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1 | “花童”与“麦当娜”―对棉棉、卫慧抄袭纷争的透视 | "Flower Girl" and "Madonna ": A Perspective into the Dispute of Plagiarism between Wei Hui and Mian Mian | |
2 | “这很大程度上是因为我这样做不是为了让自己更出名,也不是为了赚更多的钱,更不是因为我觉得这样很酷。我这样做完全是因为我想把自己知道的一些东西与孩子们一起分享。”麦当娜说。 | "”A lot of it has to do with the fact I’m not doing it to become more famous, and I’m not doing it to become richer. I’m not doing it because I think it’s cool,” Madonna said. “I’m doing it because I want to share something I know with children.” " | |
3 | 祭坛上有一座圣母马利亚的雕像 | There was a madonna on the altar | |
4 | 看看迈克尔·乔丹和麦当娜吧,再看看比尔·盖茨,他退出了哈佛,建立了微软,他现在是全美最富的人,而他才30多岁。 | Look at Michael Jordan and Madonna . Even Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard, founded Microsoft; he is now the richest man in America, and he’s still in his 30s. | |
5 | 麦当娜还说养育两个孩子的经历对她产生了很深的影响,卢尔德6岁,罗科3岁。 | Madonna also said she was profoundly influenced by the experience of raising two children, Lourdes, 6, and Rocco, 3. | |
6 | 麦当娜说:“世界上有一种赋予生命的力量。当我们远离这种力量时,我们的生活就会陷入混乱、痛苦和磨难。” | "”There is one life-giving force in the world,” Madonna declared. “When we disconnect from this life-giving force, that’s when we bring chaos and pain and suffering into our lives. .” " | |
7 | 麦当娜说为孩子们写书比做流行歌后或电影明星更有成就感。 | Madonna says writing children’s books is more fulfilling than being a pop chart queen or a movie star. | |
8 | 美国歌星麦当娜的忠实追随者们如果最近上过www.madonna.com这个网站的话,肯定大吃一惊。 | Unsuspecting fans of madonna would until recently have got a shock if they had linked to www.madonna.com | |
9 | 米兰一间教堂的牧师们发现一对南美夫妇对教堂里圣母雕像的兴趣在于电荷而不是其精神感应力,这才知道他们并非是为雕像所感召。 | Priests thought a young South American couple were devoted to a Madonna statue in their local church until they realized the pair were more interested in the effigy’s electrical charge than its spiritual vibe | |
10 | 那幅有砍痕的圣母画像摆在歇洛克?福尔摩斯的办公桌上,它的一脸胡子的主人则满面恕容几乎一言不发。 | The bearded owner of the slashed Madonna , which itself was reposing on Sherlock Holmes’desk, was almost speechless with rage | |
11 | 圣母像基督教艺术中圣母玛利亚的画像。圣母像一般伴有圣婴耶稣,但也有单独画玛利亚一人的。拜占庭艺术第一个发展一系列的圣母像--圣母怀抱圣婴坐在宝座上的形象、圣母当调解人的画像和圣母哺喂圣婴的画像等。 | "Madonna In Christian art, a depiction of the Virgin Mary. Though often shown with the infant Jesus, the Madonna (Italian: "My lady")may also be represented alone. Byzantine art was the first to develop a set of Madonna types-the Madonna and child enthroned, the Madonna as intercessor, the Madonna nursing the child, and so on. " | |
12 | 西方艺术在中世纪时采用并增加了拜占庭圣母像形式,所画的圣母像主要是表现出她的美和慈悲以鼓舞宗教热情。在文艺复兴时期和巴洛克时期,最盛行的圣母像是圣母预见了基督将被钉死于十字架上,于是在远处哀伤地看着正在玩耍的耶稣。 | Western art adapted and added to the Byzantine types during the Middle Ages, producing images of the Virgin that sought to inspire piety through beauty and tenderness. In the Renaissance and Baroque periods, the most popular image of the Madonna foreshadowed the crucifixion, showing the Virgin looking gravely away from the playful child. | |
13 | 现代的意大利人仍然特别喜欢这样的圣徒,更不用说哭泣的《圣母像》、长头发的耶稣受难像和会说话的圣物了。 | Modern Italians still have a weakness for such saints, not to mention weeping statues of the Madonna , crucifixes that sprout hair, and relics that talk | |
14 | 一个多月以来,这对年轻夫妇定期来到这间教堂,全神贯注地在圣母像前坐上一个小时,然后默默地离开。 | The young couple were regular visitors to the Milan church for more than a month and spent an hour sitting attentively in front of the madonna before silently departing | |
15 | 仔细检查才弄清他们是在用照亮圣母像的电灯插座给手机充电。 | Closer examination revealed the visitors were using the electricity socket used to light up the madonna to charge their mobile phone | |
