属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 4234-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 4117-2001
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人口统计学 时髦与蹒跚齐行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英国"放行"华为 雷诺CEO
1 | 妇女和女孩用针织浴衣、便服、长睡衣、睡衣、长衬裙和女内衣织物的标准性能规范 | Standard Performance Specification for Womens and Girls Knitted Robe, Negligee, Nightgown, Pajama, Slip, and Lingerie Fabrics | |
2 | 妇女及女孩用机织浴衣、长睡衣、睡衣、长衬裙、带肩带长内衣和内衣织物的标准性能规范 | Standard Performance Specification for Womens and Girls Woven Robe, Negligee, Nightgown, Pajama, Slip, and Lingerie Fabrics | |
3 | 她想在回家的路上买些女用贴身内衣裤。 | She want to buy some lingerie on her way home. | |
4 | 今天女性内衣市场上的其他商品已变得苗条_了,而运动内衣却被设计师们束之高阁。 | While the rest of the lingerie market seemed to get slinkier by the day, the sports bra was left on the shelf by designers | |
5 | 女式内衣襻是控制内衣吊带的助手,它也可以控制领口和肩部减少移动。 | Lingerie Straps is long considered an aid for controlling the straps of under-garments, lingerie straps can also be to control the neckline and shoulder areas to reduce shifting and sliding. | |
6 | 襻是用丝带、滚条或线辫缝制的。内衣襻常位于肩缝处,但它们可以放在任何需要的地方。 | Made of ribbon, seam binding, or thread chains, lingerie straps are usually located on the shoulder seams, but they can be placed at any strategic location. | |
7 | 漂亮的衣服,尤指女用内衣 | Delicate clothing,especially lingerie . | |
8 | ||1:即使很多小城镇希望吸引年轻人,它们也做不到。||2:流动的年轻人喜欢扎堆,尤其是喜欢聚集在伦敦。||3:即使是像曼彻斯特这样所谓的麦加圣地也在逐渐老龄化:城市里的俱乐部正转向会员制,正如一个当地居民所说,越来越多的地方“看不到一个十九岁的少年在其中醉生梦死”。||4:像布拉科内尔和切本哈姆这样定位于年龄过小的年轻人的城市,很容易发现自己的商业区满是倒闭的La Senzas(一内衣连锁店)和艰难经营的纹身室。||5:在英国首都之外,年轻人的聚集通常都与高失业率捆绑在一起。 | ||1:Even if they wanted to, most small towns and cities could not capture the cool kids.||2:Mobile young professionals cluster, and greatly prefer to cluster in London.||3:Even supposed meccas like Manchester are ageing: clubs in that city are becoming members-only, and there are an increasing number of places, as one resident puts it, that “a 19-year-old wouldn’t be seen dead in”.||4:Towns that aim too young, like Bracknell and Chippenham, can find their high streets full of closed La Senzas (a lingerie chain) and struggling tattoo parlours.||5:Outside Britain’s capital, high concentrations of youth are commonly tied to high unemployment rates. | |
9 | ||1:据报道,“维多利亚的秘密”内衣公司首席执行官或将辞职,并可能出售这家内衣零售商。||2:消息传出后,该公司的股价飙升。莱斯·韦克斯纳(Les Wexner)经营L Brands已长达57年,是标准普尔500指数(s&p 500)成分股公司中任职时间最长的首席执行官。||3:去年,他因为与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的关系而处境尴尬,已经死亡的爱泼斯坦是一位性交易者,他管理着韦克斯纳的金融资产。 | ||1:The share price of the company that owns Victoria’s Secret surged after it was reported that its chief executive might step down and possibly sell the lingerie retailer.||2:Les Wexner has run L Brands for 57 years and is the longest-serving ceo of any s&p 500 company.||3:Last year he faced embarrassing questions over his link to Jeffrey Epstein, a dead sex-trafficker who managed Mr Wexner’s financial assets. | |
10 | 除男士文胸外,这家店铺还售有男士短裤和女士内衣。 | The shop also stocks men’s panties, as well as lingerie for women. | |
11 | 但这项法律的实施已经进入第三年了,仍有大约95%的女士内衣商店聘用的是男员工。 | But we are now entering the third year of the introduction of that law and still about 95 per cent of lingerie shops are staffed by men. | |
