属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-美国最高法院支持学生运动员获取报酬
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-依靠意念控制假肢
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第50期:妈妈不让我和喜欢的女孩约会怎么办
1 | 这两个男孩儿长得像极了. | There was an uncommon likeness between the two boys. | |
2 | 这两兄弟仅外表相似,本性却很不一样。 | There is only a formal likeness between the two brothers, for their natures are very different | |
3 | 这三个孩子有相像之处。 | There is a likeness between the three boys. | |
4 | 这位一定是你哥哥,我看你们长得很像。 | This must be your brother: I can see a family likeness . | |
5 | 这一对孪生兄妹长得非常像而造成的种种误会都弄清楚了。 | All the errors were cleared up which the extreme likeness between this twin brother and sister had occasioned. | |
6 | 真的,它确实很象,但却是一种呆滞死板,暮气沉沉,毫无情感的相似。 | The likeness is indeed true, but it is a dull, dead, unfeeling, inauspicious likeness | |
7 | 朱庇特以天鹅的形状出现. | Jupiter appeared in the likeness of a swan. | |
8 | 注意到父子之间的相似之处. | Remark the likeness between father and son | |
9 | 专家认为,这个男子可能是墓主人,画面表示死者的灵魂正在生归天国。 | According to experts, the man is a likeness of the one buried in the tomb, and the picture symbolizes his soul rising up to heaven. | |
10 | ||1:这些州法律迫使NCAA考虑改变其规定,以允许大学生运动员通过”姓名、形象和肖像”赚钱。||2:NCAA这项意味着运动员可以通过代言或个人形象赚钱的新规定将于今年进行投票。||3:对于顶级大学运动员来说,这些金额可能会比任何与教育相关的酬劳都更高。 | ||1:The state laws have forced the NCAA to look at changing its rules to permit college athletes to make money from their "name, image and likeness ."||2:The new NCAA rules, to be voted on this year, mean athletes can receive money for things like endorsements and personal appearances.||3:For top college athletes, these amounts could be much higher than any education-related payments. | |
11 | 该软件是由位于北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市的杜克大学神经工程中心的研究人员开发的。该软件的早期版本只能控制一个假肢,但这一新软件可以让猕猴在观看计算机屏幕上自己的形象时,同时移动他们的两臂。 | The software was developed by researchers at the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Early vesions of the software could control only one artificial limb.|| But the new software let rhesus monkeys move two arms at the same time, as they watch a likeness of themselves on a computer screen.|| | |
12 | 首先,你要问问你妈妈她为什么不喜欢这个女孩。也许你们三个人可以坐下来开诚布公地聊聊。没准你妈妈会喜欢上她的。 | You gotta ask mom why she doesn’t like this girl, first of all. And perhaps the three of you can sit down, have an open discussion about whatever. Maybe mom will develop a likeness for her. | |
13 | SusanB.Anthony有幸成为第一个头像出现在美国流通硬币上的女人。 | Susan B. Anthony was the first women to be honored by having her likeness appear on a circulating United States coin. | |
14 | 朝鲜政府对这一建筑感到非常自豪,在工程施工期间就发行了印有想象中饭店完工后图景的邮票,并在官方媒体吹嘘该建筑。 | A proud North Korea put a likeness of the hotel on postage stamps and boasted about the structure in official media. | |
15 | 传神与写意在现代中国绘画中的阐释 | The Meanings of Likeness in Spirit and Fine Brushwork in Contemporary Chinese Painting | |
16 | 胡编乱造出道理是取悦神,而怀疑则是罪过。 | Raving of the reason was likeness to God, and doubt was sin. | |
17 | 怀俄明州的幽静的湖泊捕获了完全透明的圆环塔肖像,这是在风河山脉里圆形山所围绕的盆地。 | Wyoming’s Lonesome Lake captures a crystal clear likeness of Cirque of the Towers, a circular mountain-ringed basin in the Wind River Range. | |
18 | 还且,一点不假,还有个象红字似的小东西在她身边跑着呢! | and, of a truth, moreover, there is the likeness of the scarlet letter running along by her side! | |
19 | 基于多特征相似度的蠕虫检测 | A worm detection method based on multi-feature likeness | |
20 | 简,我希望你与我共度余生。你是与我相等又相像的另一半。 | Jane, I ask you to pass through life at my side. You are my equal and my likeness . | |
21 | 她走近前去,看见那是韦翰的肖像,和另外几张小型画像夹在一起,挂在壁炉架的上方。 | She approached, and saw the likeness of Mr. Wickham suspended, amongst several other miniatures, over the mantelpiece. | |
22 | 仅需花上49.99美金,万圣节的狂欢者们就可以得到一件橘黄色的监狱服、一副手铐、一个麦道夫的肖像面具和一个玩具塑料锤。 | For a modest $49. 99, revelers get an orange jumpsuit, handcuffs, a face mask in Bernie’s likeness and a spoof plastic hammer. | |
23 | 可是,倘若我现在不了解你一下,以后就没有机会了。 | But if I do not take your likeness now, I may never have another opportunity. | |
24 | 论翻译神似的可测量度 | The Measurable Degree of Likeness in Spirit in Translation | |
25 | 论科技翻译的神似 | On Translation Likeness of Scientific Literature | |
26 | 论六朝诗歌中的“形似”问题 | On "Formal Likeness " of the Poetry in the Six Dynasties | |
27 | 麦克雷在他的身边放了一个我的纸板全身像。 | McRae had a cardboard likeness of me by his side. | |
28 | 那时候,就像襁褓中的兄弟姐妹一样,城镇和乡村相似的地方随处可见。 | Then, as with brother and sister in infancy, the likeness between town and country was visible all over. | |
29 | 人们从全国各地过来观看这座雕像,并把它和流行天王的相貌做比较。 | People are coming from all over the country to see the statue and compare its likeness to the king of pop. | |
30 | 人们一看到那尊模特就惊呆了,然后就开始不停地谈论它和天王是如何相似。 | Once people see it they are astounded and can’t stop talking about its likeness . |