1 | 几百万受灾民众中,很多人无家可归,丧失了谋生之道。 | Many of the millions affected have lost their homes and livelihoods . | |
2 | 截止2009年春天,受灾家庭开始民生活动并重建自己的家园。 | The vulnerable families start livelihoods activity and reconstruction of their houses by the spring of 2009. | |
3 | 目标3:受灾家庭拥有可持续发展的民生策略。 | Objective 3: Vulnerable families have sustainable livelihoods and develop their livelihoods strategy. | |
4 | 南非有五分之一的水生物种濒临灭绝,数百万的南非人可能会丢失一种生存资源的关键来源。 | Millions of Africans may lose a key source of livelihoods as a fifth of freshwater African species are threatened with extinction | |
5 | 欧元区金融危机给许多人带来生计和生活上的威胁。但对于某些人来说却是个黄金机遇。 | The crisis in the eurozone may threaten the livelihoods and living standards of many, but for some it presents a golden opportunity. | |
6 | 如果我们把民生福祉放在第一位,就不会有政坛讨价还价带来的政治真空,或者政策的偏离。 | If we are to prioritize the people’s livelihoods , there cannot be a political vacuum from political bargaining, or a lapse in policies. | |
7 | 世界上大多数最贫穷的农民,包括非洲的绝大多数农民,依靠雨水维持生计。 | Most of the world’s poorest farmers, including the vast majority in Africa, rely on rain for their livelihoods . | |
8 | 事实上,如果多数四十亿亚洲继续提高他们的生活质量,世界会变得更好。 | Indeed, if the vast majority of the four billion Asians continue to improve their livelihoods , the world would become a better place. | |
9 | 数十万计的,如果不是上百万的,非技术工人仍然依靠华南的低成本工厂来维持生计。 | Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of unskilled workers still depend on southern China’s low-cost factories for their livelihoods . | |
10 | 随着发展中国家生活水平的提高,这种根本结构性变革将继续推动农产品需求。 | This is a fundamental, structural change that will continue to support agriculture demand as livelihoods improve in the developing world. | |
11 | 随着全球经济复苏,资产泡沫可能将成为下一个脆弱链条,有可能再次破坏人们的生计,再让数百万人陷入贫困。 | Asset bubbles could be the next fragility as the world recovers, threatening again to destroy livelihoods and trap millions more in poverty. | |
12 | 他还认为这样的促进可以提供一些工作,收集野生昆虫还可以保护森林。 | He also thinks such a boost can provide livelihoods and protect forests where many wild insects are collected. | |
13 | 他们的人生、生计和自尊都完全与工厂连为一体。 | Their lives, livelihoods and self esteem were completely wrapped up with the factory. | |
14 | 他们知道自己已经工作很努力了,他们也清楚自己的谋生手段正被无法掌控的力量卷走。 | They knew that they had worked hard, and that their livelihoods were being swept away by forces beyond their control. | |
15 | 他在作为私募投资人的时候,故意毁掉美国人民的生计从而快速赚钱。 | had deliberately destroyed livelihoods to make a quick buck during his time as a private-equity investor, | |
16 | 为消除世界上的暴力和压迫,这些男士和女士们甘愿把自己的生命和生活承受着风险。 | These men and women put their own lives and livelihoods at risk by working to rid the world of violence and oppression. | |
17 | 需要帮助的人不是政府官员,而是普通的巴基斯坦人民,他们的生活因洪水肆虐遭到了破坏。 | And the people who need help are not the government, but the ordinary Pakistanis whose livelihoods have been washed out by the floods. | |
18 | 英国石油公司将要回应的问题可不只是毁了人类的生活、生计和旅行。 | BP has more than the loss of human life, livelihoods and tourism to answer for. | |
19 | 由环境问题造成的人口迁徙所引发的潜在问题是他们在新的家园可能找不到谋生之道。 | The danger posed by such environmental refugees is that they may be deprived of the means to sustain livelihoods in their new homes. | |
20 | 油污到达海岸后,会破坏当地人们赖以为生的生态系统。 | Where oil reaches the coast, it will damage ecosystems on which many people rely for livelihoods . | |
21 | 灾区人民自我发展可持续的民生。 | The people develop sustainable livelihoods . | |
22 | 在过去一年左右的时间里,很多人学到了:当泡沫破灭之时,他们的企业,工作甚至生计都会受到连累。他们已为此付出了高昂的代价。 | In the last year or so, many people have learned to their cost that when bubbles burst, businesses, jobs, and livelihoods can go with them. | |
23 | 在美国和欧洲内部,对自由贸易的敌视也在升温,这多半是因为人们把它看作是对工作机会和维持生计的威胁。 | Within the US and Europe, hostility to free trade is on the rise, largely because it is seen as a threat to jobs and livelihoods . | |
24 | 在切萨皮克湾正在进行具有历史意义的努力,以保护触及1千7百万人的生命与生计的水资源。 | On the Chesapeake Bay, historic efforts are underway to protect waters that touch the lives and livelihoods of 17 million people. | |
25 | 在他统治的下的国家,一直是不发达的(除了国家财富),这迫使人们为了维持生计而挣扎过活。 | He kept the country underdeveloped and forced people to struggle for their daily livelihoods despite the country’s wealth. | |
26 | 在一篇来自马里的报告中描述了棉农们的困境,他们的生活完全被扭曲的市场打乱,现在靠着美国政府的补助为生。 | A report from Mali describes the plight of cotton farmers who depend for their livelihoods on a market heavily skewed by American subsidies. | |
27 | 这些变化可能对全球各地依靠海洋为生的数亿人民造成严重后果。 | The changes could have dire consequences for hundreds of millions of people around the globe who rely on oceans for their livelihoods . | |
28 | 这意味着不再只是谈论就业和谋生,而是要探讨科学性和可持续发展。 | This means the debate is no longer just about jobs and livelihoods , but is now about science and sustainability. | |
29 | 这意味着数百万农民的生活正处在危机之中,饮用水也正逐渐成为一种稀缺的商品。 | That means the livelihoods of millions more farmers are at risk, and that drinking water is becoming an increasingly precious commodity. |