属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-血色花瓣 Petals of blood
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地方电视台 小城眼光
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-泰姬陵酒店和Orient-Express酒店 迷途羔羊
1 | 这是专门给我的漂亮、高雅,惹人喜爱。 | It was presented to me--beautifully, artistically, and lovingly | |
2 | ||1:Duck, Duck goat店里的山羊肋骨,在芝加哥时髦的肉类加工区,比中国菜更加具有中国特色。||2:这家餐馆本身也是如此——它的老板不是中国人,店面却用纸灯笼和明亮的红墙装饰。||3:肋骨就像一层层磨得锃亮的肉质细高跟,嚼起来很好吃,肉汁的甜味让位于羊肉那不可抗拒的野性。||4:肋骨们争夺上桌的最后一个席位。||5:它们和张先生的葱油泡饼一样不完全真实,一样富有想象力,一样充满爱意,一样美味,这才是最重要的。 | ||1:The goat ribs at Duck, Duck Goat, in Chicago’s trendy meatpacking district, are more Chinese-ish than Chinese.||2:So is the place itself—headed by a non-Chinese chef and kitschily decorated with paper lanterns and bright redwalls.||3:The ribs come as a mesh of burnished meat stilettos with a wonderful chew, the sweetness of the glaze giving way to the goat’s irresistible gaminess.||4:They spark fights over who gets the last one.||5:They are as inauthentic, and as imaginative and lovingly created, as Mr Chang’s scallion dough sphere—and as delicious, which in the end, is what counts. | |
3 | ||1:但是现在有一些安慰,它来自列昂诺夫的其它的连续项目,太空行走。||2:在可爱的船舱旁边,他又浮了起来,有时伸出双手,像个探索者,有时就是简单的游泳,身上的绳子放松开来。||3:在列昂诺夫的身后,太阳闪耀着光芒,似一个带着红色光环的聚光灯;在他的后面和下面是地球的蓝色。||4:那是一种地道的蓝色,亮得令人难以置信。||5:但这就是他所看到的——而且是直接在空荡的空间里看到的。 | ||1:Yet so far as there could be comfort, it came from his other constant subject, his walk in space.||2:Beside the lovingly rendered module he floated again, sometimes with his hands out like an explorer, sometimes simply swimming, with his tether slack around him.||3:Beyond him the sun blazed, a spotlight with a star’s red aura round it; behind and below him lay Earth’s blue.||4:It was straight-out-of-the-tube blue, improbably bright.||5:But that was what he had seen—and seen directly, out in empty space. | |
4 | ||1:随后,小说情节推进到了2000年。||2:背景是奥拉和埃弗拉姆徒步穿越以色列北部。||3:在穿越途中,小说讲述了他们仨人数十年间经历的零零种种。||4:途中艰难险阻不断。||5:发热症也逐渐产生。||6:埃弗拉姆在赎罪日战争中受到关押和折磨,症状再不能消除了。||7:依蓝和奥拉的婚姻破裂。||8:奥拉再不能忍受生活之重——生活在要求人人皆兵的国家。||9:她感到,这个好战之国毁了她的家,毁了她如此热爱且艰辛付出的家。 | ||1:The novel then moves forward to 2000.||2:The setting is a long walk that Ora and Avram take through northern Israel.||3:The stories told in the course of it piece together what has happened in the intervening years.||4:There has been a lot of damage.||5:The fever has taken its toll.||6:Avram has never recovered from imprisonment and torture in the Yom Kippur war.||7:Ilan’s and Ora’s marriage has broken up.||8:Ora can no longer bear the burden of living in a country that requires all its citizens to be soldiers.||9:She feels that a military state has destroyed the family she has so lovingly and painfully brought to life. | |
5 | ||1:英国的本地频道是受美国启发。||2:但是英美的市场是截然不同的,而且英国的更有优势。||3:最小的本地频道是政府资助的,这类频道会被亲切的笑话成喜剧《反斗智多星》。||4:其他频道由大型地区企业的广告支撑。||5:但是英国高速公路的广告还是全国广告的国企占了主导地位。||6:Made TV的康维坚持认为,大型连锁不会在耗资高昂的活动中撒钱,而会倾向在小型传媒市场中尝试。||7:他的团队已经筹集到所需资金的一大半了,他们希望频道明年就能建立。 | ||1:Britain’s local channels are inspired by America.||2:But there the market is different, and more favourable.||3:The tiniest local channels, of the kind lovingly lampooned in “Wayne’s World”, a comedy, are publicly funded.||4:Others are supported by advertising from large regional businesses.||5:But Britain’s high streets are dominated by national firms who advertise nationally.||6:Jamie Conway of Made TV insists big chains that do not yet splurge on costly campaigns will welcome a chance to experiment in smaller media markets.||7:His team have already secured more than half the cash they hope its channels will make next year. | |
6 | 两家酒店集团专门经营被小心保存的历史建筑。 | Both hotel groups specialise in historic buildings that are lovingly maintained. | |
