属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 政治斗争在圣诞前夕暂息
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国中期选举 沉寂的中间地带
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 不喜欢乘飞机旅行. | loathe travelling by air | |
2 | 当你晕船时,你会厌恶油腻的气味。 | You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick. | |
3 | 看见吃的东西就恶心 | Loathe the sight of food | |
4 | 面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料。 | Baker loathe go to this red-hair young pup for supplies. | |
5 | 你知道我多么讨厌打字和速记。 | You know how I loathe typing and shorthand | |
6 | 人们要么热爱他,要么讨厌他,中间派人数很少。 | People tend to love him or loathe him, and the middle ground is thinly populated. | |
7 | 日本不受欢迎的首相森喜朗在星期二宣布新内阁名单,希望能挽回他的政治生涯,不过,外界和外国投资者都不看好结果。 | Japan’s unpopular Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori unveiled a new Cabinet on Tuesday aimed at prolonging his time in power precisely the outcome many Japanese voters and global investors are loathe to see. | |
8 | 虽然最高法院不愿意用它的政策判断来替代国会的政策判断 | Although the Court is appropriately loathe to substitute its policy judgments for those of Congress. | |
9 | 孙小姐也依依惜别,舍不下她。 | Miss Sun was also loathe to say goodbye and couldn’t bear to part from Miss Fan | |
10 | 他所救出的那人也是个野人,但鲁滨逊对他进行教化,不久便使他对自己原来的生活习惯感到憎恶起来。他给他取名叫星期五,以纪念他获救的日子。 | The man he rescues is also a cannibal, but Crusoe soon teaches him loathe his former habits. He names him Friday, for the day of his rescue. | |
11 | 我不想去。 | I loathe going. | |
12 | 我非常讨厌那个女人。 | I loathe that woman. | |
13 | 我很讨厌洗盘子。 | I loathe washing dishes. | |
14 | 我恨的就是不拘世俗,恶心的就是不抱世俗。 | I hate and loathe bohemianism | |
15 | 我们彼此厌恶,但我们却又似乎注定要经常见面。 | We loathe each other, yet we seem doomed constantly to meet. | |
16 | 我们相互厌恶,但似乎偏偏冤家常碰头. | We loathe each other,yet we seem doomed constantly to meet. | |
17 | 我讨厌酒。 | I loathe wine. | |
18 | 我讨厌那些散布充满恶意的流言蜚语的人。 | I loathe people who spread malicious gossip | |
19 | 我讨厌你! | I loathe you! | |
20 | 我讨厌洗盘子。 | I loathe washing dishes. | |
21 | 我厌恶那些林荫道徒有其表,街道上华丽而俗气的咖啡馆过度虚饰,奢华炫目,一群群外国人充塞大街,其服装令人作呕。 | I loathe the shoddiness of the boulevards, with their gaudy cafes overgilt and oversumptuous, and their crowds of ill-dressed foreigners | |
22 | 我厌恶燃着的橡胶散发的气味。 | I loathe the smell of burning rubber. | |
23 | 我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议 | I loathe having to go to these conferences | |
24 | 喜新厌旧,喜新厌故 | abandon the old for the new;be fickle in affection;love the new and loathe the old | |
25 | 厌恶油腻食品味儿. | loathe the smell of greasy food | |
26 | 引起悔心。再回顾我自己,我哪象;让你爱慕的人!--却象一具哑涩 | Quick-loving hearts, I thought, may quickly loathe ;;And, looking on myself, I seemed not one | |
27 | ||1:当然,这座城市也想展示其更近的历史。||2:议会大厦上崭新的玻璃穹顶正在施工,它的旁边就是一座战争纪念碑,用以铭记2011年在抵抗阿尔巴尼亚少数民族游击队入侵时牺牲的马其顿勇士们。||3:作为占该国人口四分之一以上的少数民族,很多阿尔巴尼亚人憎亚斯科普里的大改造。||4:“我恨这些。”一位年轻的阿尔巴尼亚族记者说,“在这里我找不到自己的民族。”||5:她觉得改造过分集中于马其顿历史,好像在告诉阿尔巴尼亚人:“我们才是头一个来这儿的。” | ||1: But the city also wants to reclaim its more recent past. ||2: Close to the parliament building, on top of which new glass cupolas are now sprouting, is a war memorial for Macedonians killed fighting guerrillas from the country’s Albanian minority in 2001. ||3: Albanians make up at least a quarter of the population and many loathe what has been done to the capital. ||4: “I hate it,” says Lura Pollozhani, a young Macedonian-Albanian journalist. “I don’t see me here.” ||5: By concentrating on ancient Macedonian themes, she believes, Albanians are being told: “We were on this land first.” | |
