属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:IT行业-软件英语-PHP 4.1.0
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最新小说 温馨食物
1 | "他等着欢迎你呢,"她母亲回答。"你过来,恳求他的祝福吧!他爱你,我的小珠儿,而且也爱你妈妈。难道你不肯爱他吗?来啊!他可想问候你呢!" | "He waits to welcome thee,"" replied her mother. ""Come thou, and entreat his blessing! He loves thee, my little Pearl, and loves thy mother too. Wilt thou not love him? Come! he longs to greet thee!" | |
2 | 更新了sockets扩展,使用资源代替使用socket描述符的长整数。socket函数已经重新命名来遵循PHP的标准代替C的副本。sockets扩展目前可以在Win32下使用 | Updated the sockets extension to use resources instead of longs for the socket descriptors. The socket functions have been renamed to conform with the PHP standard instead of their C counterparts. The sockets extension is now usable under Win32. | |
3 | 她渴望成为他的终身伴侣。 | She longs to be his companion through life. | |
4 | 她盼着心上人早日归来。 | She longs for the early return of her beloved. | |
5 | 她听人说,她母亲在台上演戏怎么出风头,便心里痒痒的,也想一试身手。 | She has heard tell of her mother’s theatrical glories, which she longs to emulate | |
6 | 夸财招祸. | He that shows his purse longs to be rid of it. | |
7 | 人们渴求有一种成就感,渴望有能力用自己的手、用自己的脑、用自己的意志办事。英国作家塞尔斯。 | The human being longs for a sense of being accomplished, of being able to do things. with his hand, with his mind, with his will.--Leonard. Saylis, British writer | |
8 | 他渴望成名。 | He longs for/after fame. | |
9 | 他渴望逃脱那不幸婚姻的束缚。 | He longs to escape from the fetters of an unhappy marriage. | |
10 | 我的心,同着它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,渴望着要抚爱这个阳光熙和的绿色世界。 | My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green world of the sunny day | |
11 | 因为从来没去过瑞士,他期待一趟瑞士之旅。 | Never having been to Switzerland before, he longs for a trip there. | |
12 | 增加了printf/sprintf的’u’参数来输出无符号的长整数 | Added the ’u’ modifier to printf/sprintf which prints unsigned longs . | |
13 | ||1:然而,令人惊讶的是对于这样一个致命的肺病的故事,讲述的语气中带有温和的讽刺意味,是一种可以弥补象征主义和哲学的轻浮。||2:从官方角度讲,汉斯是一个来访者,但他过着病人的生活,他的生活围绕着闲聊、散步、热恋、学术讨论、一天五顿丰盛的饭菜以及严格的卧床休息、量体温和酒精按摩。||3:比起渴望重返军队的军官阿希姆,汉斯更渴望这种高原上的生活。||4:他的确是这样——回到山上,病得更重。||5:相比之下,汉斯似乎已经痊愈,即将奔赴更加惨烈的战场。 | ||1:Surprisingly for a tale of fatal lung disease, however, the tone is gently ironic, a levity that offsets the symbolism and philosophy.||2:Officially, Hans is a visitor, but he lives the life of a patient, which revolves around gossip, walks, infatuations, intellectual discussions, five hearty meals a day and a strict regimen of bed rest, temperature- taking and alcohol rubs.||3:Hans takes to this high-altitude life better than Joachim, an officer who longs to return to the army.||4:He does—and comes back to the mountain even sicker.||5:Hans, by contrast, seems cured, and at the close leaves for the even deadlier battlefield. | |
14 | 他对母亲的感情比较疏远。尽管有些许裂痕,这位母亲依然渴望能维持这半失调的家庭现状。 | Despite these slight fractures, the mother longs to preserve the semi-dysfunctional status quo. | |
15 | 一位渴望摘下面纱的小学女校长说道:“如果我不用面纱遮住我的脸,父母会很反对”。 | “Parents would object if I didn’t cover my face,” says a primary school headmistress who longs to remove it. | |
16 | 比如,当一只股票在压力点60下面一点点,场内交易者可能在58.85满仓了。 | For example, when a stock is slightly below its resistance at 60, the floor may start loading up on longs near 58. 85. | |
17 | 不必惊讶,人时常渴望自己是一朵花或是某种其他的植物。 | Not surprisingly, he often longs to be a flower or some other plant. | |
18 | 苍穹的蔚蓝渴盼大地的碧绿,微风在天地间哀叹:“唉!” | The blue of the sky longs for the earth’s green, the wind between them sighs, "Alas. " | |
19 | 除支持基本的字符串之外,您还可以存储布尔值、双精度数、浮点数、整型数、长整型数和字节数组(考虑序列化)。 | In addition to basic string support, you can store booleans, doubles, floats, integers, longs , and byte arrays (think serialization). | |
20 | 但是普京梦寐以求的东西可能才是俄罗斯最痛心的损失:成为被认可的欧洲强国的机会。 | But what Russia may come to regret losing most is something Mr Putin longs for: the opportunity to become an accepted European power. | |
21 | 当你倾听心声的时候,得让自己明了你内心一直在追求的到底是什么。 | As you are listening, please allow your mind to know what your heart longs for. | |
22 | 读者盼望他们尽快离去,转作体面工作。 | One longs for them to leave and get proper jobs. | |
23 | 多头持有少量空头头寸,因此无论市场涨跌都能获利。 | "Longs " take out small short positions so they can profit whichever way the market goes. | |
24 | 高新区需培育具有自主知识产权的主导产业 | New-and High-Tech District Development Longs for Pillar Industry with Exclusive Intellectual Property Rights | |
25 | 记得在SPE和PPE上,总要将有效地址作为unsignedlonglong类型保存。 | Always store effective addresses as unsigned long longs , on both the PPE and the SPE. | |
26 | 具体地说,复数无法与其他数字进行比较了,包括其他复数以及整数、浮点数和长整数。 | Specifically, complex numbers became incomparable to other numbers, including both other complex numbers and ints, floats, and longs . | |
27 | 另外,不能在浮点数、整数和长整数(比如decimal)之间进行比较是非常不方便的。 | Moreover, not being able to compare among floats, ints, and longs (or, for example, decimal) would be awkward. | |
28 | 没有人不渴望展现最好的自我以给他人留下深刻印象。 | There is no one but longs to display the best self and impress others. | |
29 | 明日他将知晓我长久以来的爱慕之心 | And tomorrow he shall hear all my fond heart longs to say. | |
30 | 年轻一代更多看中个人享乐。 | The younger generation longs for more personal comfort. |