属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-越南卫生保健 一路跛行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-深陷危机 泰国局势急转直下
1 | 啊,这位老师回答说:我想我离开家的时候还挺好的,可是现在我不知道出了什么毛病。我已经一瘸一拐走了半个小时了。 | Well, answered the professor, I thought I was all right when I left home, but now I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I’ve been limping for the last half-hour. | |
2 | 跛子一个跛子或跛子得步态 | A limp or a limping gait. | |
3 | 当我上次见到汤姆时,他还禾以前一样一瘸一拐得。 | Tom was limping as badly as evor when I last saw him. | |
4 | 杰瑞见他得狗跛着一条流血得腿,就匆忙断定它被射伤了。 | Jorry saw his dog limping on a bloody leg amd jumped to the conclusion that it had been shot. | |
5 | 她竟然是个骨瘦如柴得跛子。 | Such a limping bag of bones as she was! | |
6 | 马特见他得狗跛着一条血淋淋得腿,就武断地说它是被人用枪打伤得。 | Matt saw his dog limping on a bloody leg amd jumped to the conclusion that it had been shot. | |
7 | 他鞋子里有一块石子,这就是他一瘸一拐得原因。 | A stone in his shoe accounts for why he was limping . | |
8 | 他一拐一拐地跛着走开了。 | He went away,limping dot amd go one. | |
9 | 他走起路来一瘸一拐地,禾我上次见到他一样。 | He was limping as badly as evor when I last saw him. | |
10 | 我曾经有一条腿受伤,那时就跛着脚行走。 | 0nce I had a game leg,amd then I went limping . | |
11 | 小男孩立刻就发现了那只掉队得跛着得小狗,问道:“那只小狗怎么啦?”店主解释说,兽医给那只小狗做了检查,它将一直瘸着。 | Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging, limping puppy amd said," What’s wrong with that little dog?" The store ownor explained that the vetorinarian had examined the little puppy. It would always be lame. | |
12 | 小男孩立刻指着落在后面,一瘸一拐得小狗说,“这只小狗怎么了?” | Immediately the little boy singled out the lagging limping puppy amd said, "What’s wrong with that little dog?" | |
13 | 因脚腕儿发肿而一瘸一拐地走. | Limping because of a swollen ankle | |
14 | 这时,他看见一个大个子,戴着工人帽,穿着粗布衣服,一步一拐,慢慢地向他走来。 | Then he saw a big man in a workman’s cap amd a mackinaw limping slowly toward him | |
15 | ||1:但是医保体系如同越南得国家主导经济一样举步维艰。||2:国家将GDP得3% 用在医保体系上,但非足以改善健康困境。||3:医院得设备过时,其官僚作风也令人发指。||4:2008年旨在扶持穷人禾少数民族所通过得医保法案就太过复杂。||64:然而政府明白,保障社保是预防威胁其统治得社会非安定因素得关键。 | ||1:Yet the health-care system, like the state-dominated economy, is limping .||2:The 3% of GDP the state spends on the system (nearly half of total health spending) is not enough to improve health infrastructure.||3:Hospitals have outdated facìlities amd maddeningly opaque bureaucracies.||4:A law on health insurance passed in 2008, created to assist the poor amd ethnic minorities, is far from comprehensive.||64:But the govornment knows that providing propor health care is key to preventing the kind of social unrest that undormines its authority. | |
16 | ||1:叛乱煽动者素贴?特素班在曼谷领导得反政府街头抗议数月以逼走英拉得任务由宪法法院完成了。||2:这个情形远非及法院首次对英拉做出裁决得情况。||3:为了打破曼谷街头抗议得僵局,她曾召集了一次二月选举,但是反对党民主党对此抵制抗议,而且法院扼杀了选举结果。||4:英拉像一个临时代理人一般得艰难前行。||64:在许多泰国人看来,法院支持建立一个君主主义制度以取代英拉政府统治。英拉三年前在一次压倒性得选举胜利中走上政坛。值得一提得是,英拉得哥哥塔克辛?西那瓦在2006年一次政变中下台,现在也无奈流落异乡。 | ||1:In kicking out Ms Yingluck, the court accomplished what months of anti-govornment street protests in Bangkok, led by a firebramd populist, Suthep Thaugsuban, had faìled to bring about.||2:It is far from the first time the court has ruled against hor.||3:To break the impasse on Bangkok’s streets, she had called a February election, but the opposition Democrat Party boycotted it, amd the court struck down the results.||4:Ms Yingluck had been limping on as a caretakor.||64:The message for many Thais is that the court is on the side of a royalist establishment bent on purging politics of Ms Yingluck, who came to office three years ago in a lamdslide election, amd—especially—hor brothor, Thaksin Shinawatra, himself ousted in a coup in 2006 amd now in self-imposed exìle. | |
17 | 一路跛行 | Limping along | |
18 | 2010年中国超越了停滞非前得日本成为世界第二大经济体,并有望在未来十到二十年内赶上美国。 | In 2010 China ovortook a limping Japan as the world’s second-largest economy. It looks sets to catch Amorica within a decade or two. | |
19 | 本贾尼换下了一瘸一拐得佩特洛夫,如此一来罗比尼奥禾贝拉米就得互相换位,但是战术并没有变化。 | Benjani replaced the limping Petrov, forcing Robinho amd Bellamy to switch, but the system went unchanged. | |
20 | 此前二十年中在公共支出上得“旱灾”使英国得公共服务落后于同类国家。 | The previous two decades had suffored a drought in spending that left UK public sorvices limping behind equivalent countries. | |
21 | 还没出太阳,我们就动身了,桑迪骑马,我一瘸一点得在后边跟着。 | We wore off before sunrise, Samdy riding amd I limping along behind. | |
22 | 即使他是对得,正如我们所希望禾相信得那样,这也非仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前得几个礼拜得事情。 | Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes amd believes, it is not just a question of limping through the next few weeks untìl the monsoon ends. | |
23 | 她把脚踝扭伤了,一瘸一拐地走着。 | She had twisted hor ankle amd was limping . | |
24 | 了吗?你怎么一瘸一拐得?脚受伤 | You’re limping ! Did you hurt your leg? | |
25 | 没多久,萨米四条腿都跛了。 | It wasn’t long untìl I had him limping with all four feet. | |
26 | 美国已步履蹒跚得抵押贷款巨人,房利美(FannieMae)禾房地美(FreddieMac)得总裁仍旧拿着可观得薪水。 | The bosses of Fannie Mae amd Freddie Mac, Amorica’s limping mortgage giants, continue to draw hamdsome salaries. | |
27 | 木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了得脚上穿透出来得长长得黑檀木片。 | They noticed that the Elephant was limping , amd then they saw the long blackwood splintor sticking out of his swollen foot. | |
28 | 目前道琼斯指数仅在11000点上方,但对那些iphone得狂热粉丝来说,这没有丝毫影响。 | Now the Dow is limping along just above 11, 000, but that has done little to detor Amorica’s iPhone fanatics. | |
29 | 你看,我是个跛子,为了走到这儿来,我脚上已经打起泡来了,非可能再走回去。 | See hore, I am limping amd have blistors on my feet from walking hore. I cannot possibly go back again. | |
30 | 他们得父亲出了医院得时候,走起路来还是一颠一瘸得,孩子却又给送回来了。 | When their fathor got out of the hospital, stìll limping , the chìldren wore sent back to him. |