28 | ||1:许多右派人士认为,共和党控制议会后有一个简单的使命,即在所有问题上都一一瓦解奥巴马,直到保守党能够在2016年入主白宫。(2/3的共和党人在近日的一次皮尤调查中都表示,他们的党派领袖应该站出来反对奥巴马,即使政府因此会耽误一些事务)。||2:而许多左派人士则确信,多数美国人仍憎恶华尔街,并相信中产阶级仍在受压迫,这让沃伦等极端的经济民粹主义者有了一条清晰无比的争权之路(12月13日,300名奥巴马竞选团队的前成员签署了一封信,呼吁这位马萨诸塞州议员竞选总统)。 | ||1:Many on the right think that Republicans have a simple mandate once they fully control Congress: to thwart Mr Obama on every front until a proper conservative takes the White House in 2016 (two-thirds of Republicans told a recent Pew Research Centre poll that their party leaders should “stand up” to Mr Obama, even if less gets done in Washington as a result).||2:Many on the left are sure that a majority of Americans loathe Wall Street and believe that the middle classes have been stiffed, giving a fiery economic populist like Ms Warren a clear path to power (on December 13th more than 300 former Obama campaign staff signed a letter calling on the Massachusetts senator to run for president). | |
29 | ||1:一项由皮尤组织(一个美国无党派人士组建的组织,它提供一些客观的美国乃至世界范围内的公众信息、民意调查、社会科学调查。它会回馈一些相关新闻,并解读调查中包含的重要数据信息。但是它没有任何的政治地位,也就是说非官方的。)发起的调查报告发现“一贯保守”的美国人中有73%的民众更愿意在11月4日投上自己宝贵的一票,而一贯的自由者也愿意在这一天投上自己的选票。||2:在这些民众中带有综合观点的民众,仅仅只有25%的民众愿意行使投票的权利。||3:简而言之,这也就是两大政党迎合极端主义的缘由。||4:相比拉拢摇摆不定的选民,政党们更愿意拉动倾向于自己的民众为本政党投票。||5:往往,这就包括给这些民众们讲讲自己对立党派恐怖的故事。||6:同样一个皮尤组织的民意测验记录表明,不喜欢另外一个党派可以成为民众投票的最强动机。||7:共和党拥有民主党所述的很不利的一方面,到最后会使得讨厌共和党的人选择民主党。||8:属于民主党的美国现总统奥巴马使得共和党比民主党更加愤懑,这也是为什么共和党更加期待于赢得总统的选举。||9:大部分的民意测验表明共和党将努力获取参议院和众议院的支持。 | ||1:A survey by the Pew Research Centre finds that 73% of “consistently conservative” Americans are likely to cast a ballot on November 4th, along with 58% of consistent liberals.||2:Among those with “mixed” views, however, only 25% are likely to bother.||3:That, in a nutshell, is why both parties are pandering to the extremes.||4:Their strategy relies less on wooing swing voters than on firing up their own side to get out and vote.||5:Often, this involves telling them scare stories about the other lot.||6:The same Pew poll finds that dislike of the other party is one of the strongest incentives to vote.||7:Republicans with a “very unfavourable” view of Democrats are far more likely to turn out, as are Democrats who loathe Republicans.||8:With Barack Obama in the White House Republicans are angrier than Democrats, and that is one reason why they are expected to win.||9:Most polls say they will capture the Senate and hold onto the House of Representatives. | |
30 | 但自豪的当地人讨厌理查德。他们认为理查德算不上渔民,是个娘娘腔的的城里人。理查德当时30岁,很早就离开小镇去上大学,很少回来。 | But the proud locals loathe Richard. They know that he is no fisherman, but an urban and effeminate man, not yet 30, who left town to go to university and rarely comes back. |