属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天鹅之歌 A swan’s song
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
1 | 在结构体式和艺术手段方面,小调体裁多数采用多段体分节歌的陈述方式,并将抒情性与叙事性融为一体 | In structure and method of artistic presentation, xiaodiao used a variety of musical forms, blending the lyrical with the narrative, and recitation and singing. | |
2 | 这里有古人的低吟浅唱,更有当代英雄豪杰的慷慨高歌 | There are lyrical poems by ancient men of letters, there are also impassioned outbursts of contemporary heroes, as witness the following lines | |
3 | 中国古典戏曲文学与音乐的情感关系 | The Emotional Connection between Traditional Chinese Lyrical Literature and Music | |
4 | 朱彝尊“宗南宋”“尚清雅”新论 | Zhu Yizun: His Elegance-oriented Lyrical Writing Style and the Qingkong Ci Theories | |
5 | 最终的结果是一种明亮、抒情的彩色挂毯,其松散的形状是通过厚重的线条来打破或减弱近似轮廓的变幻不动的色块来确定的。 | The ultimate result is a bright, lyrical tapestry of color with shapes loosely defined by a heavy line breaking or fading against shifting planes of color as it approximates contour | |
6 | ||1:Gamerro出生于1962年,对于历史见证者的证言和对死者的纪念方式,他没有像上一代人那样完全表现出敬畏。||2:小说语调冰冷,偶有的情感抒发使文章少了些愤世嫉俗之感。失踪者被塑造成受妈妈宠爱的男孩的形象,喜欢拈花惹草,令人反感。||3:“非自愿的牺牲者”绝非英雄。||4:作者将视角投向一代人追寻真相,探查“肮脏战争”期间父辈和祖父辈最真实的经历——同时这也是对自己身份的探寻。||5:从理发师到银行家,市民们自我辩护的话语铺天盖地而来,人人自顾开脱,令真相扑朔迷离,而这部分语言也构成了小说的主体。||6: 书中令人警醒的题词源自威廉·柏洛兹(William Burroughs)的语句:“语言即谎言/生存即勾结。” | ||1: Mr Gamerro, who was born in 1962, departs from a previous generation’s reverence for eyewitness testimony and memorialising the dead. ||2: The tone is hard-boiled, its cynicism alleviated by rare lyrical flights, and the desaparecido emerges as a spoilt mama’s boy and unsavoury womaniser. ||3: The “involuntary martyr” is no hero. ||4: The perspective is that of a generation seeking the unadulterated truth about their parents and grandparents during the “dirty war”—and hence their own identity. ||5: Amid the torrential self- justification of the townsfolk, from barbers to bankers, the subject becomes language itself, which is used to excuse and obfuscate. ||6: The stark epigraph is from William Burroughs: “To speak is to lie/To live is to collaborate.” | |
7 | ||1:凯里是现今仍然在世的最杰出的英语作家之一,他的佳作在理智与情感上都给人以犒赏;凯里极具诗意但从来不忘作品的必须——让读者享受其中。||2:他的小说唯一不足的就是时常过分珍视自己的构思而几近忘记了读者。||3:《泪水制剂》较于其早先的一些作品来说要短小一些,也少了几许气势,但终归来说,这份故事仍旧是一次美妙的旅程。 | ||1: Mr Carey is one of the finest living writers in English. His best books satisfy both intellectually and emotionally; he is lyrical yet never forgets the imperative to entertain. ||2: His fault as a novelist is that at times he is too enamoured of his constructs and risks losing the reader. ||3: “The Chemistry of Tears” is a shorter and less ambitious book than some of his earlier works—but a wholly enjoyable journey. | |
8 | ||1:谢默斯·希尼、玛丽欧玛列和泰德·休斯都曾为这些生灵写过优美的打油诗。||2:休斯被水獭那“如鳝鱼一般的水下眼睛,油般水灵的身躯”,和它那“化身返水”的方式深深吸引。||3:希尼宣称自己喜爱水獭“湿漉漉的脑袋和挥舞不停的爪子/你那如泳者般健美的肩背/一次一次浮出水面。”||4:达林顿女士自己的诗词常常让人产生唯美的浮想:雄性水獭就像“丝绳般灵活”;水底潜游的雌水獭动起来就如“水波乍起”;水獭母亲的和幼崽“一同消失在暮色里而产生的“苗条曲线”,就像锋利而强劲的丝带,潜入波纹阵阵的水流深处。” | ||1: Seamus Heaney, Mary O’Malley and Ted Hughes have all devoted elegant doggerel to these creatures. ||2: Hughes is taken with the otter’s “Underwater eyes, an eel’s. Oil of water body”, the way it “Re-enters the water by melting”. ||3: Mr Heaney declares his love for an otter’s “wet head and smashing crawl/Your fine swimmer’s back and shoulders/Surfacing and surfacing again.” ||4: Ms Darlington’s own lyrical prose is often beautifully evocative: a male otter is “supple as rope made out of silk”; a female swimming underwater moves in a “ripple-wake”; the “thin curves” of a mother and cub “slip together into the twilight, like fierce, muscled ribbons, darkening into the ribbon of the stream.” | |
