属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互联网的使用 错综复杂的网络
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国的继续教育 技术升级(1)
1 | 在一些地区,通常是由有文化者给无文化者读报,或者大家聚集在唯一的村庄广播旁收听。 | In some parts of the world, it is common for those who are literate to read from newspapers to those who are not, or for large numbers of persons to gather around the one village radio. | |
2 | 掌握运用两文三语的基本能力 | master the basic skills for being bi-literate and tri-lingual | |
3 | 这个国家的农民中只有少数人能识字。 | Only a few of the nation’s peasants are literate . | |
4 | 这位老人得找个能识字的人来读儿子来的信。 | The old man had to ask a literate to read the letter his son wrote him. | |
5 | 只有存在一个有文化的庞大公众群体,大型出版和报纸公司才会使用现有技术,以满足对大众阅读材料的广泛需要。 | A large public of literate citizens was necessary before giant publishing and newspaper empires might employ extant communications technology to satisfy widespread desires or needs for popular reading materials. | |
6 | ||1:技术控一旦遇到限制,这类(通过海外服务器)的方式就会普遍而轻易地使用。||2:需要翻墙使用Facebook的中国公民(Facebook在中国是禁止的),能轻点鼠标得偿所愿。||3:需要通过IPlayer观看节目的国外BBC粉丝可以如法炮制,而据说这是在英国以外不允许的。||4:因为VPNs和代理服务器的分布会根据趋利避害的原则,集中在例如瑞典和荷兰这样的国家,因此任何对上述类型网站访问的计数都会产生偏差。 | ||1:Once restricted to the tech-literate , these are now common and easy to use.||2:Chinese citizens who want to vault the Great Firewall to use Facebook (banned in China) can do so with a couple of clicks.||3:Foreign fans of the BBC can use the same trick to watch its programmes via iPlayer, supposedly barred outside Britain.||4:Since VPNs and proxy servers are clustered in countries with favourable rules, such as Sweden and the Netherlands, any count of visits to such sites will be skewed. | |
7 | ||1:在整个黑暗时代,少数精通文学的欧洲人继续用古典拉丁语写作。||2:随着语言不断进化,其他人有时试图让写作发生相应的变化。||3:一份写于三、四世纪的常见拼写错误的单词列表,能让我们一窥当时发生了什么。||4:例如,这个列表坚持使用“calida”(意为“热的”)而不是“calda”:不重读的“i”显然正在消失。||5:(现在意大利语是“calda”。||6:) 其他读音也在变化。||7:那个列表建议使用“frigida”而不是“fricda”。||8:这个词意为“冷的”,现在写作“fredda”。 | ||1:Throughout the Dark Ages, the few literate Europeans continued to write in classical Latin.||2:Or they tried to: as their speech evolved, their writing sometimes mutated to match it.||3:A list of commonly misspelled words, written in the third or fourth century, offers a glimpse of what was happening.||4:For example, the list insists on calida (hot) not calda: the unstressed “i” was evidently disappearing.||5:(Now it is calda in Italian.||6:) Other sounds were changing, too.||7:Use frigida not fricda, the list advises.||8:The word for “cold” was on its way to today’s fredda. | |
8 | ||1:智力上的缺陷以及知识的匮乏,Elmore在他14岁的时候就辍学了。||2:他可以用手指进行加减但是他不能识别时间,不知道一年四季,没有方向感。||3:他成了邻居街坊里的勤杂工,就在Dorothy Edwards被杀的前两周,他还在清洗她家的水沟,擦洗他的窗户。||4:由于在Edwards家发现了他的指纹就被逮捕了。 | ||1:Mentally disabled and barely literate , Mr Elmore was 14 years old when he dropped out of school.||2:He could add and subtract using his fingers, but he could not tell the time, he did not know the seasons and he could not understand directions.||3:He became a neighbourhood handyman, and he cleaned Edwards’s gutters and washed her windows two weeks before she was killed.||4:He was arrested because his fingerprint was found at her house. | |
9 | 同时印刷也摧毁了有产阶级和无产阶级,识字者和文盲,富人和穷人之间的高墙,最终导致了整个权力结构的解体。 | and also because printing had torn down the wall between haves and have-nots, literate and illiterate, rich and poor, until whole power-structures toppled. | |