12 | 到HarveyNichols买LaPerla牌的女士贴身内衣,结识新的男人,同饮香槟,进行第一次房事。 | Going to Harvey Nichols to buy La Perla lingerie , meeting a new man, drinking champagne with him, going to bed with him for the first time. | |
13 | 德国Blush女性内衣店设计的购物袋。 | Shopping bag designed for Blush lingerie store in Berlin, Germany. | |
14 | 点燃蜡烛,铺上漂亮床单,穿上迷人的内衣。不用把这些留给一个特殊的日子,今天就是特别的。 | Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie . Don’ t save it for a special occasion. Today is special. | |
15 | 对于在衣柜里挂满内衣的女士来说,可是个好消息! | Good news for those of us with lingerie drawers full of push-up bras! | |
16 | 对这家柏林内衣店和BBDO(中译:美国天联广告公司)来说,这是脸红带来的挑战。 | That’s the challenge thrown down by Blush, the Berlin lingerie store, to ad agency BBDO. | |
17 | 而在一天前,深圳一家内衣公司也爆发了几百人的罢工。 | A day earlier, hundreds reportedly struck at a Shenzhen company that makes underwear and lingerie . | |
18 | 肥胖率的上升还增大了塑身内衣的需求量,超过十分之一的女性购买紧身裤和紧身内衣。 | And larger bodies have boosted demand for body-moulding lingerie , with more than one in ten buying items such as control pants and corsets . | |
19 | 该bra是由马丁·卡兹(MartinKatz)制作,这位稀有宝石的珠宝商之前一直在为公司制作女性奢华内衣。 | It was created by Martin Katz, the rare gem jeweller who has worked on previous luxury lingerie for the firm. | |
20 | 公司的内衣模特ReikoAoyama说:“这款内衣穿起来要比看上去合身多了,穿着它让我心情特别舒畅。” | "The bra fits much better than it looks. Wearing it puts me in such a fun mood, " said model Reiko Aoyama in the lingerie . | |
21 | 官方统计在佛山市有40个内衣生产公司。 | Officials there say they are one of 40 lingerie firms in the city of Foshan. | |
22 | 很明显伊琳娜在年初为意大利内衣品牌Intimissimi拍摄广告后,对于内衣展示越来越轻车熟路。 | Irina is clearly becoming accustomed to posing in her underwear after modelling for Italian lingerie brand Intimissimi earlier this year. | |
23 | 红粉佳人:俄罗斯名模此前曾表示,她觉得穿着内衣更性感。 | Pretty in pink: The Russian born model has previously said that she ’feels more sexy’ wearing lingerie | |
24 | 会上,有一位头发扎着金丝带的女士。她辞掉了之前的警察工作,现在专门在阿里巴巴的拍卖网站——淘宝网上销售女士内衣。 | One woman, a gold ribbon in her hair, gave up her job as a police officer to sell lingerie on taobao. com, Alibaba’s consumer-auction site. | |
25 | 几乎每个百货商店都有一批女店员,帮你量尺寸(免费的),挑选适合的文胸。 | Almost every department store has a team of women who will size you up (for free) for specially engineered lingerie . | |
26 | 将信件放在她枕头下,她内衣抽屉里,她餐盘里,或者吃早餐时奉上。 | Put the letter under her pillow, in her lingerie drawer, on her dinner plate or at the breakfast setting. | |
27 | 她痴迷地查看着团购网上最新的交易,重点关注附近的餐馆和日本内衣的消息。 | She obsessively scours group buying websites for the latest deals, focusing on neighborhood restaurants and Japanese lingerie . | |
28 | 她于1908年11月16日出生在布鲁塞尔MadeleineCinquin的一个做女性内衣生意的家庭;父亲在她六岁时溺死。 | She was born Madeleine Cinquin on Nov. 16, 1908, in Brussels into a family that ran a lingerie business; her father drowned when she was 6. | |
29 | 今年3月,我呼吁所有女性顾客联合抵制不聘用女性的女士内衣商店,历时一天。 | In March I asked all female shoppers to boycott for a day lingerie stores that don’t employ women. | |
30 | 近日有心理学家称,女性内衣的颜色似乎能说明她是怎样的一个爱人。 | The color of a woman’s lingerie , it appears, tells you what sort of a lover she is, a psychologist has revealed. |