属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
1 | "新英格兰的人们!"他的声音高昂、庄严而雄浑,一直越过他们的头顶,但其中始终夹杂着颤抖,有时甚至是尖叫,因为那声音是从痛苦与悔恨的无底深渊中挣扎出来的 | "People of New England!"" cried he, with a voice that rose over them, high, solemn, and majestic -yet had always a tremor through it, and sometimes a shriek, struggling up out of a fathomless depth of remorse and woe-" | |
2 | (似)女王的;适合女王的;堂皇的 | Of,like or suitable for a queen;majestic | |
3 | “早晨好,约翰爵士。”这样的称呼使马洛特村那位满身尘土、衣着褴褛的小贩约翰·德比菲尔感到莫名其妙,但当他得知自己实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔时,顿时变得高傲起来。 | Good morning, Sir John. The bewilderment of a dusty, threadbare peddler thus addressed was speedily converted into a majestic pride upon learning that he, John Durbeyfield of Marlott, was actually a lineal descendant of the noble family of D’Urberville. | |
4 | 本区豪宅林立,幢幢富丽堂皇。 | Our district is forested with luxurious buildings, and every one is in majestic splendor. | |
5 | 苍苍的暮色和爱敦希思的景物,共同联合起来造出一种风光,堂皇而不严峻,感人而无粉饰,有深远的警戒性,有浑厚的淳朴性。 | Twilight combined with the scenery of Egdon Heath to evolve a thing majestic without severity, impressive without showiness, emphatic in its admonitions, grandiose simplicity | |
6 | 从古代起,书法便有多种门派出现。颜真卿(709年至785年)的书法圆劲苍古,运笔遒劲,给人一种端庄雄伟之感。 | Well, a great variety of calligraphic schools have evolved since ancient times. The style of Yah Zhenqing (709-785), for example, is characterized by thick, hard, square characters, producing a steady and majestic effect. | |
7 | 大桥巍然横跨在江上。 | The bridge stands majestic astride the river | |
8 | 但是,他的本性非常仁厚,资质十分敏慧,腾格拉尔先生曾向我说过,他的财产真是‘壮观’--那可是他的话。” | Besides, he gives evidence of great kindness of disposition, much keenness of wit, and as to suitability, M. Danglars assures me that his fortune is majestic --that is his word." | |
9 | 当她从弥漫一片的硝烟中出现时,只见船头下浪花翻滚,舰旗迎风飞舞,三角旗随风飘拂,帆篷鼓满微风,红色夹金色的船楼鲜艳夺目。此时,"瓦萨"号所呈现的壮观乃是斯德哥尔摩人以前从未见过的。 | As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with color, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before. | |
10 | 当太阳灿烂地照射着雄伟的积雪顶,或者当月光轻柔装饰着它时,呈现出的那一片美景确是罕见的、迷人的。 | There is a strange and fascinating beauty and charm about a majestic snow-peak with the sun blazing upon it or the moonlight softly enriching it | |
11 | 而且,在隆重的典礼仪式中,把欢欣的消遣同庄重结合起来,就象国民在这种节日穿戴的大礼服上饰以光怪陆离的刺绣一样,也就没什么不实际的了。 | Nor would it have been impracticable, in the observance of majestic ceremonies, to combine mirthful recreation with solemnity, and give, as it were, a grotesque and brilliant embroidery to the great robe of state, which a nation, at such festivals, puts on. | |
12 | 富丽堂皇的家具,给人富丽堂皇的感觉。 | The furniture in majestic splendor strikes people as gorgeous. | |
13 | 高贵的属于,相似于或适合于国王的;庄严的和高贵的 | Of,like,or befitting a king;majestic and regal. | |
14 | 建筑师经常在已存在的建筑物正面增加希腊式的柱子,银行和公共机构模仿多立斯神庙的建筑。 | Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples | |
15 | 她去到庄严宏伟的杜利亚-帕姆菲利别墅,它是爱好奢华的王公们以及主教们和红衣主教们的夏季行宫。 | She went to the Villa Doria-Pamphili, majestic and pompous, the fitting summer-house of princes in gorgeous habit, and bishops and cardinals | |
16 | 她正挺直着身子站在他身边,神情严肃,沉静,自制。 | She was standing by him at her full height, in quiet majestic self-possession | |
17 | 静谧而浩瀚的苍穹,高高地悬挂着那庄严而 | High in the smooth ocean of sky floated a dazzling, majestic sun. Fragments of powdery cloud, like spray flung from a wave crest, sprinkled the radiant, like-blue heaven | |
18 | 静谧而浩瀚的苍穹,高高地悬挂着那庄严而刺眼的太阳。在那蔚蓝的天空中,撒着缕缕的浮云,宛如喷出浪峰的薄雾 | High in the smooth ocean of sky floated a dazzling, majestic sun.Fragments of powdery cloud,like spray flung from a wave crest, sprinkled the radiant, like-blue heaven | |
19 | 瞿塘峡雄奇险峻。 | Qutang Gorge is celebrated for its majestic steep crags on both banks of the river. | |
20 | 开幕兴闭幕都是用隆重的仪式来完成的。 | Openings and closings were all accomplished with majestic rituality. | |
21 | 阆风岩,是七星岩的最东峰,岩高耸如削,与玉屏岩之西峰对峙,气势雄伟。 | The easternmost of the seven crags is named Liang’Feng or Bracing Breezes. Facing Yu’Ping or Jade Screen to the west, it is a towering, precipitous crag with a majestic outline | |
22 | 女王般的女王的、似女王的或适于女王的;高贵庄严的 | Of,resembling,or befitting a queen;majestic and regal. | |
23 | 气势宏伟的阿尔卑斯山。 | the majestic Alps | |
24 | 气势雄伟的喜马拉雅山. | the majestic Himalayas | |
25 | 请问皇家剧场上演什么? | What’s on at Majestic Theater? | |
26 | 全曲意境深邃,大气磅礴,结构谨严。 | There is a profound range of feeling in this piece, which incorporates a majestic spirit within a tightly knit composition. | |
27 | 然而,尽管那声音有时变得很威严,但其中始终有一种娓娓动听的本色。 | And yet, majestic as the voice sometimes became, there was for ever in it an essential character of plaintiveness; | |
28 | 人们说:“不到阿里山,不能领悟崇山峻岭的神奇;不到阿里山,不知台湾的美丽、伟大。” | Many people say that If one has not been to Mount Ali he will not realize what magic spell a steep towering mountain can cast on the beholder and that he will not be able to realize how beautiful and majestic the island of Taiwan is | |
29 | 日喀则的 | Many laboring movements are found in the "Zhoi" dance in Xigaze, which is majestic and requires a lot of skills. | |
30 | 首先,巴罗克时期大致是在17世纪至18世纪50年代之间。与同时代的其他艺术如建筑和绘画一样,此时的音乐特点是华丽、恢宏。 | Well, the period from about 1600 to 1750 is known as the baroque era. Music, like the architecture and painting of the time, was .majestic and designed on a grand scale. |