1 | 后来,这种风俗就流传下来,每逢农历五月初五,人们就吃粽子、赛龙舟。端午节虽然是一个很大的节日,但是这一天人们都不放假。 | The custom has been handed down to this day. The people would eat zongzi and have dragon boat races on every 5 th day of the 5 th lunar month. Though it is an important festival, the people would not have a holiday on the Lantern Festival. | |
2 | 幻月,假月月晕上的光斑 | A luminous spot on a lunar halo. | |
3 | 基于绕月单卫星和双星测量的月球重力场恢复仿真分析 | Simulation of the Lunar Gravity Field Recovery Based on Lunar Solo and bi-orbiters | |
4 | 吉林长白山林区以农历三月十六日为"木把节" | The people who live in the dense forests of the Changbai Mountains of Jilin Province celebrate every March 16 (of the lunar calendar)as the "Muba Festival". | |
5 | 今年的农历八月十五是公历9月11日。 | The festival, the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, falls on September 11 this year. | |
6 | 今天是农历正月初一,中国最重要的节日--春节已经到来。 | Today is the first day of the first lunar month, and spring festival, the most important festival in China has fallen. | |
7 | 今天是阴历新年,中国人的春节,我很忙,故未写日记 | The lunar New Year-Chinese Spring Festival, I was too busy to write in my diary today. | |
8 | 浚县正月古庙会调查 | Temple Fair in January of the Lunar Year at Xunxian County, Henan Province | |
9 | 科学家们检查了所有可能造成这种变化的自然因素,例如月亮运行周期和随机的变化,结果发现二者都不起作用。 | The scientists checked the data for all possible natural influences such as the lunar cycle as well as random variations and found neither to be at play. | |
10 | 劳动节和国庆节不是按照农历排定的节日。 | The international Labour Day and National Day are not regulated according to the lunar calendar. | |
11 | 类星体的月星掩测定 | A lunar occultation of a quasar. | |
12 | 另外,第一次登月的宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和巴斯·奥尔德林也从未谈起过他们的月球之旅。 | And the first men to step on the Moon astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have never spoken about their lunar adventures. | |
13 | 每年除夕,为了平安,他们都扶老携幼逃到深山里。 | On every lunar New Year’s Eve, in order to keep themselves safe, people fled to the mountains, bringing along the old and the young. | |
14 | 每年农历除夕它就会上岸吃人和动物。 | It went ashore on lunar New Year’s Eve to devour people and animals. | |
15 | 目前最迫切的问题是明年春节包机是否成行。 | The most immediate question is whether to schedule direct flights in time for the Lunar New Year holidays in February. | |
16 | 哪个时候一年里头最盼的好象就是春节了,也只有春节才能玩个痛快。 | In those days, the Lunar New Year seemed like the most anticipated time of the year, and that was the only time we could fully indulge ourselves and have fun. | |
17 | 那种淡白的月光,本来能叫老丑的妇人变为美人,现在把这副原本就姣丽的面孔,更映照得天神一般了。 | The pale lunar touches which make beauties of hags lent divinity to her face, already beautiful | |
18 | 农历:中国人传统的日月年历,以24节气为基础,每个节气长约15天,偶然需要一个闰月来使阴历年与阳历年相一致. | Chinese calendar:The traditional lunisolar calendar of the Chinese people, based on 24 seasonal segments each about 15 days long. an intercalary month is occasionally necessary to reconcile the lunar year with the solar year. | |
19 | 农历八月十五是中秋节。中秋节正是月亮最圆的时候,圆圆的月亮代表着家人的团圆,所以这一天无论如何全家人都要聚一聚。 | The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, when the moon looks roundest, representing family reunion, so the family members would get together on the day in any case. | |
20 | 农历五月初五是端午节,相传这个节日是为了纪念两千多年前的一位爱国诗人--屈原。 | The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, which is said to be in commemoration of Qu Yuan-a patriotic poet over two thousand years ago. | |
21 | 农历五月初五是端午节。 | The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. | |
22 | 农历正月十五为元宵节 | The 15th day of the first lunar month is the occasion for the Lantern Festival. | |
23 | 欧拉,莱奥哈尔德1707-1783瑞士数学家,尤其他对微积分的开创性贡献,以及他的复数、对数、三角函数和月球运动等理论而闻名于世 | Swiss mathematician particularly noted for his full development of integral calculus and for his theories of complex numbers,logarithmic and trigonometric functions,and lunar motion. | |
24 | 其余的阿波罗飞行对月面进行了广泛的考察,搜集了大量的月球岩石标本,并把许多仪器安装在月球上进行科学研究。 | Later Apollo missions explored the lunar surface extensively, collecting samples of Moon rocks and installing instruments for research. | |
25 | 清代,每年农历除夕雍和宫要派184名喇嘛到宫廷内中正殿前院内演"跳布扎"、念《护法经》,为清帝及宫廷除祟祈福 | During the Qing Dynasty, the Yonghe Lamasery sent 184 lamas to the royal court in each New Year’s eve according to the lunar calendar to perform "Tiaobuzha" and read scriptures in order to dispel ghosts and pray for blessings. | |
26 | 如没有此种系统,月球探险者至今仍在地球上的模拟器中旋转。 | Without such systems the lunar explorers would still be spinning in simulators on earth | |
27 | 三层月壤模型的多信道微波辐射模拟与月壤厚度的反演 | Inversion of Lunar Regolith Layer Thickness Using Microwave Radiance Simulation of Three Layer Model and Clementine UV-VIS Data | |
28 | 圣诞节和农历新年的航班照常服务。 | Flights over Christmas and the Lunar New Year would go ahead as scheduled. | |
29 | 他们一回到招待所,她就吞下六颗半克的索麻,躺在床上,十分钟不到,她便神游太虚幻境了。 | As soon as they got back to the rest-house, she swallowed six half-gramme tablets of soma, lay down on her bed, and within ten minutes had embarked for lunar eternity. | |
30 | 它是一个月亮的模型。 | It is a lunar module. |