9 | 假如跟发达国家跨国公司老总聊天,他肯定会大加赞赏新兴市场的魅力。 | SPEAK to the boss of a big, rich-world multinational company and he will soon wax lyrical about the attractions of emerging markets. | |
10 | 有人认为他桀骜不驯,他看起来的确如此。至于问题的核心所在,他在平静抒情的著作《告诫》中这般描述: | Some thought he had become unmanageable, and he could give that appearance. But the nub of the matter, as he described it in a calmly lyrical passage of his book, “Caveat”, was this: | |
11 | Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情的德国作家,带着同样的凄凉欲从湮没中打捞出生活和文化。 | Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion. | |
12 | Serpick所听到的新专辑歌曲与Coldplay过去专辑的音乐相比更具粗糙感,同时配合了更加黑暗的歌词意境。 | The tracks Serpick heard were considerably rougher than songs on Coldplay’s past albums, and tackled darker lyrical themes, as well. | |
13 | 艾米阿姆被一些非洲裔美国人看作是“wigga”,尽管有些人因为他的歌词才华而认同他。 | Eminem is considered to some African Americans as a "wigga" . Although some accept him because of his lyrical talent. | |
14 | 爱可以是愉悦的、抒情的、精美的、热烈的、卓绝的,甚至要比吸食任何药物带来的感觉还要强烈。 | Love can be joyous, lyrical , beautiful, passionate, transcendent and more powerful than the high you’d get from any kind of drug. | |
15 | 爱是深情的,性欲是淫荡的。 | Love is lyrical . Lust is lewd. | |
16 | 本书用诗性的、有时充满痛苦的语言讲述了一个男孩在文革期间的成长故事。 | by Han Dong, a lyrical , sometimes painful account of a boy growing up during the cultural revolution. | |
17 | 海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。 | Hayden was an African American poet who managed, in this brief epic, to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices. | |
18 | 建安后期文人创作中抒情方式的拓展 | Expansion of the Lyrical Way in the Scholar’s Creation at the Later Stage of Jian-an | |
19 | 她用富有韵律的简约风格和令人惊讶的生动而活泼的色调创造着充满浓烈心理景象的世界。 | She creates psychologically intense genre scenes of the world around her with lyrical simplicity and a strikingly vivid palette. | |
20 | 论鲍照乐府诗的抒情特质 | On lyrical characteristics of BAO Zhao’s Yuefu poems | |
21 | 论契诃夫抒情心理作品中的时间主题 | On the Time Theme in Chekhov’s Lyrical Psychological Works | |
22 | 罗·弗洛斯特抒情诗中树林的象征 | Symbolic Meanings of Forest in Robert Frost’s Lyrical Poems | |
23 | 麦肯锡咨询公司在最近的一份印度各邦比较中,对古吉拉特邦极尽溢美之词。 | A recent comparison of Indian states by McKinsey, a consultancy, waxed lyrical about Gujarat. | |
24 | 莫扎特能够不断重复他的主题是因为它们充满了抒情的旋律。 | Mozart could afford a more unaltered repetition of his themes because his themes tended to be full-blown lyrical melodies. | |
25 | 南朝与魏晋抒情小赋抒情特色的比较 | Compose lyrical Characteristic in the Southern Dynasties and the Wei Jin Dynasties | |
26 | 浅谈现代小说中的抒情性倾向 | On Lyrical Tendency in Modern Novel | |
27 | 三首浪漫主义抒情诗赏析 | Evaluation of Three Romantic Lyrical Poems on Love | |
28 | 擅长寄情于银色月光的诗人大概是收到了宇宙的某些启示。 | Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something. | |
29 | 生动地再现了1974年菲利普·佩蒂行走在世贸中心(双塔)之间的钢索上的情景。 | A lyrical evocation of Philippe Petit’s 1974 tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers. | |
30 | 声乐艺术表现,首先源自于人的心理感受和心理活动,成为最直接、最抒情、最能表达心理愿望的方法和手段。 | The art of vocality, which is rooted in the inner feeling and mental activities, is the most direct and lyrical way to express one’s wishes. |