属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5249-3-1983
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航海家 Mau piailug
1 | 时区(地球两平行经线范围内共用标准时间的区域). | Time zone region(between two parallels of longitude )where a common standard time is used | |
2 | 双曲型经线等面积伪圆柱投影族的研究 | On Family of Hyperbola-Longitude Equalarea Pseudo-Cylindrical Projection | |
3 | 他记下纬度和经度,然后在航海图上做了个标记。 | He noted the latitude and longitude ,then made a mark on the admiralty chart. | |
4 | 通过数据处理系统进行交换的数据单表示法规范.地理观测点位置的经度、纬度和高度表示方法 | Representation of elements of data in interchanges using data processing systems-Specification for representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographical point locations | |
5 | 同一经线上的地方其经度相同。 | Every place on the same meridian has the same longitude . | |
6 | 我们的位置是东经116度。 | Our position is longitude 116 degrees east. | |
7 | 西经. | west longitude | |
8 | 移动式油管纵横缺陷检测系统的研制 | Development of Portable Testing System for Longitude and Circumferential FLaw of Oil Pipe | |
9 | 用来代表衡量单位用来代表某一测量单位,如经度或纬度上的英尺或分 | One used to represent a unit of measurement, such as feet or minutes in latitude and longitude | |
10 | 云杉属木材纵向和径向声振动特性参数关系的研究 | Study on the Relationships between Longitude and Radial Sound Vibration Parameters of Genus Picea | |
11 | 在同一子午线上的地方都有相同的经度。 | All places on the same meridian have the same longitude . | |
12 | 这个城市位于东经21度。 | The city is at longitude 21°east. | |
13 | 这个镇位于东经二十四度。 | The town is at longitude 24 degrees east | |
14 | ||1:托勒密的这部《地理学》试图揭开地图的神秘面纱。||2:它告诉人们如何用经纬线这样的几何线条在二维的平面上表现出三维的地球来,书中还有古代世界8000多个地点的坐标。||3:托勒密是否亲手绘制地图,目前尚不可知。||4:《地理学》曾消失了一千年,直到13世纪才有一个副本出现,这个副本里倒是有很多拜占庭抄书官绘制的彩色地图。||5:不管怎样,这些经过科学计算的地理绘图和其它地图都是他留给后人的宝贵财富。 | ||1:Ptolemy’s “Geography” was an attempt to take myths out of maps.||2:It recommended using geometric lines of latitude and longitude to convey a three-dimensional Earth on a two-dimensional surface, and it included the co-ordinates of over 8,000 locations in the ancient world.||3:Whether Ptolemy drew his own maps is unclear.||4:The “Geography” disappeared for a thousand years, only for an unoriginal copy to appear in the 13th century, replete with coloured maps drawn by Byzantine scribes.||5:Regardless, these geographic drawings and all other maps based on scientific calculation are his legacy. | |
15 | ||1:在航行中,如果能清楚地看到日出日落,他就能知道自己的位置;但在没有六分仪的情况下,他需要画出夜空的几何图形来得知纬度,在北极星和他选择的导航星之间画一条假想的线,观察这颗星在哪里越过子午线。||2:在南半球找到一个固定的点是很棘手的,但他后来学会了用南十字星座中最亮的两颗恒星十字架二和十字架一作为指向南天极的指针。(位于天球赤道上方的参宿三对获取经度最有用。) | ||1:On his voyage, a clear view of sunset or sunrise could tell him his position; but for latitude without a sextant he needed to make a geometry of the night sky, drawing an imaginary line between Polaris and his chosen navigation-star and watching where that star made its meridian transit.||2:Finding a fixed point in the southern hemisphere was tricky until he learned to use Acrux and Gacrux, two of the brightest stars in the Southern Cross, as pointers to the southern celestial Pole. (Delta Orionis, right over the celestial Equator, was most useful for longitude .) | |
