属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-多米尼加共和国的移民 何处为家乡
1 | 被遗忘的某人(某事). | sb(sth) trapped in a limbo | |
2 | 到现在只批准了几件租约,百分之九十的申请都消失在官僚主义的汪洋大海里了。 | And even now only a few leases have been granted, with ninety percent of applications lost in bureaucratic limbo | |
3 | 调查卡茨1989年10月在草原运动场死亡一事,拖延不决,无法破案。一个验尸官认定是谋杀,另一个则认为卡茨先生意外死亡,两相矛盾,以致落得无人过问。 | The investigation into Adam Katz’s death…at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in October1989has drifted along without resolution,left in limbo by one coroner’s finding of murder and another’s conflicting theory that Mr.Katz died accidentally. | |
4 | 该工程必须搁置, 等待委员会做决定 | The project must remain in limbo until the committee makes its decision | |
5 | 那时候,那整个混沌窈冥的现象,就是那位超逸卓越的弗劳伦斯人在他的幻想中临崖俯瞰的时候所看到的林苞。 | Then the whole black phenomenon beneath represented Limbo as viewed from the brink by the sublime florentine in his vision | |
6 | 那时候,那整个混沌幽冥的现象,就是那位超逸卓越的弗劳伦斯人在他的幻想中临崖俯瞰的时候所看到的林苞… | Then the whole black phenomenon beneath represented Limbo as viewed from the brink by the sublime Florentine in his vision… | |
7 | 他的生活好像陷入了不知所措的境地,进退两难。 | His life seemed stuck in limbo and he could not go forward and he could not go back. | |
8 | 为人所忘却;默默无闻. | fall(sink) into the limbo of oblivion | |
9 | 我不知道家人是生是死,感觉自己茫然无措。 | I didn’t know whether my family was alive or dead.I felt as if I was in limbo . | |
10 | 我心神不定,等着知道是否已得到了那份工作。 | I’m in limbo ,waiting to know if I’ve got the job or not. | |
11 | 我在半睡半醒的缥缈幻境中度过整晚。 | Throughout that night I lay in the purple limbo between sleeping and waking | |
12 | 也许,在悬狱的殿堂里,为了补偿英雄们失去的至福幻象,他们正享受着青春柔情。 | Perhaps in the mansions of limbo the heroes enjoy some such compensation for their loss of the Beatific Vision | |
13 | 遗忘;忽略;搁置. | be in limbo | |
14 | 由于斯坦普尔先生今天未指明在21个厂中关闭哪一个,使得数千工人的生活没有着落。 | By not specifying today which of the21 plants would be closed, Mr.Stempel put the lives of thousands of workers in limbo . | |
15 | 有好几个月领导将她的升迁之事放置一边 | Management kept her promotion in limbo for months. | |
16 | ||1:人权组织愤言新法律的出台无法改变大多数被统治阶层水深火热的境况。||2:但麦迪纳这种管窥蠡测的做法将再一次减轻政治压力。||3:比起那些没有身份证的群体,已经获得的人更为富裕,也更具影响力,很多对法庭决定坦言不满的受害者都是一些受过教育的专业人士,他们能有效运用媒体,游说打动人心。||4:新的体系平息了这些高姿态群体的怒火,但那些处在多米尼加社会边缘的人民只能自力更生。译者:张孟夏 | ||1:Human-rights groups angrily point out that the new law thus leaves most of the people affected by the ruling in limbo .||2:All the same, Mr Medina’s meticulous segmentation of the problem will probably relieve much of the political pressure.||3:People who already had identity papers tend to be richer and more influential than those who did not; many of the most outspoken victims of the court decision were educated professionals who could use the media and lobby effectively.||4:The new system placates this high-profile group, while leaving those on the fringes of Dominican society to fend for themselves. | |
17 | 财经;迷途的欧洲;安然无恙?岌岌可危! | Finance and Economics;Europe in limbo ;Home and dry | |
18 | ||当地一名共和党参议员史蒂夫 菲茨杰拉德嘲笑说,关塔那摩位于美国的海军基地,而该基地又是按照针对古巴东端的条约下设立的,因此它是合法的。||他问:“那他们怎么不干脆就烂在里面?”他认为,许多犯人都不符合进入刑事犯罪系统的条件,也不配得到战犯的待遇。 | ||That prison camp—built in an American naval base maintained by treaty on Cuba’s eastern tip—is called a legal limbo , scoffs a local Republican state senator, Steve Fitzgerald.|| Well, good. “Why shouldn’t they just rot?” he asks, calling many detainees unfit to enter the criminal-justice system and undeserving of the status of prisoners-of-war. | |
19 | 地狱?天堂? | Legal-limbo land | |
20 | 诸如2010年《地狱边境》(Limbo)和2012年《风之旅人》(Journey)这样的游戏还会有吸人眼球的简美画面。 | Games such as 2010’s Limbo and 2012’s Journey also incorporate beautiful minimalistic images that grab your attention. | |
21 | “这样对员工是不好的”他说,“让他们没有实际工作,名存实亡是不好的。” | "It is not a good way to treat people, " he said, "to leave them in limbo with no actual job. " | |
22 | Brunel说,现在市场仍处于震荡中,等待更多指标的释放,以及减排截止日期的到来。 | The market remains in limbo until more credits are available and the deadline for offsetting emissions comes closer, Brunel said. | |
23 | 不论如何,在这样一个关键时期,以色列会处于一个政治过渡状态中。 | Either way, Israel may be in political limbo during a crucial period. | |
24 | 此前有人担心,如果没有达成任何共识,英国和其它外国军队将失去驻扎在伊拉克的明确法律依据。 | There had been concern that British and other foreign forces would be thrown into a legal limbo if no agreement was reached. | |
25 | 从技术上讲,纹身在伊拉克从未被视为非法,但在萨达姆统治下,他们漂浮在合法与非法的边缘地带。 | Tattoos were never technically illegal in Iraq, but under Saddam they floated in legal limbo . | |
26 | 但是,对BSkyB来说,要避免在未来数月因为默多克的缘故而变得群龙无首、风雨飘摇,其董事会必须彻底重组,而且要从最高层开始。 | Yet If BSkyB is to avoid several months of Murdoch-dominated limbo , its board must be radically reconstructed, starting at the top. | |
27 | 但是西方国家的外交官们认为那只会延长阿富汗政治上的无着落状态。 | But western diplomats believe that would simply prolong Afghanistan’s political limbo . | |
28 | 但议案在几个月之内是不太可能成为法定条例的,温彻斯特以及全英的规划师们仍旧一头雾水。 | But with the bill not likely to become law for months, planners in Winchester and across England are in limbo . | |
29 | 但在那时农业也已到了地狱的边境,粮食廉价的时代已经结束了。 | But at the moment, agriculture has been caught in limbo . The era of cheap food is over. | |
30 | 但最终,拉米承认自己冒险失败了,已经进行了6年的多哈回合重新被搁置。 | But eventually Mr Lamy admitted that his gamble had not come off, and the six-year-old round lapsed back into limbo . |