1 | 并不是所有的挠性剑杆都需要装在筘座上的导剑片,越来越多的织机生产厂家在钢筘外的机架上安装托架以引导剑杆带。 | Not all flexible rapiers require guides mounted in the sley. More and more rapier loom makers are directing the flexible rapier band through a fixed housing on the loom frame just outside the reed. | |
2 | 采用这种系统可以增加车速或幅宽,也可使二者同时增加,为提高生产率提供了可能。 | Such a system permits an increased produetivity by allowing a higher loom speed or wider loom or both to be used. | |
3 | 处于提花织机和凸轮开口织机之间的是多臂织机,这种织机可以织造小的几何图案和有规则的花型。 | Intermediate between the Jacquard and the cam looms is the dobby loom ; this loom is one on which small geometric and regular figures can be woven. | |
4 | 单梭箱织机在织机的两侧各装有一个梭箱,在这种情况下,纬纱被限定为一种颜色或一种类型,这种织机一般称为常规织机。 | A single shuttle loom has one shuttle box on each side. In this case the filling is restricted to one color or type of yarn. This is normally denoted as a conventional loom. | |
5 | 当人不显得很大时,问题就显得很大。--比底纳特 | Problems loom large when men don’t.--Robert James Bidinotto | |
6 | 对偶然幸免于罪或刑满获释的被告来说,法令规定使他们面临因同样事实受控而重新遭受审判的危险,或者在不经过法庭的情况下遭到流放。 | And for the occasional defendant who survives those obstacles or has served his sentence, there loom the risks, created by statue, of a new trial on charges arising out of the same facts, or of banishment without recourse to the courts | |
7 | 对于常规织机来说,让所有综框位于同一平面上是不可能的,因为只有综框处于相对于织口的不同距离处,彼此才能独立运动。 | This is an impossible condition for a normal loom because the harnesses must be at different distances from the fell in order to permit their independent movement. | |
8 | 而在对侧也需要一定的时间使梭子静止下来(即梭子的制动)。 | Also it requires a finite time to stop the shuttle on the other side of the loom . | |
9 | 该织机包括两只剑杆,一只称为递纬剑,另一只称为接纬剑。 | This loom consists of two rapiers, one called a "giver" and the other a "taker". | |
10 | 改进喷气织机的方法之一是使用一个装置来防止气流的快速扩散。 | One way of improving the performance of a air jet loom is to use a device to prevent the air jet from breaking up so quickly. | |
11 | 感知装置位于织机的一侧,它可以采用机械方式,也可以采用光或电的方式来激活换纬机构,并告知需要新的纬纱卷装。 | The sensing device on one end of the loom can be activated either mechanically, electrically or optically to alert the transfer mechanism to the need for a new filling package. | |
12 | 刚下机的棉织物,应该除去纤维头和茸毛,因为要求布面是光洁的。如果织物需要印花,这一点就更加重要。如果最终产品要求有整洁的布面,这一点则特别重要。 | When cotton cloth comes from the loom , the fiber ends or fuzz must be removed, because a smooth surface is necessary, particularly if the cloth is to be printed.This is especially important for fabrics known for their smooth surface. | |
13 | 钢筘(棉、毛织机用) | steel reed for cotton and wool loom | |
14 | 钩针织机,编织纺织品花边用 | hook loom for making textile trimmings | |
15 | 花式组织的织造可以依靠位于织机上方或织机上的附件来完成,这些附件加强了对经纱的控制,使开口过程产生多种变化。 | Figure weaving can be accomplished by using various attachments above or on the loom to increase the control of warp yarns and provide for a variety of changes in the shedding process. | |
16 | 回想一下,在有梭织机上,梭子每穿过一次梭口,便引入一根纬纱。另外还有占地限度问题,因为单剑杆的长度至少应等于织机的宽度。 | Recall that the shuttle loom lays a filling yarn with every pass through the shed. There are also space limitations, since the single rapier must be at least as long as the loom width. | |
17 | 机织法:这种方法是将平行于布边的线(称为经线),安排到织布机上,其他的线垂直于布边用梭子来回交织称为纬线。 | Weaving: In this method, parallel threads, called warp threads, are arranged on a loom and, by means of a shuttle, other threads, called weft threads, are interlaced backwards and forwards across them. | |
18 | 基于上述原因,使用了一系列的导梭片,在片梭穿越梭口时,对其进行控制。为达此目的,导梭片必须穿过下层经纱(进入梭口中)。 | For these reasons, a series of guides are used to constrain the projectile as it passes across the loom . To make this possible,the projectile guides must protrude through the warp sheets. | |
19 | 即使如此,织机的转速可心达到400转/分。这就意味着,有梭织机提高产量的障碍的确是投梭和制梭系统。 | Even so, it is possible to run looms of this sort at over 400 R. P. M., which indicates that the bar to increased productivity in a shuttle loom is really the picking and checking systems. | |
20 | 即使如此,织机的转速可以达到400转;分。这就意味着,有梭织机提高产量的障碍的确是投梭和制梭系统。 | Even so, it is possible to run looms of this sort at over 400 R. P. M., which indicates that the bar to increased productivity in a shuttle loom is really the picking and checking systems. | |
21 | 极其复杂的机织图案要使用提花机的机构生产。 | Fabrics with extremely complicated woven designs are manufactured using Jacquard loom attachments. | |
22 | 她的织布机正编织着这些织物。 | The fabric was weaving at her loom . | |
23 | 金属综线,织机综丝用 | metallic harness cord for loom heddles | |
24 | 经编机(如拉舍尔经编机、米兰尼斯经编机、锁缝经编机) | warp-knitting loom (e.g.,Rachel,Milanese,lock-knit) | |
25 | 经停机构用来检测上述的情况,一旦断头或松经发生,便立即使织机停车。 | Detection of these conditions and stoppage of the loom , if they exist, are the functions of a warp stop motion. | |
26 | 就本次战争而言,军事策略、地缘政治和道德问题都是突出的问题,同时,法律问题也很突出。 | Questions of military strategy, geopolitics and morality loom large, but so do questions of law. | |
27 | 筘座的静止时间对增加引纬时间,提高织机速度的这一优点是如此之明显,以至于应该考虑是否让有梭织机也具有类似的性能。 | The advantages of a period of sley dwell to increase the time available for weft insertion and thus allow a higher loom speed to be achieved, are so obvious that the possibility of including a similar feature on a shuttle loom should be considered. | |
28 | 困难象弹簧,你弱它就强。 | Problems loom large when men don’t. | |
29 | 例如一个筘幅为130厘米的剑杆织机的占地,可能不会比一台类似筘幅的常规织机占地更多。 | For example, the space required from a loom having a reed space of 130 cm may be no greater than that needed for a conventional shuttle loom of similar width. | |
30 | 漫无目的地凑在一起;然后又徒然地散开,淌出去,又流回来。 | To no end gathered: vainly then released, forth flowing, wending back: loom of the moon |