1 | <愤怒的回顾)(1958)开创了一种新颖的现实主义手法,这种现实主义在<长跑运动员的孤独)(1962)中继续得到体现,并成为众所周知的’愤怒的青年’运动。 | "Look Back in anger"" (1958)triggered a new realism that continued in such films as ""The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner"" (1962)and became known as the angry Young Men movement." | |
2 | AIDS病人/HIV感染者孤独现状与相关因素分析 | Analysis on Loneliness and Its Influential Factors among PLWHAS | |
3 | 安徽省某农村地区3~6年级小学生孤独感及其影响因素 | Current Status and Its Influencing Factors of Children’s Loneliness in a Rural Area of Anhui Province | |
4 | 嗷嗷待哺的孩子、被压迫者鞭挞的受害者、孤苦无助的老人--他们是儿女们憎恶的负担。还有那充满着孤独、贫穷和痛苦的世界,都在嘲弄着人类生活本应有的美好。 | Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness , poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. | |
5 | 饱尝孤独寂寞之苦. | suffer from loneliness | |
6 | 不过吸引他的不是她的容貌。作为自由摄影师,他工作中接触过许多漂亮女人。是她的孤独和深沉吸引了他。 | It wasn’t her looks that attracted him though; he came across many beautiful women in his work as a freelance photographer.It was her loneliness and intensity that lured him. | |
7 | 传记表达了一种极度的孤寂 | The Biography speaks of great loneliness . | |
8 | 大学生孤独感状况及其应对方式特点的调查分析 | An Investigation and Analysis of the Situation of Loneliness and Coping Styles of University Students | |
9 | 大学生孤独与自我价值感的关系初探 | Exploring the Relationship between Self-worth and Loneliness of Undergraduates | |
10 | 大学生上网行为与社交孤寂感之实征研究 | An Analysis on the Relationship between the Use of Internet and Social Loneliness for College Students | |
11 | 大学生完美主义与人际问题、孤独感的关系 | Relationship between Perfectionism and Interpersonal Problems as Well as Loneliness of College Students | |
12 | 但接二连三的事例显示,这些闪光耀眼名人所有欢乐底下隐藏的不幸:沮丧消沉,酗酒吸毒,家庭破裂,儿女肇事以及深切的孤独感。 | But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriage, troubled children, profound loneliness | |
13 | 但有一缺点,即是每逢他闭门发闷的时候,总感到自己的孤独。 | But there was one disadvantage: whenever he locked himself up and fretted and brooded alone, he was al ways acutely aware of his loneliness | |
14 | 当时我母亲在一次事故中惨死,父亲未能快从悲痛与孤独中恢复过来。 | When my mother had died after a tragic accident, he did not quickly recover from the shock and loneliness . | |
15 | 的确,纽约生活的特点一直就是动乱,粗野和几百万人中间的孤独感。 | It is true that turmoil, brashness, and a feeling of loneliness amid the millions have always marked life in the city | |
16 | 法国孤独,上帝也孤独,我的孤独,跟祖国的孤独、上帝的孤独比起来,又算得了什么 | France is alone; and God is alone; and what is my loneliness before the loneliness of my country and my God? | |
17 | 非常感谢你到医院来探望我,使我忘记了孤独和痛苦。而且,我的医生说我已经度过危险期,恢复良好。 | Thank you for your kind visit, which has helped me to forget the loneliness and minimize the pain of my illness. The doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily. | |
18 | 弗朗西丝对于和他重新结合表示还有顾虑,这使他的寂寞变得难以忍受了。 | As frances still expressed fears about the possibility of joining him once more, his loneliness began to oppress him | |
19 | 孤独的阐释-《红字》主题探索 | The Explanation on Loneliness -Probing into the Theme of Scarlet Letter | |
20 | 孤独的牧歌:高乔诗歌 | Pastorals of Loneliness : The Gaucho Poetry | |
21 | 孤独的战士―试论寂寞对鲁迅创作的意义 | A Solitary Soldier Impact of Loneliness on Lu Xun’s Literary Creation | |
22 | 国内儿童孤独感研究综述 | Research on Domestic Children’s Loneliness | |
23 | 孩子死后她对宗教的强烈不满不知不觉地消失了,她在悲凉,孤寂之中,得到了新的虔诚。 | The passionate rebellion after her child’s death had ceased insensibly, and in her misery, in her loneliness , she had found a new faith | |
24 | 赫斯渥对赢利减少的忧虑和万斯夫妇的离开,是同时发生的。因此,嘉莉要同时忍受自己的寂寞和丈夫的这种心境。 | Hurstwood’s gloom over the slight decrease in profits and the departure of the Vances came together. So Carrie had loneliness and this mood of her husband to enjoy at the same time. | |
25 | 赫斯渥什么也没有觉察到。他没有感觉到嘉莉注意到的鲜明的对比。他甚至连她那忧郁的眼神都没觉察到。最糟糕的是,她现在开始觉得家里寂寞,要找非常喜欢她的万斯太太作伴。 | Hurstwood noticed nothing. He had been unconscious of the marked contrasts which Carrie had observed. He did not even detect the shade of melancholy which settled in her eyes. Worst of all, she now began to feel the loneliness of the flat and seek the company of Mrs. Vance, who liked her exceedingly. | |
26 | 狐独咬噬着她的心灵。 | Loneliness gnawed at(on)her heart | |
27 | 怀旧团体治疗对独居老人自尊、忧郁、孤独及生活满意度之影响 | The Effects of Reminiscence Group Therapy on Self-esteem, Depression, Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Elderly People Living Alone | |
28 | 激情与孤独:成人视角下的往事情缘-浅析《初恋》中的叙事障蔽 | Passion and Loneliness : The Old Love Events through Human Eyes-Explaining Narrating Arrestment of First Love | |
29 | 寂寞:女性生存悖论下的文化心理症结―萧红创作中的心理结构分析之二 | Loneliness : A Cultural Psychological Crux under Women’s Subsistence Paradox-An Analysis of the Cultural Psychological Character in Xiao Hong’s Composition | |
30 | 寂寞的无意展现与尽情抒写―浅谈萧红的寂寞心态对其创作的影响 | An Unwilling Show and Enough Express for Loneliness : Influence of Xiao Hong’s Loneliness for Her Creation |