属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贝约 我至高无上
1 | 绑带自动松开,温斯顿下 | The bonds had loosened themselves.Winston lowered himself to the floor and stood up unsteadily | |
2 | 反向VSP透射层析成像法在岩墙松动层检测中的应用 | The Application of Pseudo-VSP Method to the Detection of Loosened Zone in Quarry Wall | |
3 | 孩子们长大后,他对他们的管束便放松了。 | His hold on the children loosened as they got older. | |
4 | 基于压电导纳的钢框架螺栓松动检测试验研究 | Experimental Study on Detecting Loosened Bolts of a Steel Frame Based on Piezoelectric Admittance | |
5 | 她的话渐渐地多起来。 | By degrees her tongue was loosened . | |
6 | 她的话渐渐多起来。 | By degrees her tongue was loosened . | |
7 | 她的话渐渐多起来了。 | By degrees her tongue was loosened | |
8 | 近几年来政府对报纸的控制变松了。 | The government’s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. | |
9 | 颗粒骨移植处理人工全髋关节翻修中髋臼骨缺损 | Application of Morselized Bone Grafting for the Revision Loosened Acetabular Component | |
10 | 卵巢伤口被关闭,输卵管周围有粘连,用激光将其分离,然后将美蓝液由宫颈管通过双腔管注入子宫输卵管内,可见蓝色的液体由双侧输卵管伞端流出,手术成功结束。 | The wound was closed. There are some adhesions around the fallopian tubes. They were loosened by laser smoothly. Methylene blue solution was injected to both tubes from the uterine cervix by two cavity tube. There was blue fluid flew out from both fimbrat | |
11 | 螺丝钉松了。 | The screw has loosened . | |
12 | 那群人散了,都向自己停放的汽车走去。 | The knot of men loosened and all walked away toward parked cars. | |
13 | 深水炸弹极少恰好在潜艇处爆炸,但水中爆炸引起的震波能松动潜艇结构,或破坏它的仪器设备,从而迫使潜艇浮出水面,再由水面海军炮火收拾它。 | It rarely exploded close enough to sink the submarine, but its shock waves loosened the submarine’s joints and damaged its instruments, forcing it to the surface, where naval gunfire could finish it off. | |
14 | 水流压力冲碎砂壁和台阶;冲下来的物料随后通过洗矿槽进行冲洗。洗矿槽就是导引矿浆流动的水槽,它还装有集聚较重矿物的装置。 | The water pressure breaks up alluvial banks and terraces; the loosened material is then washed through a sluice, a channel for directing the flow, which also contains devices for collecting the heavier substances. | |
15 | 他饱餐一顿以後就松开腰带睡着了 | After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep. | |
16 | 他喝过酒话就多了 | Wine soon loosened his tongue | |
17 | 他解开了大衣领口。 | He loosened his collar of his overcoat. | |
18 | 他解开了领口。 | He loosened his collar. | |
19 | 他解开了上衣,但并没有脱掉。 | He loosened his coat but didn’t take it off. | |
20 | 他们松帆以减低船速。 | They loosened the sails to ease down the speed of the boat | |
21 | 他松开了领带。 | He loosened his tie | |
22 | 他松开衣领和领带。 | He loosened his collar and tie. | |
23 | 他因那样而变得说话无所顾忌[话多]。 | That loosened his tongue. | |
24 | 我松开了领带,但是没有把它解下来。 | I loosened my tie, but I didn’t take it off. | |
25 | 岩石松动层声波测试技术 | Study on Sonic Wave Testing Technique for Loosened Layer of Rock | |
26 | 一次,土伦市政厅正修理阳台,阳台下面有许多彼惹雕的人形柱,美丽可喜,其中一根脱了榫,几乎倒下来。 | Once, when they were repairing the balcony of the town-hall at Toulon, one of those admirable caryatids of Puget, which support the balcony, became loosened , and was on the point of falling | |
27 | 优质的清洗剂可去除沉积。清洗剂品种很多,使用时必须参照生产厂家的说明。 | Accumulated rust and scale can be loosened by a good cleaning compound. There are various types of cleaning compounds; all must be used carefully in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. | |
28 | 在卸下侧面的螺丝后,前排座椅的后面板即可从夹片和铆钉上取下来。 | After a side screw has been loosened , the rear panel of the front seat can be levered from its clip and rivet joints. | |
29 | ||1:Santos先生的做法与拉美整个的地区趋势相悖。||2:在拉丁美洲的各个国家,任期限制在最近的20年里已经一再放松。||3:最近一位想要完全废除任期限制的是厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔·科雷亚。||4:他去年声称只要他的支持者在六月推出允许所有公共政府机关职位的无限期再次竞选的法案,他当前任期将是他最后的任期。||5:由于Correa先生掌握着大多数立法投票席位,厄瓜多尔很有可能和委内瑞拉与尼加拉瓜一样允许终生总统任期。 | ||1:Mr Santos’s move runs counter to the regional trend.||2:In country after country in Latin America, term limits have been loosened over the past two decades.||3:The latest to seek to abolish them altogether is Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa.||4:He declared last year that his current term would be his final one, only for his supporters to unveil a bill in July allowing indefinite re-election for all public offices.||5:Since Mr Correa commands a large legislative majority, Ecuador is likely to follow Venezuela and Nicaragua in allowing a presidency for life. | |
30 | ||1:反对者们在做最后的斗争之前是绝不会轻易放弃的。||2:他们挥舞着调查报告称由于法律对酒类销售的放宽使其销售节节攀升并间接导致酒后驾车事故的不断增多。||3:在酒类销售限制方面没有哪个州可以跟犹他州相比,在犹他州即使烈性啤酒也只能在公营商店才能买得到。||4:犹他州白酒专营丑闻的曝光使得其严格的白酒销售网络得以被公开。||5:但是放宽酒类销售的改革还面临着诸多的压力,比如来自国会议员的反对和酒驾团体的抗议。||6:问题的棘手之处在于“白宫里的一小撮反对饮酒的摩门教徒”。 | ||1:Opponents will not give up without a fight.||2:They wield studies that point to increases in consumption and car accidents after laws are loosened .||3:But nowhere is liberalisation resisted more staunchly than in Mormon-dominated Utah, where even strong beer has to be sold through publicly owned stores.||4:Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly.||5:But the forces arrayed against reform are strong, including the speaker of the state Senate and anti-drink-driving pressure groups.||6:The odds of privatisation are “a small fraction of those of seeing a Mormon in the White House,” sighs one lawmaker. |