1 | "雅典奥运组委会主席吉阿娜·安吉洛普洛斯·达斯卡拉奇说:""我们相信我们会举办一个’神奇’的奥运会。" | "We believe that we will organize a ’magical ’ Games,"" said athens 2004 President Gianna angelopoulos-Daskalaki. " | |
2 | “808”魔带,运用先进的科学原理,药效直达您的肺腑,治标治本,多年隐患,一带了之。 | 808 Magic belt, manufactured on the advanced scientific principle, gets its magical effect right into your body to relieve the primary and secondary symptoms at the same time. It can effectively remove your years’ hidden trouble. | |
3 | “六神丸”是中国传统中药,疗效显著,被中外人士誉为“创世纪产品”。 | Liu Shen Wan (Pill of Six Ingredients with Magical Effects)is a traditional Chinese medicine with marked curative effect and has been praised as an "epoch-making product" by people at home and abroad. | |
4 | “瞎胡闹?”娜塔丽说,“我正觉得有点神奇呢。” | "idiotic?" Natalie said. "I was just deciding it’s rather magical | |
5 | 〞小精灵:一种被认为具有魔力的,经常恶作剧的小动物.〞 | elf:a small, often mischievous creature considered to have magical powers. | |
6 | 爱不是同某个特定的人的一次性交易,虽然具体每个人都有不同的方式。 | Love is not a one-shot deal connected to a single magical person, although with certain people it takes a unique form | |
7 | 爱情神奇而微妙,只有大家都记住男女之间的差异,爱情才会永恒。 | Love is magical , and it can last if we remember our differences. | |
8 | 安菲翁: 宙斯之子,泽萨斯的孪生兄弟,曾用其七弦竖琴的魔力把石头变成底比斯城墙。 | amphion: The son of Zeus and the twin brother of Zethus, with whom he built a wall around Thebes by charming the stones into place with the music of his magical lyre. | |
9 | 芭蕾舞演员迷人的表演 | a magical performance of the ballet. | |
10 | 拜物教,物神崇拜崇拜或相信有魔力的物神 | Worship of or belief in magical fetishes. | |
11 | 被认为有魔力的举动或话语. | An action or formula thought to have magical power. | |
12 | 并把这种心态体现在各种民间舞蹈之中(它更具神化色彩和想象力)。 | This kind of spirit is represented in all kinds of dances and becomes more magical and imaginative. | |
13 | 禅师法海认为他们的结合违反传统婚姻,伤风败俗,他气急败坏。于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。 | Fahai, a Buddhist monk, regarded their union as a violation of the conventions regarding marriage and an example of moral degeneration. Much enraged, he sent officers and soldiers from the heaven, who captured White Snake, and using magical powers he himself incarcerated White Snake underneath a pagoda. | |
14 | 除了背景的感人情景外,还有电影摄影机的使用,有时候摄影机好像变魔术似的。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera, which at times seems magical . | |
15 | 除了背景的感人情景外,还有电影摄影机的使用,有时候摄影机好像变魔术似的。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera, which at times seems magical . | |
16 | 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧时时显出不可思议的效果。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings,there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical . | |
17 | 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical | |
18 | 从我们的窗户里可以看到海湾里平静海水的迷人景色。 | We can see a magical view over the calm water of the bay from our window | |
19 | 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡 | When achilles was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. | |
20 | 迪斯尼的米奇老鼠 | Disney’’s Magical Quest Starring Mickey and Minnie | |
21 | 法术被认为有魔力的举动或话语 | An action or formula thought to have magical power. | |
22 | 共同制作人阿伦华纳这么说:“我们想象出一个奇幻的世界,你可以沉浸在其中,""每一棵树上的每一片叶子都会动,泥土会动,灰尘滚滚……有空气的感觉,道具彷佛有重量感。 | "We envisioned a magical environment that you could immerse yourself in," says co-producer Aron Warner. "Every leaf on every tree moves, the dirt moves, the dust rolls ... there’s a sense of atmosphere, a sense of weight to the props | |
23 | 过了一段时间,我不再四处打听赠花的人是谁,而是尽情欣赏着那朵用柔软的粉红色纸包着纯白无比的栀子花,欣赏它的美丽,陶醉于那浓郁的香气。 | After a whole I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical , perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper | |
24 | 海湾里平静海水的迷人景色 | A magical view over the calm waters of the bay | |
25 | 或如夏夜之向明月吐诉衷曲,抒发着一缕摄人心魄的细细幽情。 | Or the wooing of a moonbeam by the June night, had in it a most magical sweet passion | |
26 | 戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。 | Giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina. | |
27 | 金星上的女人们张开双臂迎接他们的到来。火星男人与金星女人之间的爱情--真是奇妙。 | The Venusians welcomed the Martians with open arms. The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical . | |
28 | 尽管纹身可能具有表明身分、等级、资格及渴望避免疾病和灾难的发生等作用,但是纹身本身所具有的装饰作用可能是导致此行为最普遍的动机。 | Decoration is perhaps the most common motive, though designs may also serve to identify rank, status, or membership and are thought by some to provide magical protection against sickness or misfortune. | |
29 | 雷克雅未克是冰岛的首府,夜半不落的太阳或冰与火交织而成的神奇景观成为冰岛特色的一部分。 | Reykiavk, the capital of iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire | |
30 | 灵宝净明新修九老神印伏魔秘法序 | Preface to the Secret Skills for Subduing Demons from the Nine Elders’ Newly-Carved Magical Seals of the Numinous Treasure’s Pure Brightness |