16 | ||1:《蒙娜丽莎》已成为世界上最著名的画作。||2:达·芬奇作品《维特鲁威人》是世界上最著名的素描。||3:这是否使他成为西方历史上最伟大的艺术家?||4:即使是他花了一生的时间研究达·芬奇成就的坎普教授,也不愿说得太满,反而强调这位托斯卡纳大师对其他画家的巨大影响。||5:“如果你要找的是一个同样能改变艺术潮流的人,那么你就得继续寻找直到找到毕加索,”坎普教授如此表示。||6:达·芬奇彻底改变了《圣母子》的构图,改变了叙事题材的刻画和肖像的构图方式。||7:在佛罗伦萨雪城大学教授艺术史的乔纳森?纳尔逊指出,他也是第一个赋予女性逼真身体的艺术家,“具有解剖学上可辨认的肌肉特征,但看上去柔软而女性化”。 | ||1:The “Mona Lisa” has become the world’s best-known painting.||2:Da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” is the world’s best-known drawing.||3:Does that make him the greatest artist in the Western tradition?||4:Even Professor Kemp, who has spent a lifetime studying da Vinci’s achievements, hesitates to go that far, stressing instead the Tuscan master’s huge influence on other painters.||5:“If you were looking for someone who did as much to divert the stream of art, then you would have to keep searching until you came to Picasso,” he says.||6:Da Vinci revolutionised Madonna and Child compositions, and altered the portrayal of narrative subjects and the way portraits were composed.||7:Jonathan Nelson, who teaches art history at Syracuse University in Florence, notes that he was also the first artist to give women realistic bodies “with anatomically identifiable musculatures, but looking soft and feminine”. | |
17 | ||1:该品牌的广告乘着反文化浪潮,利用其酷和自由象征的地位象征。||2:玛丽莲·梦露穿过李维斯;安迪·沃霍尔使其成为经典。||3:甚至有人看到阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦穿着李维斯的短夹克。||4:很多名人都穿过李维斯的牛仔裤——包括帕蒂·史密斯、麦当娜和碧昂丝——这些牛仔裤摆满了画廊跨越了几十年的而时间跨度。 | ||1:The brand’s advertising rode the countercultural wave, capitalising on its status as a badge of coolness and freedom.||2:Marilyn Monroe wore Levi’s; Andy Warhol immortalised them.||3:Even Albert Einstein was spotted in a Levi’s bomber jacket.||4:Jeans that graced the haunches of the famous—including Patti Smith, Madonna and Beyoncé—?ll the gallery and span the decades. | |
18 | 粉丝和支持者包括安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、大卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)和画廊老板拉里·高古轩(Larry Gagosian)。波斯奎特有个时期的女朋友是歌星麦当娜。 | Fans and supporters included Andy Warhol, David Bowie and gallery owner Larry Gagosian. At one time, Basquiat’s girlfriend was music star Madonna . | |
19 | “你能听到麦当娜唱印度歌曲,”布朗说 | "You have Madonna singing about India, " Brown says. | |
20 | “物欲女孩”由麦当娜、Lourdes及Iconix集团旗下的室内时尚部门合资组建。 | Material Girl is a joint venture between Madonna , Lourdes and the Iconix Brand Group’s in-house fashion department. | |
21 | 《阁楼》偶尔也刊载知名女性的裸体照,其中就有麦当娜。 | Penthouse occasionally ran nude layouts of well-known women, including Madonna . | |
22 | 1984年11月:麦当娜发行专辑《像个淑女》,以销量2100万荣登排行榜榜首。 | November 1984: Madonna releases Like a Virgin, which ultimately will go "double diamond" with sales of twenty-one million. | |
23 | 1985版的封面主题是麦当娜,这张照片是在她成名的前几年拍摄的。 | This 1985 issue featured nude photos of Madonna , taken years earlier before she became famous. | |
24 | CamillePaglia称赞她为自从麦当娜以来,女权主义的最大进步。 | Camille Paglia hails her as the biggest step forward for feminism since Madonna . | |
25 | MichaelJackson和Madonna为不知名的可乐公司做代言,也引起了争议。 | Michael Jackson and Madonna were also controversial spokespeople for the edgier cola. | |
26 | 按照青少年的话语,如果像麦当娜和詹妮弗.洛佩兹这些明星是巨星,并不是因为她的体格,而是因为她的知名度。 | IN TEENSPEAK, if a star such as Madonna or J. Lo is huge, that is a reference not to her size but to her popularity. | |
27 | 背后的他是一个不堪听到埃尔维斯仍在他之上,不屑麦当娜在他未曾获格莱美时已经荣膺的男人。 | Behind it was a man who could not bear to hear that Elvis still surpassed him, or that Madonna had won a Grammy when he hadn’t. | |
28 | 比起女权主义者,麦当娜对性有一个更加深远的认识。 | Madonna has a far profounder vision of sex than do the feminists. | |
29 | 不止是麦当娜这样的名人可以做,瑜伽是每种水平每个人都适合做的。 | It’s not just for celebs like Madonna , Yoga can be done by anyone at any level. | |
30 | 布兰妮和麦当娜这么做了;思嘉丽约翰逊和桑德拉布洛克也这么做了。 | Britney and Madonna did it; so did Scarlett Johansson and Sandra Bullock. |