属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老旧飞机的金属疲劳 飞行侦查兵
1 | 他一听音乐便把整个世界忘之脑後. | When he listens to music he’ s lost to the world, ie unaware of what is happening around him | |
2 | 他正心不在焉地听着老朽的富翁同僚的抱怨,这位同僚--可怜的家伙--太富有了,以至于无法从布什的减税政策中受益。 | He half-listens to the complaints of his decrepit fellow plutocrat, who--poor fellow!--is too rich to benefit from George Bush’s tax cuts | |
3 | 听老师讲课他比你认真。 | He listens to the teachers more carefully than you. | |
4 | 同时,大家还要参加新郎新娘与家人的告别仪式。 | In the meantime, the audience listens to the bride and bridegroom’s farewell ceremony. | |
5 | 晚饭后他常常去学校花园里散步,有时还收听英语广播。 | After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. Sometimes he listens to the English broadcast. | |
6 | 在听力测试中,学生只听讲话,但不以话作答。 | In the aural test the student listens to spoken language but does not speak in response | |
7 | ||1:Ellie是一名心理学家,而且长于此道。||2:面带职业化微笑的她,清楚滴知道你每个笑容的含义。||3:即便是简单的神经抽搐或者眼神紧张,她也能立刻注意到这个细节。||4:她仔细聆听你的表达,分辨每一个字词,研究你每个音调、口音、手势等所有小动作的含义。||5:最新研究认为,她处在行业顶端的最大优势在于,她不是人类。 | ||1:ELLIE is a psychologist, and a damned good one at that.||2:Smile in a certain way, and she knows precisely what your smile means.||3:Develop a nervous tic or tension in an eye, and she instantly picks up on it.||4:She listens to what you say, processes every word, works out the meaning of your pitch, your tone, your posture, everything.||5:She is at the top of her game but, according to a new study, her greatest asset is that she is not human. | |
8 | ||1:书中最出彩的一章大概就属最后一章了,描写了克劳迪奥·阿巴多与琉森节庆管弦乐团。||2:阿巴多先生沉默少语是出了名的,所以他自己并没有多说什么,但他的乐团成员完全代劳——成为他指挥天赋的最佳证明。||3:成员都说他不一般,不仅是因为他有敏锐的洞察力、权威的阐释和充满神秘力量的手势,而是因为他聆听音乐的独到之法。||4:他能唤醒音乐,并邀请音乐伴他左右。 | ||1:The most illuminating chapter is perhaps the final one, about the relationship between Claudio Abbado and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.||2:Famously reticent, Mr Abbado gives little away himself, but his players say it all for him—a fine confirmation of his gifts as a conductor.||3:He is special, the musicians explain, not merely because of his clarity of vision, authoritative analysis or the mysterious energy of his gestures, but rather because of the way he listens .||4:He appears to live the music, inviting them to live it with him. | |
9 | ||1:一旦你重写了不断变化的商业规则,你很难不误读它们——如果你的一些老朋友是你的参谋,那就更难了。||2:很明显,董事们无意在可预见的将来更换董事长。||3:但除非史密斯引入新的高管,然后听取他们的意见,否则他在企业21点桌上的日子应该屈指可数了。||4:换句话说,想想联邦快递。 | ||1:It is hard not to misread the changing rules of business when you once rewrote them—even harder when some of your oldest friends are your sounding board.||2:It is clear that the directors have no stomach for replacing their chairman in the foreseeable future.||3:But unless Mr Smith brings in fresh executives, and then listens to them, his days at the business blackjack table should be numbered.||4:Think FredExit, in other words. | |