10 | 这或许有助于解释为何英国生产率增长停滞,为何英国年轻人相对于其他富裕国家的同龄人而言文化与数学素养更低。 | That may help explain why productivity growth has stalled, and why British youngsters are less literate and numerate than their peers in other rich countries. | |
11 | 《圣经》不是特殊的、文学的、甚至与我们所说的同性取向或同性婚姻没有关联。 | The Bible is not specific, literate , or even concerned with what we call same-sex orientation or gay marriage. | |
12 | 不过对那些在音乐上有点儿修养的坏蛋来说,不成调调连珠炮似的乐曲就会更奏效。 | But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better. | |
13 | 但是当工人阶级兴起,而开始出现仆人短缺后,持家成了知识阶级(literateclasses)的一种乐趣。 | But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a matter of interest to the literate classes. | |
14 | 但是我们学识渊博的开国元勋们并不感到它是不合理的或者甚至是达不到的。 | but it is one that the highly literate Founding Fathers mightnot have found unreasonable or even unattainable. | |
15 | 电视台积极的消遣大学水平值得看的电视节目 | television broadcasting active pastime at college level worthwhile TV programs radical idea a literate generation | |
16 | 懂化学的人会发现一个潜在的障碍。 | The chemically literate will spot a potential snag. | |
17 | 读写社会的形成是通过年复一年的投入巨大资源训练孩子如何阅读完成的。 | Literate societies become literate by investing extraordinary resources, every year, training children to read. | |
18 | 对一个有教养的人来说,阅读是很平常的事情。 | To a literate human, reading is a simple matter. | |
19 | 对于那些缺乏电脑技术的人来说,就算是很少出现在屏幕上的盗版色情DVD和VCD都容易买到。 | For those less computer literate , pirated porn DVDs and VCDs are easy to buy if rarely on display. | |
20 | 而且你不需要受过很多教育才能使用一部电话,如果你的国家的教育系统很糟糕的话它就很有用(很方便)。 | and you do not have to be literate to use a phone, which is handy if your country’s education system is in a mess. | |
21 | 负责读写的大脑部位实则包括了两条不同的神经回路以帮助我们理解词义,这两条回路分别在不同的情况下被激活。 | It turns out that the literate brain contains two distinct pathways for making sense of words, which are activated in different contexts. | |
22 | 她说:“这仅仅是冰山一角,如果你看看整个数据的趋势,就会发现人们在阅读文学的数量上总是起起落落的。” | "It’s just a blip, " she said. "If you look at trend data, you will always see increases and decreases in people’s literate practices. " | |
23 | 考虑到他平淡单调的演唱方式和丰富博学的歌曲科恩被认为是鲍勃•迪伦在加拿大的代言。 | With his flat monotone delivery and richly literate songs, Cohen was seen as Canada’s answer to Bob Dylan. | |
24 | 玛雅文字的破译向我们展示了一个与罗马帝国同时代的错综复杂的新大陆——一个同样有着高度文明的国度。 | The decipherment of the Mayan glyphs revealed that the New World had a sophisticated, literate civilisation at the time of the Roman empire. | |
25 | 目前,该车间的200名员工必须具备计算机技能,尽管他们并非百分百的白领。 | The plant’s 200 workers must now be computer-literate , although their collars are not yet entirely white. | |
26 | 你的大学电脑机房可能需要一个技术助理,通常在学校图书馆。 | Your college’s Computing Services might need a tech literate assistant, usually in the campus library. | |
27 | 日本劳动力(读写和计算能力强)受教育程度高,但是某些文化特征阻碍了企业的发展。 | Its people are superbly literate and numerate, but certain cultural traits are holding businesses back. | |
28 | 如今,学识渊博的是消费者了,我们看到的是“正常”语言显示的信息,不再需要依赖“拉比”学者了。 | The consumer is literate now. We see the information in "normal" language. We no longer need to rely on the "rabbis. " | |
29 | 实践与理论的交融--感受香港浸会大学的文科理论教学 | A Practice Training in Theory Teaching--Experiencing the Literate theory teaching in Hongkong Baptist University | |
30 | 使用因特网的难点是用户必须要能识字。 | The drawback of the internet is that you have to be literate to use it. |