indicates the likelihood or imminence of a sudden change | |
2 | 这时人的身体和力量尚未长足,他或她的智力也有待完善,但在这个年龄死亡的可能性最小 | It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence; but at this age the likelihood of death is least. | |
3 | 这些成员担心中国表示的将配额分配给国家地方各级主管机关,并授权这些主管机关以单独的程序再分配给最终用户的意图会给有关程序增加不必要和难以负担的步骤,从而减少足额使用配额的可能性。 | Those members expressed concern that China’s stated intention to allocate quota to sub-national authorities and to authorize those authorities to then allocate that quota to end-users in separate processes would add an unnecessary, burdensome step in the procedures and reduce the likelihood that quotas would be filled. " | |
4 | 这些作物将必须在农产品工业的内部加以管理,以确保对病虫害的抗性保持效力,并且能最大限度地减少损害杂草控制策略的可能性。 | These crops will need to be managed within the agricultural industry to ensure that pest and disease resistance remains effective and to minimize the likelihood of compromising weed control strategies. | |
5 | 中国银行间拆借利率扩散模型的极大拟似然估计 | Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Interest Rate Models for China Interbank Offer Rate | |
6 | 专家系统中关于待解决问题的一种假定。断言成立的可能性通过向用户提问来确定,或者,可以利用从其它断言或存储数据根据规则来推断其可能性。 | In expert systems,a hypothesis about the problem to be solved.The likelihood of an assertion is established by asking the user questions or,alternatively,rules may be used to deduce the likelihood from other assertions or stored data. | |
7 | 自封密过程这一概念使得火山区也可能出现渗透性能很低的盖层。 | The concept of this self-sealing process broadens the likelihood of cap rocks with low permeability occurring in volcanic areas | |
8 | 作为土地草约的扩展,专门 | As an extension of the soil protocol, specific SOPs were written to further define the method and to reduce the likelihood of en-ors being introduced by different investigators during the life of the project | |
9 | 作为土地草约的扩展,专门制定了具体的标准操作规程,以进一步确定测量方法,从而减少工程过程中不同测量者产生误差的可能性。 | As an extension of the soil protocol, specific SOPs were written to further define the method and to reduce the likelihood of errors being introduced by different investigators during the life of the project. | |
10 | 作业程序,组织以及员工与使用物料间的互动关系;危害的型态,发生的可能性,频率与暴露时间, | the material, equipment and technology used at work; working procedures and organization and interaction of workers with materials used; the type, likelihood , frequency, and duration of exposure to the hazards. |