属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苹果的未来 不得不进行的改革
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国经济 虚伪的乔治
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-游击战的历史 以弱胜强之道
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国中期选举将至 全民医保项目何去何从?(1)
1 | 便携式立体收录机里正播放一段令人受不了的长达九秒的讲话(玛丽·麦格罗里) | The box has been spitting forth maddening nine-second sound bites(Mary McGrory) | |
2 | 电视机已经整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。 | The box has been spitting forth maddening nine-second sound bites. | |
3 | 对许多企业单位不能平等对待是令人发火的(D.H.劳伦斯) | It was maddening to be unequal to many enterprises(D.H.Lawrence) | |
4 | 而这一切都是因为他轻信了维尔福的许诺,他愈想愈气得发疯,痛恨得在稻草上打滚。 | and all this because he had trusted to Villefort’s promise, the thought was maddening , and Dants threw himself furiously down on his straw | |
5 | 该国的国内政局,再加上这个国家的不安全感,导致了一场叫人受不了的,一味纠缠枝节问题的谈判。 | This country’s domestic politics combined with the insecurity of the nation resulted in a maddening , nitpicking style of negotiation | |
6 | 杰姆身上除了最近出现的怪脾气外,还添上了一副叫人受不了的自作聪明的派头。 | In addition to Jem’s newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom | |
7 | 她很懒惰,真气人 | Her laziness is quite maddening | |
8 | 她喜怒无常能把人气疯。 | Her oscillations in mood are maddening . | |
9 | 然而,以色列的固执尽管十分令人恼火,却最适合我们两国的需要。 | And yet Israel’s obstinacy, maddening as it can be, serves the purposes of both our countries best | |
10 | 使人发狂的官僚主义的混乱状况 | maddening bureaucratic mix-ups. | |
11 | 同样使人恼火的是,好几次梅斯专横地要求补充材料,而那些材料一开始就送给他了。 | Equally maddening was that several times when Mace imperiously demanded extra data, it developed that what was being sought was already in the original submission | |
12 | 我恢复知觉后首先听到的是那无休无止的狂风怒吼… | The first thing I heard when I came to myself was the maddening howling of that endless gale… | |
13 | 我觉得简直烦透了。 | I found it maddening | |
14 | 我们最感痛心的,就是打了十年仗,末了还要吃一阵苦头。 | Our maddening frustration was in fact the final spasm of a decade of struggle | |
15 | 我也沉浸在这个令人发狂的、神异的、使人振奋的地区存在的那种含糊不清、激情和沮丧之中去了。 | I was immersed in the ambiguities, passions, and frustrations of that maddening , heroic, and exhilarating region | |
16 | 喧闹的声音让人心烦。 | The noise was maddening | |
17 | 音乐现在变得急骤了。 | The music became maddening now | |
18 | 在机场上令人恼火的一再拖延 | a maddening delay at the airport. | |
19 | 在漫长而又疯狂的钢琴独奏会场之后,没有一样事情比坐椅子让牙科医生钻牙齿更为令人镇静。 | Nothing soothes me more after a long and maddening course of pianoforte recitals than to sit and have my teeth drilled. | |
20 | 在漫长而又疯狂的钢琴独奏会之后,没有一样事情比坐在椅子上让牙科医生钻牙齿更为镇静。 | Nothing soothe me more after a long and maddening course of pianoforte recital than to sit and have my teeth drill. | |
21 | 这种想法叫人发狂。 | The thought is maddening | |
22 | 真叫人恼火! | Isn’t that maddening ! | |
23 | ||1:但是许多人仍然愿意坚守苹果阵营,继续使用iPhone,甚至是为了苹果的“生态系统”而大手笔地花钱购买Apple Watch。||2:在线服务方面,苹果被认为是落后者,尤其是它粗制滥造的地图服务。||3:它的服务和应用有时候让人抓狂。||4:但是,苹果的媒体商店iTunes,它的活跃用户现在已经飙升超过了8亿,是亚马逊的三倍之多。||5:苹果的软件和服务,包括iTunes、应用Store,来自授权和其他业务的收入等,2013年超过160亿美元,并依然在稳定增长。 | ||1:Still, many are likely to stick with their iPhones and even plunk down the money for an Apple Watch, because of the firm’s ecosystem.||2:Apple is considered a laggard in online offerings, especially since it bungled the launch of its map service.||3:Its services and apps can be maddening .||4:But iTunes, Apple’s media store, now boasts more than 800m active users, three times as many as Amazon’s.||5:Apple’s software and services category, which includes iTunes, its Apps Store, revenue from warranties and other businesses, brought in sales of more than $16 billion in 2013 and is growing steadily. | |
24 | ||1:在计划实施的最大最好时撤离也是极为尴尬的。||2:在大卫·卡梅伦成为首相之前, 他承诺每年减少“成千上万”的净移民。||3:联合政府从来没有放弃这一目标,然而最后净移民达到足以让英国独立党发狂(UKIP-maddening)的 298000且还在上升。||4:因为他们年轻,健康,勤奋进取,新移民促进增长且增加公众的收入。||5:但是净移民会使得国家经济大幅下挫:议会上就宣布了英国全年GDP增长达7.8%,而人均GDP增长却只有4.2%。 | ||1:The biggest and best departure from the blueprint is also the most embarrassing.||2:Before he became prime minister, David Cameron pledged to reduce annual net migration to the “tens of thousands”.||3:The coalition government has never abandoned that goal. Yet at the last count net migration stood at a UKIP-maddening 298,000 and rising.||4:Because they are young, healthy, hardworking and enterprising, immigrants have boosted growth and swelled the public purse.||5:A big fall in net migration would have weighed on the economy: GDP has risen by 7.8% over this parliament; GDP per person is up by only 4.2%. | |
25 | 不像其他问题那样,住房问题让人民发狂是因为在这方面有些简单的措施可以做。 | What makes Britain’s housing squeeze maddening is that, unlike many other problems, something can easily be done about it. | |
26 | 很多文献给都教你如何击败这些令人发狂的敌人。 | Plenty of literature gives advice on how to beat such maddening foes. | |
27 | 在美国,即使是拥有良好保险计划,也恼火于与保险公司打交道。 | Even Americans with good insurance plans find dealing with their providers maddening . | |
28 | 诚然,欧元区决策者正处于一种抓狂的境地。 | To be sure, eurozone policymakers are in a maddening situation. | |
29 | 但工作是紧张的,管理性工作被证明是令人抓狂的,但有些时候,相对于其他日子其回报会更大。 | But the work is stressful, administrative tasks can prove maddening , and some days are more rewarding than others. | |
30 | 但是,巴西那令人发狂的官僚主义、复杂的税收规定以及严重的基础设施问题,令这样的增速无法持续。 | But Brazil’s maddening bureaucracy, complex tax code and severe infrastructure woes make such a clip unsustainable. |