属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-学习语言 再大声一点
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反攻 The fightback
1 | ||1:反对者们在做最后的斗争之前是绝不会轻易放弃的。||2:他们挥舞着调查报告称由于法律对酒类销售的放宽使其销售节节攀升并间接导致酒后驾车事故的不断增多。||3:在酒类销售限制方面没有哪个州可以跟犹他州相比,在犹他州即使烈性啤酒也只能在公营商店才能买得到。||4:犹他州白酒专营丑闻的曝光使得其严格的白酒销售网络得以被公开。||5:但是放宽酒类销售的改革还面临着诸多的压力,比如来自国会议员的反对和酒驾团体的抗议。||6:问题的棘手之处在于“白宫里的一小撮反对饮酒的摩门教徒”。 | ||1:Opponents will not give up without a fight.||2:They wield studies that point to increases in consumption and car accidents after laws are loosened .||3:But nowhere is liberalisation resisted more staunchly than in Mormon-dominated Utah, where even strong beer has to be sold through publicly owned stores.||4:Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly.||5:But the forces arrayed against reform are strong, including the speaker of the state Senate and anti-drink-driving pressure groups.||6:The odds of privatisation are “a small fraction of those of seeing a Mormon in the White House,” sighs one lawmaker. | |
2 | ||1:更加糟糕的是,犹他州在酒类存储和销售路径方面的严格限制非但没有放松反而变得更加苛刻。||2:在JONHUNTSMAN任犹他州州长期间对酒类销售的限制曾有所放松,因为他担心他的官员们害怕那些关于“周六晚上比盐湖城还迟钝”的笑话会让想要狂欢的滑雪游客避开犹他。||3:(犹他有一些全北美洲最好的滑雪坡)至少从现在看,酒吧不用像私人俱乐部那样向可能的饮酒者收取会费。||4:后来亨斯顿进入奥巴马政府并去了中国任驻华大使,反对酒类销售的人又开始活跃起来。 | ||1:Worse, Utah’s famously tough and complicated rules on the way drinks are stored and served in bars and restaurants have been growing more restrictive, not less so.||2:The shackles had loosened a bit during the governorship of Jon Huntsman, whose administration worried that jokes about being “slower than Salt Lake City on a Saturday night” were a turn-off to party-minded skiers (Utah has some of the best slopes in North America).||3:Bars no longer had to set themselves up as private clubs that charged would-be drinkers membership fees, for instance.||4:After Mr Huntsman left to become Barack Obama’s ambassador to China, however, the reactionaries regained the initiative. | |
3 | ||但是现在,随着政府对此项要求的逐渐放松,这些成绩可能会慢慢丢失。自2016年起,在一项名为Progress 8(8步走)的新倡议下,核心学科扩展至8门,这一举措使得语言学习更自主化。||这让部分老师十分欣喜,他们认为Ebacc范围狭窄,而语言学家却对此举大为震惊。 | ||Now, however, those gains could be lost, as the government has seemingly loosened the requirement.|| From 2016, under a new initiative called Progress 8, it has extended the number of core subjects to eight, appearing to make learning a language voluntary. This has pleased some teachers, who felt the EBacc was too narrow, but linguists are aghast. | |
4 | 印度向来都对一些不靠谱的外资对国债的收购请求采取规避的态度,但印度央行此次则对政策实施宽松,希望能够吸引到更多大笔的资金和长期投资意向人。一些从事制造业和基建工程的印度公司也在寻求外资助力的限制上得到了适度的放宽。 | India has long shied away from letting fickle foreigners buy government bonds, but the RBI this week loosened the rules to tempt in sovereign-wealth funds and other long-term investors. It also slightly eased restrictions on Indian manufacturing and infrastructure firms seeking funds abroad. | |
5 | 本粉碎机通过进料筒体能把各种捆好的和散装的牧草顺利、快捷地送入粉碎室中进行粉碎。 | The grinder can easily and rapidly send various grasses which are bundled or loosened to the grinding chamber to pulverize. | |
6 | 布赖恩在工作面试刚开始时非常紧张,但是当老板开始跟他讨论篮球的时候就放松下来了。 | Brian was really nervous at the beginning of his job interview but he loosened up when the boss started talking about basketball. | |
7 | 从总体上说,中国政府放松了对经济的控制,他们的精力集中于控制那些举足轻重的若干行业。 | Overall, the Chinese state has loosened its grip on the economy: its bureaucrats concentrate on industries where they can make a difference. | |