7 | “从来没有人恨恶自己的身子,总是保养顾惜,正像基督待教会一样。”(以弗所书5:29)。 | "No one hates his own body, but lovingly cares for it just as Christ cares for his body, which is the church" (Ephesians 5: 29 LB). | |
8 | “好!”她亲切地说出这善意的谎言。或者,她30年前就有这样的远见,觉得少数族裔可以做总统。 | "Yes! " she lied, lovingly . Or perhaps she had the foresight 30 years ago to think there would be a minority president. | |
9 | 11年前,太郎出生后不久,就被弃置在一家寺院,住在附近的老爷爷把他带回家爱心抚养。 | Taro was abandoned and left to a temple soon after he was born. A grandpa living nearby lovingly brought him home and raised him. | |
10 | AlfonsoIaccarino和他的妻子Livia以及两个儿子共同经营这家酒店,还有大厨Ernesto,前台Mario。 | Alfonso Iaccarino and his wife, Livia, lovingly run the place with their two sons, Ernesto (also a chef) and Mario (front of house). | |
11 | Brett亲切地和他的母亲父亲说话,而且第一次对他所引起的痛心事承担责任。 | Brett spoke lovingly to his mother and father and for the first time took responsibility for the heartaches he had caused. | |
12 | 安杰心疼的说:“好,等我一回家,我们就结婚。” | Jack said to me lovingly , "Ok, honey! We will get married after I come back. " | |
13 | 从房子到旧公司再到整排整排的商店门面,Eastman的拍摄对象无一不是特意挑选、精心制备的结果。 | From houses to old businesses to entire rows of storefronts, the subjects of Eastman’s photographs are carefully and lovingly explored. | |
14 | 但不幸的是,当我们深切地去怀念这个人的时候,我们所说的话,已经传不到最需要听这些话的人的耳里了。 | Unfortunately, as we lovingly remember this person, our words fall short of the ears that most needed to hear them. | |
15 | 当儿子亲手准备一顿晚餐时,很多母亲都会很感动的,我知道我会的。 | Most mothers would be extremely grateful to receive a home made dinner lovingly prepared by their son, I know I would. | |
16 | 当涉及到自己的孩子时,家长们常常因为爱而变得盲目。 | FACE THE FACTS Parents are often lovingly blind when it comes to their children. | |
17 | 房子里面是木板墙、优雅的挂毯、华贵的家具摆设,让仆人们擦得漂漂亮亮。 | Inside the house were wood-paneled walls, elegant tapestries, and sumptuous furnishings, lovingly polished by servants. | |
18 | 抚爱自己的身体,呼吸爱自己的空气,感受体内的安全和舒适。 | Touch your body lovingly , breathe in the love for yourself, and feel the safety and comfort of living inside your body. | |
19 | 花园、房屋、宴会、服饰、动物和船只都被描摹得栩栩如生。 | Gardens, houses, feasts, clothes, animals and boats are lovingly portrayed. | |
20 | 加州理工大学微生物学家,六十三岁的卡诺先生慈爱的检视着这几个气味难闻的小土堆。 | Cano, a 63-year-old microbiologist at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, inspects the smelly little mounds lovingly . | |
21 | 她深情地抚摸着他的面颊。 | She caressed his cheek lovingly . | |
22 | 禁止施加允许占领,占据完全包容充满深情地抚慰 | proscribe exert permit occupy subsume completely placate lovingly | |
23 | 就像你们,她也在准备提升,并且将深情地继续带着你们与她一起前行。 | Like you, she is preparing for Ascension and will lovingly continue to take you with her. | |
24 | 就因为这份感情,去年我的一些朋友非常热心地敲打了我,他们说,‘托尼,你不能和她有什么联系。 | ’I’ve had guys in the last year very lovingly beat me up over this relationship, saying, ’Tony, you can’t have anything to do with her. | |
25 | 开元时期,在地球历史上的遥远过去,人类和动物原本是同居一起,非常友好与和平。 | In the beginning, in a far distant past of Earth history, humans and animals used to cohabit very lovingly and peacefully. | |
26 | 每次经过乔亲手为我家的哈巴狗路易搭建的狗屋时,便想起了乔。 | We think of Jon everyday as we pass the dog house he lovingly built by hand for our pug, Louie. | |
27 | 亲爱的朋友们,在我离开悉尼之际,我请求上帝眷顾这个城市、这个国家以及这个国家里所有的居民。 | Dear friends, as I depart from Sydney I ask God to look down lovingly on this city, this country and all its inhabitants. | |
28 | 让他们在这个过程中支持你、好意地告诉你是否已经在这一状态停留时间过长。 | Have them support you through the grieving process and lovingly let you know if you’re indulging in it too long. | |
29 | 人类有限的头脑,怎能领会慈爱的父神所给我们的地位呢? | What mortal mind can realize the full significance of the position to which our God lovingly raises His little children? | |
30 | 日本新首相菅直人(NaotoKan)亲切地谈到,政府将大力支持日本企业拓展海外销售。 | Naoto Kan, the new prime minister of Japan, speaks lovingly of aggressive government support for Japanese companies seeking overseas sales. |