16 | ||1:在那一个月的航行里,他没有带指南针,没有六分仪,也没有任何图纸。||2:他并不是个反对使用现代仪器的人,白天里指南针偶尔也能用下,年纪大的时候他也开始戴个笨笨的手表。||3:不过,他不使用经度、纬度、角度等,也不做任何数学计算。||4:行走,或航海,就在苍穹之下,头顶是东升西落慢慢移动的星星,他熟悉星星,能说出100多个星星的名字,每个颗星的位置、颜色、亮度,他的脑子里似乎装着整个宇宙,那个宇宙,与性格坚定、身材健壮结实、为人谦逊的他,就是这次航行的核心。 | ||1: On that month-long trip he carried no compass, sextant or charts. ||2: He was not against modern instruments on principle. A compass could occasionally be useful in daylight; and, at least in old age, he wore a chunky watch. ||3: But Mau did not operate on latitude, longitude , angles, or mathematical calculations of any kind. ||4: He walked, and sailed, under an arching web of stars moving slowly east to west from their rising to their setting points, and knew them so well—more than 100 of them by name, and their associated stars by colour, light and habit—that he seemed to hold a whole cosmos in his head, with himself, determined, stocky and unassuming, at the nub of the celestial action. | |
17 | 1953年以前,人们习惯以经纬度坐标识别来标志飓风的。 | Before 1953, latitude-longitude identification methods were used to tag hurricanes. | |
18 | PM也许你可以通过这个软件告诉他们你所在位置的经度纬度 | PM Perhaps you can tell their longitude and Latitude, from this application. | |
19 | UTM坐标到经纬度坐标的转换要比相反的转换过程容易一些。 | Converting from UTM coordinates to latitude and longitude is a little easier than the reverse process. | |
20 | 把经纬度数据送至位置信息处理模块,位置信息处理模块检查所有景点相关信息; | the latitude and the longitude data are sent to a position information processing module which detects all the relevant scenery information; | |
21 | 本文将以欧盟对外人权外交政策所依据的法源基础为经; | This article would uses the legal source of the human rights diplomacy which the EU base on to be the longitude ; | |
22 | 编码每个纬度和经度可能导致索引大量唯一的词汇,这取决于应用程序。 | Depending on the application, encoding every latitude and longitude can result in a large number of unique terms to be indexed. | |
23 | 不同HMW-GS小麦品种在不同地区种植品质分析 | Quality Analysing of Wheat Variety with Different HMW-GS Types Planting in Different Latitude and Longitude Position | |
24 | 参考你的地图册。找出A城的经纬度。 | Locate the latitude and longitude of the city A according to the map | |
25 | 出于本文的目的,地理编码被定义为查找给定地址的纬度和经度。 | For our purposes here, geocoding is defined as finding the latitude and longitude for a given address. | |
26 | 除了经度和纬度之外,所有文章特性都将表示为子节点,所以它们的大小不受限制。 | All the article features besides the latitude and longitude are expressed as subnodes so that they can be of unlimited size. | |
27 | 川滇地区地震时的月日赤纬及黄经差特征比较 | A Comparison of the Characteristics of Co- seismic Lunar- solar Declination and Ecliptic- longitude Difference between Yunnan and Sichuan | |
28 | 从来没有人认定,他或者是其他任何人满足了获得“经度大奖”的必要条件。 | Neither he nor anyone else was ever judged to have satisfied the conditions necessary to receive the longitude prize. | |
29 | 但是毛驾船并不靠纬度、经度、角度,也不靠任何数学计算。 | But Mau did not operate on latitude, longitude , angles, or mathematical calculations of any kind. | |
30 | 但是也跟古代海员一样(他们只会辨认纬度不会辨认经度),这种根据太阳测算位置的方法无法告知它们该在何时结束行程。 | But, also like ancient mariners (who knew their latitude, but not their longitude ), such solar reckoning cannot tell them when to stop. |