10 | 娜比拉,19岁,孟加拉人。托米达,约莫35岁,罗兴亚人(罗兴亚族是缅甸的一个穆斯林族群)。娜比拉正坐在防水帆布屋顶下的泥泞地板上,一边不停摆弄鞋带,一边倾听托米达。两人都在流泪。娜比拉是一名学生译员,她笨拙地组织语言:“在她私密的地方遭遇了他们所有人。” | Sitting on a muddy floor beneath a tarpaulin roof, Nabila, a 19-year-old Bangladeshi, fiddles with her shoelaces as she listens to Tosmida, a Rohingya woman in her mid-30s. Both are crying. Nabila, a student-turned-interpreter, says awkwardly: “She had it from all of them in her secret place.” | |
11 | 一项侦听老化飞机断裂的新技术 | A new technique that listens for cracks in ageing aircraft | |
12 | “每个人都撒谎”,《Utne读者》杂志引用一位资深新闻工作者的话说,“但没关系,反正没有人听”。 | "Everybody lies, " says a veteran newspaperman quoted in the Utne Reader, "but it doesn’t matter, because nobody listens . " | |
13 | 20岁的玉秀(NgocTu)说他只听英语歌。 | Ngoc Tu, 20, says he only listens to English music. | |
14 | 35%的受访员工说,他们的领导从未或只是偶尔倾听他们在工作上的烦恼。 | Thirty-five percent of the surveyed workers said their boss never, or only sometimes, listens to their work-related concerns. | |
15 | Abruzzi将要搭乘的飞机的驾驶员倾听着对讲机,里面传来的警方通话使他越来越感到紧张。 | The pilot of Abruzzi’s jet listens to this walkie-talkie and is growing increasingly nervous about the police response in the area. | |
16 | Eywa会听,并作出合适的反应,有时会如你所愿…有时不会。 | Gaia listens , and reacts as she sees fit, sometimes in your favor. . . sometimes not. | |
17 | nc-l-p2300命令侦听TCP端口2300。 | The nc -l -p 2300 command listens to TCP port 2300. | |
18 | PORTNO:axis服务器监听的端口号。 | PORTNO: Port number to which the axis server listens to. | |
19 | readPassword将侦听与键相关的事件,然后提取各个键名(如J或Ctrl+L)。 | readPassword listens for a key related event, then extracts the individual key name (like J or Ctrl+L). | |
20 | WebSphereMQ提供名为runmqlsr的可执行文件,在缺省情况下,它侦听端口1414。 | WebSphere MQ provides an executable called runmqlsr which, by default, listens on port 1414. | |
21 | XP倾听客户意见的方法是通过发行计划。 | The way it listens is through release planning. | |
22 | 爱德华.格林:有些玩具可以说话,有些玩具可以倾听。但“大老板”既能说又会听。 | EDWARD GREEN: "Some toys talk, some toys listen. But Big Boss talks and listens to you. " | |
23 | 包含TCPIPClientInput节点的消息流将侦听端口,等待服务器应用程序的连接尝试。 | A message flow that contains a TCPIPClient Input node listens on a port, waiting for a server application to try to connect. | |
24 | 包含TCPIPServerInput节点的消息流将侦听端口,等待客户端应用程序的连接尝试。 | A message flow that contains a TCPIPServer Input node listens on a port, waiting for a client application to try to connect. | |
25 | 不能多次注册在特定端口上侦听的信道。 | You cannot register a channel that listens on a specific port more than once. | |
26 | 触发器监控器监听一个启动队列上的触发器消息。 | The trigger monitor listens for trigger messages on an initiation queue. | |
27 | 此类侦听文件系统更改通知并在目录或目录中的文件出现更改时引发事件。 | Class, which listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. | |
28 | 从词源上来看,说client是指“听从命令的人”准确无误,因为词源cluere就是“听”的意思。 | This was so literally true that the etymological meaning of client is "one who listens to be called" since cluere meant "to listen. " | |
29 | 大多时候,几乎没人听他们在讲些什么,这么说只是稍有点夸张。 | It is only a slight exaggeration to say that, most of the time, almost nobody listens to a word they say. | |
30 | 大学里,你不再是一个被动的学习者,只是像高中时一样,坐着听讲就可以了。 | Learning Environment. In college, you are no longer a passive learner who just sits and listens the way you do in high school. |