1 | “我舍命不顾一切地爱她--我疯狂地爱她--我愿意用自己生命的血去替她的一滴眼泪--我爱瓦朗蒂娜·维尔福,就是他们现在正在谋害的那个人! | I love most fondly--I love madly --I love as a man who would give his life-blood to spare her a tear--I love Valentine de Villefort, who is being murdered at this moment! | |
2 | 孩子们兴高采烈,在草地上疯跑。 | The children were feeling their oats and running madly in the meadow. | |
3 | 黑暗中,每个人都拼命朝出口挤,乱成一团。 | There was a terrible confusion as everyone struggled madly in the dark towards the exit. | |
4 | 很抱歉我不能亲自管这事,我正忙于准备去美国。 | Sorry not to look after this in person;I’m madly busy getting ready to go to the States. | |
5 | 极其激动(嫉妒). | be madly excited (jealous) | |
6 | 她发疯似地冲出房间。 | She rushed madly out of the room. | |
7 | 她如醉如痴地爱着他 | She’s madly in love with him | |
8 | 她为此所表现的亲切体贴炒地越发疯狂地爱上了她。 | and the gracious spirit with which she did it made him love her more madly than ever | |
9 | 惊恐万状的黄鼠狼,有的钻到桌底下,有的没命地跳窗户! | Well might the terrified weasels dive under the tables and spring madly up at the windows! | |
10 | 科格纳克热情的问候使我们的相互介绍很轻松。他跳上布拉德的腿,又绕圈跑动,拼命地摇晃着全身,想要舔遍布拉德身上的每一个部位。 | Cognac’s enthusiastic greeting made our introductions easy.He jumped up on Brad’s legs and ran in circles, wagging his whole body madly while trying to lick every part of Brad he could. | |
11 | --克罗宁夫人:我希望是明天早上。罗伊在疯狂地爱着。--牧师:妒忌了?--克罗宁夫人:有一点。--牧师:可你喜欢她?--克罗宁夫人:很喜欢。越来越喜欢。 | --Mrs. CRONIN: Tomorrow morning, I expect. Roy’s madly in love.--VICAR: Jealous?--Mrs. CRONIN: A little.--VICAR: But you like her, don’t you?--Mrs. CRONIN: Very much. More every minute | |
12 | 明格拉曾导演过电影,处女作是《真实的、疯狂的、深沉的》,评论界对此有 | Minghella had made films before, debuting with the critically acclaimed though modest Truly Madly Deeply then Crossing the Atlantic for the low-key and unremarkable romance Mr Wonderful | |
13 | 人们疯了似的抢着往隐蔽处跑。 | People were scrambling madly for shelter | |
14 | 他发疯似地冲出了房间。 | He rushed madly out of the room. | |
15 | 他发狂地在破坏他那煞费苦心制成的机器。 | He was madly destroying the machine which had cost him so much pains to build. | |
16 | 他非常激动。 | He is madly excited | |
17 | 他疯狂地挥动球棒。 | He flailed about madly with a baseball bat. | |
18 | 他猛地骑上马背、疯狂地向四面八方奔驰去了。 | He fling himself upon his horse and ride madly off in all directions. | |
19 | 他为什么这样疯疯癫癫的? | Why did he act so madly ? | |
20 | 维尔福的额头上直冒冷汗,他的双腿发抖,各种不祥的念头在他的脑子里乱转。 | his legs trembled, and his thoughts flew about madly in his brain like the wheels of a disordered watch | |
21 | 我爱她爱得发狂 | I’m madly in love with her | |
22 | 我发疯般地盼着你的来信,而你的手迹弄得我心儿剧跳,仿佛我还是个中学生。 | I look forward to your letters almost madly , and your handwriting makes my heart beat as if I were a schoolgirl | |
23 | 我疯狂地爱着她。 | I’m madly in love with her. | |
24 | 妖魔巨大的身躯使得豆茎猛烈晃动 | Madly the beanstalk tottered and swayed under the ogre’s weight | |
25 | 因为,如果按照他们所希望的豪华程度举办一次午宴的话,那么就只有那座实际并不存在,却有不少人垂涎三尺的富丽堂皇的公馆才容纳得下。 | Because a dinner on the desired scale of sumptuosity cannot be achieved within less limits than those of the non-existent palatial residence of which so many people are madly envious. | |
26 | 因为爬高跳低,像野马一样到处疯跑,衣服上滚得一身泥,把玩具拆得七零八碎,在水里泥鳅一样游来钻去......这些都是属于男孩子的特权. | Because of climbing high and jumping low, running madly around like a wild horse, with clothes covered in mud, breaking and scattering toys, in the water, swimming in and out like an eel...are all part of a boy’s prerogatives. | |
27 | 有奇美的风俗“姑娘追”、“叼羊赛” | There are many interesting customs such as girls’chase and buzgashi which is a game where horse riders dash madly about trying to keep possession of a headless lamb | |
28 | 喻人行为粗鲁笨拙 | Like a bull in a china shop; dash around madly | |
29 | 种种宗教,都在性问题的周围疯狂地团团转。 | Religions revolve madly round sexual questions. | |
30 | ||1:虽然戈德利·韦恩的出生背景会让人误以为是特权阶层,但其实是模糊不清的。||2:他的祖父基尔布拉肯一世虽曾是自由党首相格莱斯顿的门生,却是个保守派;||3:而他的父亲基尔布拉肯二世休·戈德利也是一名保守党成员,疯狂爱上了另一位自由党首相的女儿维尔莉特·阿斯奎思。休·戈德利大约在韦恩出生后就与韦恩的母亲分居,是一个性欲低下者、反犹太者、嗜酒者。||4:当韦恩还是一个孩子的时候,他妈妈在他面前展示她的裸体,并会告诉他她从性爱中获得的强烈快感。可是,成长至17岁的戈德利·韦恩先生尚不知女性是有阴道的。 | ||1:His background, though it might misleadingly be called privileged, was mixed up. ||2:The first Lord Kilbracken had been a protégé of a Liberal prime minister, Gladstone, but was a Conservative; ||3:and the second, Wynne’s father Hugh, also a Tory, had been madly in love with Violet Asquith, the daughter of another Liberal prime minister. Hugh separated from Wynne’s mother about the time he was born, and was impotent, anti-Semitic and alcoholic. ||4:Wynne’s mother paraded naked in front of him and would tell him, as a child, of the intense pleasure she got from sexual intercourse. But he reached the age of 17 not knowing that women had vaginas. |