属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-积少成多 Every Little Helps
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-特易购进军金融市场 会员卡制度保证其竞争优势
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-会员卡和保险 积少成多
1 | 他和孩子们打成一片。 | He had been lumped with the children. | |
2 | 他拖着庞大的身躯在对面重重坐下。 | He lumped his huge bulk down opposite. | |
3 | 我们把程度高的学生都编在一个班里 | We’ ve lumped all the advanced students into a single class | |
4 | 我们把所有的钱凑在一起买了礼物给老师。 | We lumped all our money together to buy our teacher a present. | |
5 | 因为我们煮得太急,玉米粉成了块。 | The cornstarch lumped because we cooked it too fast. | |
6 | 应用集中参数热模型的高密度IPM电机运行过程的热仿真 | Thermal Simulation of High-Density IPM Motor Operating Process Using Lumped Parameter Thermal Model | |
7 | 这两次旅行的费用可以合在一起。 | The cost of these two trips can be lumped together. | |
8 | 重油催化裂化反应集总动力学模型(Ⅲ)工业装置的仿真计算 | Lumped Model for Heavy Oil Catalytic Cracking Reaction (Ⅲ)Simulation Calculation of Commercial Units | |
9 | ||1:新兴市场共享成功,但沙尔曼认为前景不太乐观,有些国家将会突出重围,而剩下的则暗自神伤。||2:他在书中说,当投资者们发现急需发展地区特色的时候,新兴市场这个概念也许会失去吸引力:“事到如今,将这些新兴国家统一归为的边缘国,已经太大材小用了,独立发展将是更好的选择。”||3:但如果新兴市场国们不再归为一种投资类别,那么,那些周游列新兴国的专家们又将何去何从?||4:“经济突破型国家”一书有点自相矛盾:它视角广泛、轻松活泼,富有深度却又略显狭隘。 | ||1: Mr Sharma does not believe the shared success of emerging economies can continue. Some countries will break out from the pack, others will disappoint. ||2: The very concept of emerging markets may lose its appeal, he writes, as investors discover they need to distinguish between them: “These economies are now too big to be lumped into one marginal class, and are better understood as individual nations.” ||3: But if emerging markets stop making sense as an investment category, what will happen to the globe-trotting emerging-markets expert? ||4: “Breakout Nations” is something of a paradox: a broad, breezy book in praise of narrowness and depth. | |
10 | ||1:一些年轻的司机给车加满油,不开而是停在路灯边上;也有一些谨慎上路,不过时刻清醒绝不酒驾。||2:之于购置汽车,家居用品和人寿保险的消费者,保险商更乐意于收集他们的个人喜好,而不是用无礼的问卷赶走潜在客户。||3:因此他们趋向于将收集的信息划成年龄,职业,地域邮编等分类,也就是说把不乐意冒风险的和有冒险意识的客户放在一起考虑,用后者的投资弥补前者的保险金。 | ||1:SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap their cars round lampposts; others drive carefully, and sober.||2:Insurers would love to collect more background information on the personal habits of those buying motor, household and life policies, but do not want to put off potential customers with intrusive questionnaires.||3:So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidize their cover. | |
11 | ||1:一些年轻的司机总爱喝的酩酊大醉或把车草草停在路灯旁,而另一些司机却能谨慎而冷静。||2:保险公司永远热衷于搜集那些购买汽车,家居用品和人寿保险的人群的个人信息,但他们早已明白那些恼人的问卷会赶走潜在的顾客。||3:于是他们最终选择了收集顾客群基本信息如年龄,收入和邮编的方式。这意味着低风险客户群与高风险客户群无形中被集中来弥补其损失。 | ||1:SOME young drivers get tanked up and wrap their cars round lampposts; others drive carefully, and sober.||2:Insurers would love to collect more background information on the personal habits of those buying motor, household and life policies, but do not want to put off potential customers with intrusive questionnaires.||3:So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidise their cover. | |
12 | 所以他们最终选择收集一些人的基本信息,如年龄、职业和邮编,着意味着高风险顾客和低风险顾客聚集在一起,这样可以弥补他们的损失。 | So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidise their cover. | |
13 | 因此他们趋向于将收集的信息划成年龄,职业,地域邮编等分类,也就是说把不乐意冒风险的和有冒险意识的客户放在一起考虑,用后者的投资弥补前者的保险金。 | So they end up pooling groups of people by such basic factors as age, occupation and postcode, which means that some low-risk customers are lumped in with risky ones and subsidise their cover. | |
14 | 2002年,布什先生将伊拉克,朝鲜和伊朗归为“邪恶轴心”国家,并说会阻止他们拥有核武器。 | In 2002 Mr Bush lumped Iraq, North Korea and Iran together in an "axis of evil" and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons. | |
15 | 变换器传导电磁干扰集中等效模型参数估计方法 | Parameter Estimation of Lumped Circuit Models for Conducted EMI in Power Converters | |
16 | 不过,你必须确保他们彼此也都是朋友,或者至少他们不介意被凑到一起。 | Just make sure they’re friends with each other too, or at least don’t mind being lumped together. | |
17 | 侧支体外循环的集中参数模型 | A Lumped Parameter Model of the Peripheral Extra-corporeal Circulation | |
18 | 层流流体管路分段集中参数键图模型研究 | Research on a sectional lumped parameter model using bond graphs for laminar pipelines | |
19 | 催化重整集总动力学模型的建立及其在线应用 | Lumped kinetics model and its on-line application to commercial catalytic naphtha reforming process | |
20 | 催化重整集总反应动力学模拟 | Lumped kinetic simulation of naphtha catalytic reforming | |
21 | 带集中质量的梁弯曲振动特性新的解析表达式 | New Analytical Expressions of Lateral Vibration Characteristics of a Beam with Lumped Masses | |
22 | 当时的苏丹殖民统治者英国,将南方的基督徒同北方的穆斯林族合并在一起形成非洲最大的国家。 | Sudan’s colonial masters, the British, lumped Christian southerners together with Muslim northerners to form Africa’s largest country. | |
23 | 导出了混凝土结构相互作用的集总参数。 | Example A lumped parameter for concrete-structure interaction is developed. | |
24 | 的确如此,这经常集中于中国政府对人权的践踏。 | Indeed, it’s often lumped into Beijing’s long list of human rights abuses. | |
25 | 冬小麦生长土壤中硝态氮动态的集中参数模型模拟 | Modeling Nitrate Dynamics in Root Zone with Lumped Parameter Model under Winter Wheat Growth | |
26 | 活塞热冲击集总参数模型的随机温度分析 | Stochastic Analysis of Temperature for Thermal Shock on Piston with Lumped Parameter Model | |
27 | 基于RLC模型的树形互连线时延估算 | Estimation of Interconnect Tree Delay Based on the Lumped RLC Parameter Model | |
28 | 基于集中参数模型的脑血管疾病数值模拟 | The Numerical Simulation To Cerebrovascular Diseases Based on The Lumped Parameter Model | |
29 | 基于集总电感传输线建模的控制系统数字仿真 | Lumped Inductor Transmission Line Modeling Based Control System Numerical Simulation | |
30 | 集中安全报警系统在选煤厂的应用 | Application of Lumped Safety Warning System in Coal Preparation Plant |