8 | 但此后,ICANN和美国政府的关系一直很疏远,保持了更高的独立性。 | Since then, however, ties between ICANN and the U. S. government have been loosened , giving the organization more independence. | |
9 | 但随着用户数量的增多,这些社交网站逐步放松了管制以鼓励更多的共享。 | But as more join, controls are gradually loosened to encourage more sharing. | |
10 | 当你的圈子把事情结做好了,人际关系也变化了,有可能增减了成员,又或者增减了感情。 | As things are done, the interpersonal relationship changes--member added or subtracted, relationship tightened or loosened . | |
11 | 当使用的时候,将旋钮松开,根据所晾晒的衣物调整悬臂的长度。 | When in use, the knob is loosened and the length of the cantilevers is regulated according to the clothes for air-curing. | |
12 | 邓小平放宽了国家对经济的管制,中国释放出非凡的潜力。 | Deng Xiaoping loosened the state’s hold on the economy, unleashing China’s extraordinary potential. | |
13 | 对只有两芯的电缆,务必采用各种办法反复检查电缆是否磨损或者松脱。 | If the cable has only two contacts, double-check that it’s not frayed or loosened in any way. | |
14 | 过去几个月,中国政府放松了QDII的投资限制,并批准更多机构加入。 | In the past few months, Beijing has loosened investment restrictions for the QDII and included more participants. | |
15 | 货币政策到可以宽松,几大中央银行已经削减了利率。 | Monetary policy can be loosened : several central banks have cut rates. | |
16 | 即使因意外弦钮翻转或者琴弦变松或变紧,这套装置会始终保持琴弦恒定的张力。 | These keep the strings’ tension constant even if the tuning pegs get turned or the strings become loosened or tightened accidentally. | |
17 | 她松开了她的比基尼系带,尽管他们还站在海滩上,他把手滑到里面开始抚摸…。 | She loosened her bikini top and while both are standing there on the beach, he slid his hands underneath and began to feel. . . | |
18 | 她已脱下制服,松开领带,解开了上面的的扣子,正拿着一杯奶站在餐桌旁。 | She had taken off her jacket, loosened her tie and undone the top button, and was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of milk. | |
19 | 她于是因一种莫名的恐惧颤栗着,沉入水中。 | And he loosened his arms from about her, and she sank down into the water, trembling with a strange fear. | |
20 | 金属烤瓷冠桥治疗牙周病松动牙临床效果观察 | Clinical observation of PFM crowns for treatment of periodontal loosened teeth | |
21 | 烤瓷联冠固定松动牙的应用初探 | Preliminary application of PFM combined crowns in the fixation of loosened tooth | |
22 | 利用该技术对钢框架结构进行了螺栓松动检测试验研究。 | An experimental study on detecting loosened bolts of a steel frame is implemented based on the technique. | |
23 | 两个人分吃掉,话匣子也就打开了。 | They shared it and their tongues were loosened . | |
24 | 另外,如果信贷政策更加宽松,存量房比例会增高到30%。 | Moreover, if credit rules are loosened , the stock could rise to more than 30 percent. | |
25 | 律师走过来,红红的拳头一拳砸在窗框上,窗户松开了一道几寸宽的口子。 | The lawyer came over, loosened the sash with one blow of his red fist, and sent the window up a few inches. | |
26 | 麦克斯紧紧地攥住了别格的双肩;接着他的指头放松了,他的身体颓然坐回到小床上。 | Max caught Bigger’s shoulders in a tight grip; then his fingers loosened and Bigger sank back to the cot. | |
27 | 美国经济疲软意味着货币政策可以,而且应该,相当放松。 | America’s weak economy means monetary policy can, and should, be loosened considerably. | |
28 | 美联储主席伯克南近来发表演讲,否认过度放宽信贷,不过承认对银行的监管有所松懈。 | Fed chairman Ben Bernanke recently gave a speech denying that it had loosened credit too much, though he admitted to lax bank regulation. | |
29 | 目前,当局正在放宽、而非紧缩货币政策:为此我们应该感谢米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)产生广泛影响力的分析。 | Monetary policy is being loosened , not tightened: we can thank Milton Friedman’s influential analyses for that. | |
30 | 内部股东放松了对公司的控制,外部投资者因此受益。 | Outside investors have benefited as the grip of insiders has loosened . |